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Fan Fiction

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Space Tactics
Posted By: romac1991<bobbyhill@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 June 2004, 11:26 PM

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[bold]Ninth Age of Reclamation/ Fourth Cycle/ 67 Units
Covenant Invasion Headquarters/ Covenant Flagship "Swift Justice"/
In high orbit above Earth[/bold]

      Ronay 'Ranazee stood shamefully in front of the Prophet. The spotlight was bearing down on him and seemed to burn his skin.

      "You let the humans escape with very, very precious information. Including where Jy'ron'a is." The Prophet announced from the darkness

      "Your Excellency...I..I.." The Elite stammered.

      "No", the Commanding Prophet said flatly.

"      My decision is final, you are to be executed. But you do not deserve a warrior's death, no. I have something special for you. You are to be tied up and thrown towards the Human "Earth" and you will perish as you hit the filthy planet. ," The Prophet said malevolently. The Elite's eyes widened, and he tried to say something but he was grabbed by a pair of Gold Elites and dragged through the chamber door. When the doors had closed and the room was once again dark, the Prophet spoke.

      "Re'te'roo?" The Prophet asked. The massive Juggernaut appeared out of his dark hiding place. He was huge even for his species standards, reaching a towering height of five units.

      "Yes Excellency?" The Juggernaut grunted in it's own language.

      "The Test-Unit that was sent to eliminate the Infidels were slaughtered, but they did take two of the Green Humans with them," The Prophet replied.

      "Guessing from the information they now have thanks to Ronay 'Ranazee, they will probably initiate a strike on Jy'ron'a. You and your Advanced Strike Team are to stop the Infidels from coming anywhere near the Holy Planet. One member of the Test-Unit tagged one of the Green Humans before being killed. Hopefully that particular Infidel didn't die and will lead us to wherever they are going." The Prophet told the beast.

      "Tell your Team that you are to leave in five units," The Prophet said.

      "Yes your Excellency," The monster bowed, then walked out the doors, craning its head.

      Two hundred units aft, a team of gigantic beasts filled up their guns with plasma. A few units later they all boarded a Dropship to the Swift Justice's neighbor ship, a Destroyer known as the Endless Glory. The Endless Glory stood and waited for the inevitable departure of the Infidels to Jy'ron'a.

[bold]2049 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Behind Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter
Aboard Destroyer "George Patton"[/bold]

      Two UNSC ships were hidden behind the balls of ice and dust that made up the Asteroid Belt. The George Patton and the Pearl Harbor drifting side by side, ever so still in the endless vacuum of space. Inside the Destroyer George Patton, the halls were bristling with activity.

      "Well, one of our deep space probes just saved our asses. It was patrolling around way past the edges of UNSC controlled space, when it saw this."

      The Captain pressed a button and the Bridge's main view screen was filled with the blackness of space. A second later, a Covenant Cruiser slid into view, then another, then another. There were Destroyers surrounding the Cruiser. Then fifty titanic Flagships slipped into view. The camera then zoomed out, revealing an ungodly amount of Covenant Ships. Brian's heart rate rose.

      "From the looks of it, there are at lest twelve-hundred ships massing in an unknown star system. But from the information you hacked from that base, we now know that they are massing about 10 AU's from their home planet. Apparently the Covenant aren't doing as good on taking Earth as they thought they would." The Captain told the Spartans.

      The fifty Orbital Defense Platforms surrounding Earth had wiped out over ¾ of the Covenant's five hundred ship attack force before they were destroyed. The Covenant then fought the UNSC fleet of three hundred. The UNSC were finally winning, on the ground and in space. That is until now, the UNSC has no way possible to fend off twelve hundred ships.

      "The George Patton will make a jump, behind their home planet's moon which should give us a few seconds to release you and your team and jump back, and when the Covenant figure out what happened, they will all turn around and run back home. As they are running we try and get as many of 'em before they jump." The Captain said.

      "Wait a second sir, how will we make two jumps without recharging the Slipspace Generator?" Brian questioned.

      "Ah, good question. When your predecessor Master Chief Spartan 117 brung the Ascendant Justice back to Earth, it was thoroughly searched. We looked through their Slipspace drive and studied how they jump so efficiently. A lot of it is more power, but a good portion of it is technique. We also found out how to jump faster, so we can make the twenty-hour trip, in eight hours hours. We studied it and found we can two jumps, but after the second jump it takes a longer time to recharge the Slipspace drives," The Captain informed the group.

      "So once we make the jump to their moon, then you and your Spartans are to exit the ship immediately via Dropship. Once you have exited the ship you stay in the dark side until you find an opportunity to get past the planetary defenses, which I might add we know nothing about, and get on the Planet. You are to plant several SUPERNOVA nuclear bombs in heavily populated citys and place the last one in the capital and exit immediately, hopefullt the Prophet in charge will get his ass fried. Are we clear?"

      "What about the fleet Sir, once you appear then jump back to Earth we are gonna get fried." Joshua pointed out.

      "The Pearl Harbor's crew of five hundred will be packed into our ship because the Pearl Harbor will be used to deal with Covenant Fleet."

      "Sir, one ship against twelve hun..." Jason stopped.

      "Don't worry about it, and that's an order. Just worry about your mission at the moment. Am I clear?"

      "Sir, yes, Sir!" The Spartans shouted in unison.

      "Dismissed!" The Captain ordered.

      As the majority of the crew was leaving the Pearl Harbor, a Demolitions Team was sweeping the ship, placing high explosives every few meters. The Engine room was littered with Fury-Tac Nukes and a single NOVA nuclear bomb. As the team made sure that all the explosives were set and ready to go, the shipboard AI copied itself and left the copy in the Pearl Harbor. The AI and the Demolition Team was brought onto the George Patton as the last Pelican left the ship. There were a few thousand megatons of explosives on board. The Pearl Harbor was now a flying bomb that was gonna be delivered to the Covenant Fleet first class.

      Inside the George Patton, Brian and his Spartans stood in the armory stocking up on guns and ammo. Each of them had a Minigun slung over their backs and ammo belts formed an X on their chests. Brian checked his Mission Outline, ETA, exactly twenty hours left. Once the Spartans had gotten equipped, most of them took a nap. Brian however sat there, alone with his thoughts, then after a few hours fell asleep where he sat.

      The George Patton and the Pearl Harbor started up their Slipspace drives. The space around the two ships became distorted as the ships tried to pick a path through Slipspace. The edges of the ships became white as they prepared to jump to the Covenant Homeworld.

      Through the icy asteroids and past Mars, the Covenant Destroyer Endless Glory hummed into life. Its sensors picked up an energy spike behind the asteroid belt. The Destroyer quickly charged up its Slipspace generator and disappeared.

      The ship reappeared a second later about one thousand units from two Human Destroyers. The Endless Glory spit out a red-hot plasma torpedo that burnt its way to the Destroyers. Before the torpedo could do its damage, there was a flash, and then the Human ships disappeared.

      The Destroyer waited a few Units to let its Slipspace generator recharge, turned towards Jy'ron'a, then flashed and disappeared.

      Brian was awakened by the shipwide COM announcing the reentry into normal space. Brian checked the ETA and it read: 32:13. Only half and hour till the op and Brian was well rested for the first time in months. His fellow Spartans awoke soon afterwards, but Brian found some already awake and getting prepared. After doing a weapons test a few times, the Spartans were led to Launch Bay 7 by several Navy Personnel. They entered the massive hangar known as Launch Bay 7, and saw a lone Pelican nesting on the deck. When the Spartans reached the Pelican they were impressed.

      It had reinforced Titanium A armor, and dual 50mm Chain guns mounted on each wing, and a single 70mm Chin Gun mounted on the bird's nose. The shipwide COM rang and echoed throughout the expansive yet empty launch bay.

      "ETA to destination: Fifteen minutes. Repeat, ETA to destination: Fifteen minutes."
The crewman that led the Spartans to the launch bay gave them a salute them as they climbed aboard the Pelican. As the rest of the Navy Personnel left, one young man came forward to the Spartans. The man had black hair that was very short, nearly bald. He was tan and very tall but nothing compared to the Spartans' figures. The man was large and muscular. He was also an officer. The Spartans all snapped into attention and whipped up a crisp salute. The officer saluted back.
      "The names Scherrer, Lieutenant Scherrer 'an I'ma fly this bird for you come Hell or high water, 'long as you kill me some Covenant freaks." He said seriously.

      "That is our job, Sir, and we enjoy it." Brian said as his Spartans all nodded their heads.
The Shipwide COM interrupted their conversation.

      "Attention! Attention! ETA to destination is 00:49. Attention! ETA to destination is 00:48." The voice echoed throughout the hangar seconds after the real voice had stopped.

      "Well, no time for chit-chat now is there? Lets go." The Lieutenant directed. Lieutenant Scherrer climbed into the cockpit and turned the engines on. He flipped a series of switches, entered some commands, then the bird sprung to life. The rear hatch closed and the Spartans were confined to look at the metal rear hatch of the Pelican. The bird rose a few meters off the ground, then turned towards the launch bay doors. Static crackled over the COM.

      "T-minus ten seconds...T-minus five seconds...three...two..."
The massive launch bay door creaked and moaned as it pulled itself apart. The doors parted, inviting the vacuum of space inside the ship. The Pelican lurched towards the parting doors and prepared to exit.


      A few hundred million units behind the massing Covenant fleet and in the dark shadow cast by the planet's moon, space rippled and a Destroyer appeared undetected for a few lucky seconds. A tiny object soared out one of the many launch bays and glided into the dark side of the moon and killed its engines. The Launch bay closed and the Destroyer turned around. A few units later, over a thousand Covenant Ships detected a blip on the radar. A few hundred of the swarm turned around, and charged their Plasma Batteries. Before they could fire, the Destroyer distorted space then disappeared. Not one of the ships detected the tiny Human Ship floating in the dark side of Jy'ron'a's moon, Teze'q'wee. The moon was filled with enormous Plasma Cannons dotted across the length of Teze'q'wee, all pointed outwards towards space. Teze'q'wee's planetary sensors did not pick up the Human Ship. As the majority of the Ships were still in the process of turning around, a small ripple in space appeared within the mass of ships. Space ripped apart and a Human Vessel appeared out of nowhere between a Flagship and two Cruisers. For the first few units, the ship had the advantage of surprise. But the vessel had a whole lot more surprise than the Covenant suspected.

      Brian watched on his HUD as video footage of the Pearl Harbor appeared. The ship had appeared near the epicenter of the mass of ships that were turning to dispose of him. Countless ugly purple figures lit up with plasma preparing to fire. Then it happened.

      An intense flash was seen as over a thousand Fury Tac Nukes exploded and blossomed into fiery daises as the ship grew holes up and down the ship. The bombs in the engine room exploded and destroyed the Reactors and set off the NOVA Bomb. There was a huge white flash, and the whole view screen started to get white. The Nova Bomb set off the Fusion Reactors multiplying the explosion by one hundred.

      There was a humongous outward expansion of the Hell that had exploded on the ship, and the Covenant Fleet was enveloped and soon disappeared as the screen turned a blinding white. The screen stayed white for a good thirty seconds, then slowly dimmed down. Near the Epicenter, all that remained was red-hot purple ship debris. Towards the edge of the blast were critically damaged ships that were venting atmosphere and crumpling in upon themselves. There were a "lucky" two dozen ship that survived being flash fried and were trying to fly away but huge pieces of debris thrown out from the explosion hit them from the back and cut huge holes into their hulls. The debris tore into the ships and some cut through something vital causing the ship to explode in fiery debris filled mess. A few dozen ships were burning from internal fires and sat dead in space.

      Fifteen ships were limping away with holes in their hulls. The once mighty fleet had been reduced to a gigantic debris field with half eaten ships slowly spinning pointlessly into other destroyed ships or pieces of debris. There was an eerie stillness as the Covenant Battlenet was going crazy over what had just happened.

      The Pelican used minimum power and slowly but surely glided out of the moon's shadow, undetected. Or so they thought.

      Right behind the Pelican, a hole in space appeared and the Endless Glory jumped out as the hole closed and turned into normal space. The Endless Glory's Plasma Turrets bristled with energy as it set its sights on the unsuspecting Pelican.
