Hypersoldier's Cardboard Armor

Closeup of the top half. Still need to add a little more detail on the armpieces, but they're pretty much done shapewise. Lower half of the armour? I need to find a way to fasten it, it's being held together with a bit of tape and a hairclip. Also need to add a bit more thickness/detailto the back/butt bit, which is currently only one piece of card. The chest... hoo boy. What I've got there was made copying a technique I found for making dummies - it's a gum-paper-tape 'cast'. I'm planning on building over the whole lot the same way I've built up the rest of the armour.
Halo ©Bungie Studios and Microsoft.
All photos contained herein are © Hypersoldier and may NOT be used on any other site or for any other purpose without the consent of the artist. They are used here with permission.