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![]() An HBO Contest Thanks to the kind folks at the Arbuthnot Entertainment Group (a PR firm that works with Microsoft to promote Halo, among other things), we've got a special treat for you - 5 copies of the special-edition Halo 2 Calendar are up for grabs! The rules are simple: Choose the type of panel you'd like to submit, use the AutoMagic 117 StripzMaker to create a URL for your masterpiece, and paste it into the proper field below. Be sure you tell us which type you're aiming for. You can submit as many entries as you like, and they can be for any (or all) of the strip types. You MUST fill in all information on all forms you submit; forms with unusable information will be discarded. (This means that if you submit 100 panels, you need to make sure that all 100 entries have your full mailing address and a valid email address; any that don't will get tossed, even though we've seen your info on 99 other forms.) The contest is open until 5:07 pm, UTC on Monday, April 12. If you're not sure what time 17:07 UTC translates to in your timezone, use this page. Winners will be chosen as follows: Each of the three categories will have a single winner picked by the judges (Louis Wu, Stuntmutt, and BOLL). Additionally, every individual entering a panel will receive a single ballot (regardless of how many panels that person submits) - and two winners will be chosen at random from all eligible ballots. We're not gonna go crazy trying to police this one... but if we find a panel that's already been submitted on our forum in this contest, the entry will get tossed. Original entries only, please. (This also means do NOT post your entries on the forum before the contest ends; we will toss all entries we see anywhere but in our database.) The good news - the contest is open to ANYONE, ANYWHERE, with the exception of the three judges. Thanks to AEG, we can have these calendars shipped internationally, so if you live in Timbuktu, and you win... we'll ship you a prize. Types of Entries:
If you forget to tell us which of these three types you're doing, we'll toss your entry. If you submit an entry that makes no sense in the category you've listed, we'll toss your entry. If we don't like the way your name sounds, we'll toss your entry. (Well, okay, that last one isn't true. But the other two are. Like we said - time is of the essence here, and we're not gonna futz around with people who can't be bothered to make sure their entries make sense... we'll just give the calendars to someone else.) And just to whet your whistle, here are a couple of pictures of what you're competing for:
Click for larger view Fill this form in completely:Put 1, 2, or 3 in the 'Type' field (corresponding to the three types listed above) or your entry will be discarded! The contest is now closed. Winners are listed here. |
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