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Fan Fiction

The Gods of War: Spartan III's
Posted By: romac1991<bobbyhill@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 June 2004, 10:57 PM

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Authors Note: Only my fourth story, tell me how you like it, I personally think it's my best.

0645 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Base, New Zealand
Planet Earth

      Spartan 324-Brian, ducked to avoid the Elites oncoming blow with ungodly speed. The Elite was dumbfounded, this Green Human was many times faster than the previous ones. The Elite appeared to be moving in slow motion as Brian swung his armored hand into the chest of the Elite, uplifting it a full six inches, and causing it's chest to cave in. The Elite choked on nothingness, stumbled and fell over, bleeding profusely.
      Brian spat on the body as he stepped over it. He was a staggering height of 7' 5", the largest in the group, he was also the pinnacle of the Spartan project, he was a God, he was invincible, he was a Spartan III. Brian advanced with his teammates to their objective. His MJOLNIR Mark VI battle armor was drenched in purple blood, Brian enjoyed being covered in his enemy's insides. It gave him a sick feeling of satisfaction. Because to tell the truth, Brian was a sick-twisted-sadistic-son-of-a-bitch, if you were a Covenant that would be the way you saw it; Brian has no problem with ripping a grunts leg off then bludgeoning it to death with it, in fact he has did that plenty a time.
      Spartan 331-Ralph followed right behind Brian, he was quiet when he killed, no one was ever sure, but when he was slaughtering Covenant, you get the feeling he is smiling behind that visor. He only reached a height of 6'6", puny for a Spartan, microscopic for a Spartan III.
      Covering the rear was Spartan 379-Darren, the second tallest at 7'2", he was the oldest, yet that did not hinder his abilities, he could easily kick the shit out of two Elites at once.
      The Spartans heard a noise, which was followed by five elites jumping from a platform above. Brian charged one Elite, and kicked its shin, which splintered causing it to fall over. Brian then promptly stomped it's face in till brains were covering the ground around the Elite in a meter wide circle. He took his M6D pistol and delivered three bundles of love into a charging Elites head, it fell over minus the top half of its head.
      Ralph grabbed one of the Elites throats and squeezed, causing an explosion of guts to radiate out from its throat and splatter Ralph's armor.
      Darren grabbed one Elites foot, and swept it of its feet, he swung it at the remaining Elite, smashing its skull and sending it flying back. He then took the Elite in his hands, and smashed it repeatedly against the wall, when he was done "painting", the wall, he tossed the Elite across the hallway like yesterday's mail.
      Brian, paused a moment, then satisfied of the situation, told his team to move on. They waded out of the gory mess to the end of the hallway, and heard movement around the next corner, someone was guarding his objective.

      Fozay Fozoree and his squad of Elites were assigned the task of guarding the Base's Control Room, within the computer files was data on everything about the Covenant, weapons, ships, planets, their homeworld. He was told of a disturbance in the building that needed to be cleansed, he would gladly cleanse the filthy human intruders. Apparently these particular humans were the Green Armored ones, field reports indicate that the ones in question were many times more a nuisance than the other filthy humans. He was told they could tear an Elite apart. The
      Elite snorted at the very thought of it, at that very same moment, his head split in two.

      "Go, go, go!" three green giants flooded into the Computer Room guns blazing, they dropped 2 of the 10 Elites in the first two seconds. Brian leaped forward and knocked a plasma rifle out of an Elite claws, then gouged out its eyeballs. He laughed at the blind Elite then shot a bullet in the empty sockets, the bullet tore a hole in the back of the Elites head making a complete tunnel. It fell over in a heap at Brian's feet.
      Ralph sidestepped as an Elite took a swing at him, he grabbed its arm and twisted it to a ninety-degree angle and a snap announced the arm's recent demise. It's arm went limp then snapped off after he bent it at a one-hundred-eighty degree angle. He then swiftly kicked the Elite in the stomach. The Elite rose above the ground under the force of the blow in slow motion, when it reached the peak of its ascension, about five inches, Ralph lifted his leg far back, and released. The super-enhanced armored leg struck the helpless alien in the neck. The Elite flew backwards three meters from the blow and did a sloppy back-flip as his body hit the wall, limp and dead. It slowly fell down the wall, leaving blood smeared on it.
      Darren pulled out his M90 Shotgun and caught a one of the Elites by the arm, it opened all of its jaws and roared, an otherworldly stink protruded from it creating almost visible gas. Darren took his boomstick, and shoved it down the Elites mouth, it was roughly pointed toward his stomach when he pulled the trigger. A small explosion occurred in the Elite as the Eight-gauge Magnum round exited the gun and spread apart in the Elite's stomach. Its stomach was ripped to ribbons, its heart had exploded from the impact of the pellets. The Elite stood balanced for a microsecond, before it collapsed in a bloody heap on the ground, its wounds were enormous and gaping. Its small intestines were strung out from his insides to a bloody puddle a meter from it.Darren pulled the blood stained Shotgun out of the Elites throat, or what remained of it, the Elite looked like a popped balloon. Apparently this pissed of the other Elites and they raised their rifles at him.
      Brian's adrenaline spiked and everything else in the world was slow. He ran to the nearest Elite and dropkicked it in the forehead knocking him down. He took the Elites leg, and pushed it upward toward its head. It broke when it touched the Elites head. Brian then ripped the leg off and beat the Elite countless times in the face with it, silencing its screams of agony. An Elite three meters from him ran forward and cocked back his arm and punched Brian. Its fingers broke as it impacted the nearly impervious metal. Brian brung his fist back and uppercutted the Elite in the gut. The Elite coughed up blood all over the ground, it came out in floods. As the Elite was vomiting, Brian raised his heel, and brung it down on its spine. The Elite shook as the two of his vertebrae snapped. He took one look at the colossal Spartan standing before him, then collapsed face first into his own puddle of blood and vomit.
      Brian, Ralph, and Darren advanced to the remaining Elites. They reached for their Plasma Rifle but all three of the Spartans shot them away sending them sliding on the floor. The Spartans were now upon the Elites. One of the Elites, still believing they were almighty, took a swing at Brian but hit nothing but air as the Spartan ducked in one blurry moment and whipped out his pistol. Brian looked the Elite square in the eyes, raised his pistol and ended its useless life.
      The Spartan team advanced on the two aliens. However one of the sneaky bastards had picked up his plasma rifle and leveled it at the largest human, Brian. Plasma erupted from the gun and burnt through Brian's armor. His armor was tough, but ten plasma bolts in the same spot made a small hole in his armor, big enough for the final plasma bolt to enter and impact his arm and burn it severely.
      "Ouch," he said angrily. The rest of the squad lowered their weapons and watched, they knew Brian was about to brutally murder both of them.
      Brian grabbed the Elite that had shot him, and raised him up on his arms until he was over his head. He brung it down onto his solid armored knee and broke the Elite in half. His spinal cord snap like a twig and his body fell like a sack of potatoes. He then advanced on the final Elite, a golden one. For previous Spartans, this was a matter of concern, but for the Spartan III's, it was just plain fun. The Gold Elite, as if a last resort activated his energy sword. Plasma appeared in the shape of a sword on the Elites wrist. The alien smiled, believing it had the upper hand. It took a swing at the Spartan but only hit the air next to him as it moved with lightning fast movements. The Elite took another swing, then another, then another but hit nothing. The Elite pulled its arm back and prepared for the kill, it released its energy and swung, but the Spartan grabbed its wrists and bent them until they faced the Elite. Its wrist's broke so it was no problem positioning the sword at the Elite's throat.
      "Tell your friends in Hell I said hi," The Spartan thrusted the blade forward and it went through its neck like a hot knife through butter. The Elites head fell over and blood fountained from its neck as it collapsed. His team advanced forward and looked around at their creation, the gory mess, the blood stained walls, the missing limbs, and puddles of blood and spilled organs. This is what they lived for. They advanced to get the info from the computer. Mission Objective Complete. They are flawless in their skills, they are merciless in their killings. They slaughter thousands of Covenant in the name of the Human Race. They are Perfect. They are Gods of War. They are Spartan III's.

Series will be continued if there are good reviews.
