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Search results for EdgeN

Showing results 1 - 12 of 12 matches

December 23, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Stats on your iPhone
appSafari.com has a small web app you can use to check your Halo 3 Stats from your iPhone. Take a look! (You can use it from any browser, actually, but it's formatted nicely to fit an iPhone screen.) Update: Rob, from myedgenet, wanted us to clarify that the app was not created by appSafari, but by him. (I thought it was pretty clear that appSafari was just an aggregator, but maybe not.) (Louis Wu 15:56:04 UTC)

April 29, 2006 Link to this post

The Heretic Teaser
The team that brought you The Codex series last year has released an Announcement Teaser for The Heretic, an upcoming series. Spectacular editing work, married to pristine camera handling, all bundled up with a gorgeous new piece from Edgen, called 'Halo - The Heretic' - this one should SERIOUSLY whet your appetite. Grab it in QuickTime or WMP9 formats from The Heretic website. If you love the music as much as we do, Edgen has given us permission to host a copy of it, in MP3 format - 2.3 mb. (And if you want to check out more of Edgen's work, visit his portfolio reel - there's some amazing stuff in there.) Comments (on either The Heretic, or its music) can be added to Nerrolken's forum thread. (Louis Wu 00:21:09 UTC)

November 26, 2005 Link to this post

Halo: Portable Update
Mintz writes to point out a bunch of new content at Halo: Portable - articles from MLGPro.com, Bungie.net, Gamertag Radio, and even Mintz's own story of getting an Xbox360 (originally posted on our forum). You'll also find a nice pack of Edgen's Halo MP3s, for when you'd rather use your ears than your eyes. Go grab some Halo stuff for your PSP today! (Louis Wu 14:05:32 UTC)

October 20, 2005 Link to this post

Halo: The Spartans, from Edgen
Justin Durban, otherwise known as Edgen, has created quite a bit of Halo music over the years. When he heard that Peter Jackson was going to be working with the Halo movie project, he got pretty excited, and was inspired to create a new piece. Halo: The Spartans (8.6 mb, mp3 format) is a beautiful look at what a Halo movie score might sound like. We're hosting it with Justin's permission - grab a copy and give it a listen! Thanks to GreyThor for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:43:26 UTC)

November 7, 2004 Link to this post

Now that's a BOATLOAD of music.
Thanks to eaglesquad, who pointed out that the Homefront team has released their entire soundtrack, work by Justin Durban, aka EdgeN (if the name doesn't sound familiar, you haven't been following the Halo fan music scene). It's 26 tracks of music, 90 minutes in all, and fits into two nearly 100 mb downloads (each) off of Fileplanet. Visit the Homefront website for links! (Louis Wu 15:36:00 UTC)

August 29, 2004 Link to this post

More Transcribed Halo Music
Poop Scoop has transcribed another trio of Halo music pieces - 'The Maw', 'On a Pale Horse', and Edgen's 'Halo: Master and Chief' - and put up the sheet music (in pdf format), a midi version, and a Finale file for each piece. You can find all of this over at Rampancy.net. Nice! Update: I forgot; you won't see a 'download' link on the individual pages unless you're logged in. (Registration is free.) (Louis Wu 15:14:28 UTC)

June 7, 2004 Link to this post

The War of the Worlds, Halo-style
Gre'Thor117 created a Halo movie for an English class; got a pretty good grade. It didn't meet our posting guidelines, but SancheztheLlama was kind enough to host it. It's 10.1 mb, in QuickTime format. Footage from the first two Halo 2 trailers, combined with overlain text and Edgen music. You can grab it on STL.com. Update: wow, looks like this was pretty popular. CJ has run out of bandwidth, and has taken it down. Sorry! (Louis Wu 12:41:26 UTC)

December 22, 2003 Link to this post

Master and Chief - the movie
Gre'Thor117 submitted a new film; it splices concept art and Halo 2 footage together with EdgeN's recent Halo music in a pleasing manner. It's entitled 'Halo: Master and Chief' (just like the soundtrack it uses), weighs in at 8.7 mb in WMP9 format, and is being graciously hosted by Coerce.net (look for big things coming from them soon). (Louis Wu 19:28:35 UTC)

December 16, 2003 Link to this post

Halo - Master and Chief
You might recognize the name Justin Durban. In the past year or so, he's put together some pretty impressive Halo music... and now there's more. Just posted this morning on his website is a piece called 'Halo - Master and Chief', and here's what Justin has to say about it:

Ahhh.. the sweet radar of the familar opening choral chant to HALO sparked my inspiration to do this track. Full of energy, no room to breath and hopefully glorifies the magnificance of this wonderful game. Thanks to my brother who helped me come up with the name. He was staring at this plaster cruise ship hanging above our fireplace at the time and reminded him of a Naval Sea battle based around Master and Commander. So.. ya. what a better name.. The main character to HALO is a soldier simply titled, "Master Chief". I can't wait for HALO 2! Original score by Marty O'Donnell.

You can now download this piece here (with Justin's blessing), as well as from Edgen Animations - it's a 3 mb mp3, and it's beautiful. Thanks to Gre'Thor117 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 03:45:53 UTC)

May 27, 2003 Link to this post

Now THAT'S some cool music.
Last year, Justin Durban turned in a pair of pretty nice pieces of music based on the halo theme (here and here). He's done it again - today we got a copy of Ruined Desert, a 5.4 mb mp3. Here's what Justin says about it:

This one gives it a small bit of an ethnic feel. I'm imagining a desert scene inside a HUGE sandlike temple. Almost if it was back in the day of Caesar and the Romans. Or even the ancient Egyptian times. Perhaps a gladiator type arena fight and preparation?

Of course, I have to thank Marty O'Donnell again for creating a kickass soundtrack and inspirational music.

Go grab a copy, and see what you think. I can see the dunes now... (Louis Wu 00:32:34 UTC)

November 12, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Fan Music Rocks.
Wow. Justin Durban, who turned in a pretty cool reworking of the Halo theme about 6 weeks ago, has spoken again. Justin says:

Its hard to describe this one is like. I guess you'll just have to hear it. Basically the theme comes in and out and is even modified to a point. Perhaps Marty will do the same with his score.

It starts quietly, and builds to a beautiful finale - this is three and a half minutes of beauty. It weighs in at just under 5 megs... if you're a fan of the Halo 2 theme, you should grab this piece. (You can check out more of Justin's work at Edgen Animations, if you like what you hear.) (Louis Wu 09:10:03 UTC)

September 29, 2002 Link to this post

From classic music comes classic fan art
Whoa. It really is time to get a 'Halo Fan Music' section set up; we've just gotten another entry. This one comes from Justin R. Durban, of Edgen Animations. It's a 2:36 long .mp3, weighing in at a bit under 2 and a half megs... and it's beautiful. (Very martial.) Justin says:

I played the game for the first time last weekend for about 3 days straight and pretty much got inspired to write my own version of the halo theme. I'd love for your fans to use this track in one of their "fan made trailers" / movie montages. You have my permission to use it however you like.

Full credit is given to Marty O'Donnell for the basis of this piece. Go grab your copy now! (If you have trouble getting it here (you shouldn't, but things happen), you can find a copy on Justin's server, too.) (Louis Wu 19:48:30 UTC)

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