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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Space Tactics'

CoLd BlooDed
11:44 am | June 26, 2004
Yeah, sorry, romac. But you totally tried to insult me and Helljumper when I didn't even do anything. I come to this comments page and see that you blamed your departure of HBO on me.

10:57 pm | June 25, 2004
Hey, let's lay off. He was probably going through some things, and felt offended by some of the arrogant-sounding comments he read. Like I said, romac1991, you've got potential here, don't waste it! Keep writing, you never know what you can gain from the experience.
As far as whether veteran authors should dominate, that's a rather difficult issue. I think that while having experience warrants respect, that new authors should be respected too, especially if they are skilled. Also, we can't condemn people for writing a lot of stories either, if that's what they like to do. But at the same time, we cannot say that lots of stories = good author, though generally, experienced writers ARE good authors.
I just realized that I'm rambling again, so I'll stop now. What I'm really trying to say is that we should all just get along; this isn't a schoolyard. We all share a love for Halo, we all share a love for writing, so why can't we all just help each other out? If we get angry, we can attack some dumb game that thinks it can compete with Halo, how 'bout that? ;)
Anyways, keep writing! Its worth it!
CoLd BlooDed
3:29 pm | June 25, 2004
Especially when you ramble on about shit that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
1:03 am | June 25, 2004
thank you someone, I guess I will chill out

someone that you dont know
12:14 am | June 25, 2004
Well, its always sad to lose a member of the Halo community. Now, Romac, if you are still hanging around and you are reading this, here's some advice. Chill out. Take a break if you must, play Halo multiplayer with some buddies, (I suggest you play the Chill Out map. LOl) Amazing how one person could build up so much potential with his fan-fiction and in one fell swoop, completely demolish it with one little curse-filled comment. Good luck and have a nice day.
Solidus Snake
10:10 pm | June 24, 2004
You are a one dick romac. Really. Not everyone is going to like your stories. Gotta learn man. In till then you learn to control your anger and listen to what everyone tells you, and you'll get respect. And trust me, pay close attention to the comments. We can help, if you co-operate with us and our terms.
CoLd BlooDed
9:50 pm | June 24, 2004
romac, I don't even know what the fucking hell I did. Just because you didn't get alot of comments doesn't mean you have to act this way about it.

What the fuck is your problem, anyway? I thought you said you'd stop acting like this, man. And what - because I have 3 pages of fan fics suddenly means I'm a fuckin GEEK? You gotta be joking me - most geeks on this site are the ones that continue to flame people for no fuckin REASON. Get real, romac, I'm tired of this shit. There's no reason to spaz, listen to MadJackal - it's because of people like you who give HBO fanfiction a bad name. Regulars can screw n00bs over anyday.

Oh, and romac, you showed promise until the fuckin attitude of yours appeared.
2:20 am | June 24, 2004
Whoa, I take a short break from Halo fanfiction to write some BattleTech fanfiction and look at some of the stuff that's happened since then! I have never seen someone leave HBO with such anger towards those who treat him unfairly. Jeeze, the newbies get mad some times, and its not entirely their fault either. It is important to remember that we are here to help each other develop our writing skills, not to attack each other. What attracted me to HBO's fanfiction page orriginally, almost a year ago, was the quality of the work and the good advice that authors seemed to be giving each other. I'd hate to admit it, but both seem to be deteriorating. Perhaps we should all take a deep breath and chill out, cause man, you really need to! :)
(no pun intended)
I'm growing tired of giving the "let's all give constructive criticism and lay off the insults and immaturity" speech. When I get started on those, they tend to get long and drawn out, and I don't have the energy right now. Instead, I pass the torch of good will onto the other authors here, veteran and newb alike, to help improve the atmosphere here and make HBO a place where authors of all skill levels will want to come to develop their writing ability. I have seen many veterans stop writing here and move on, and that is sad, but nothing pains me more than to see new authors with potential give up writing because of the actions of a few immature people. Perhaps I will leave for a little while. Perhaps when I return, the situation will have improved.
12:14 am | June 24, 2004
This comment is from a story on page 2 of fanfic, th NEW York Chronicles.
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and


PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com
Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
9:12 pm | June 23, 2004
I like suprises! LOL! 8/10.
11:04 am | June 23, 2004
Well the whole thing about Ralph and Darren dying
WAS the plot twist, Because they are supposed to be invincible, but they die, see?

3:52 am | June 23, 2004

A wee bit more of a plot twist next time.
someone that you dont know
3:02 pm | June 22, 2004
Yes, I did read it. It was pretty good too. But, Im just saying that you need to use spell check and plot COULD use some twists.
5:29 am | June 22, 2004
well..someone if you havent noticed spartan III's die in my story down the page called Invincible?
someone that you dont know
4:35 am | June 22, 2004
Will you never learn and use SPELL CHECK??? You HAVE to use spell check. It would catch the gramatical errors, and hopefully, it'll catch the tense changes and all. Well, anyways, good story, the plot is pretty good but maybe you should add a twist. Instead of: Spartans shooting stuff, Spartans nearly get killed, but survive somehow. Good job. 8/10
3:25 am | June 22, 2004
well where im at when i wrote those comments it was like eight or nine in the morning.
2:27 am | June 22, 2004
just in case u didn't bother to read my comment in "Invincible?"...here it is.

"dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyymn man...chill...u posted at like one in the morning. anywho...pretty good...except, i've never seen Spartans, -IIs or IIIs, get scared sh*tless and pee in their armor publicly (i'm talking about Ralph) ...lol. "
8:58 pm | June 21, 2004
anyone who reads this should read the one down the page called invincible first because this is after that.

8:54 pm | June 21, 2004
more comments anyone? please.

6:39 pm | June 21, 2004
I remember that "Interrogation" story you did. You certainly improved.
Nick Kang
12:48 pm | June 21, 2004
Yeah, that's why you should always read over the story when youy have the chance:)

11:04 am | June 21, 2004
I know my story looks horrible because of how I messes up with trying to make the beginning and middle parts bold.:(

10:53 am | June 21, 2004
I forgot to put b instead of bold, I dont know what I was thinking sorry about that

7:44 am | June 21, 2004
Sorry, I havn't read it yet, but to make writing bold it's not [bold], it's [b]. To close bold writing it's [/b]. Same with italics, just change b to i!
