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Monday, July 10, 2006 |
Spotlight on Ducain Ducain, the man behind High Impact Halo, the premier Halo 2 tricking site on the web, has been interviewed over at; go see what got him started with Halo! (The questions are quite a bit more serious than the last few spotlights... I think KP is scared of Ducain.) (Louis Wu 22:27:21 UTC) (permalink) 
White Button Thugs Flesh Puppet and Gay-Z put together a new Halo 2 rap; swing by their website for more details, or download it from us (6.6 mb, mp3 format). Definitely NSFW - this one needs a strong language warning. (Louis Wu 20:37:48 UTC) (permalink) 
I wanna LAN at this guy's house Fascinating! I guess I resubscribed to Wired (I'm not in charge of the bills here) and as a gift, I was sent a supplement called WIRED HOME. Turns out it's a reprint of sections of their Jan 2005 issue. Centered around folks with plenty of money to burn, and a serious need for their homes to be the ultimate geek haven. So what you ask? Check THIS out! Most awesome indeed. Here it is on their site. (Ding 15:40:09 UTC) (permalink) 
HaloPlanet's First BMU: Guns DrLime and Dog Fashion have started a new monthly column at Halo Planet, called 'Bungie Monthly Underground' - the first installment is a treatise on the guns of Halo 2, and how they stack up (or, in the eyes of the authors, DON'T stack up) to the guns as implemented in Halo. If you're tired of the 'bring back the pistol!' debates, or the 'Halo 2 is unbalanced' screed, you should pass this one up. Maybe the next installment will contain a slightly less-beaten horse. (Louis Wu 10:51:30 UTC) (permalink) 
Metroid Map Tallon IV (again) A few days ago, we posted a note about Tallon IV, a map from the Metroid Online Mapping Team. We PULLED that note after receiving several emails confirming that the map hadn't actually been released by the team - it had been leaked, and was not (in the eyes of the team) ready for public consumption. Yesterday, I got a note from Seraphim, the MOMT leader - who said that since it was already out there, and wasn't going away, we might as well re-report it, and let as many fans as possible give it a try. Understand that it's not a finished product, and that Slayer is the only useable gametype. That said - give it a look! It's hosted at HaloMaps. (Louis Wu 10:41:03 UTC) (permalink) 
117 Spin. Stuntmutt feels that c0ld vengeance is getting too much front-page space with his rotating screenshots... so today's One One Se7en is his own take on the genre. I think he should stick to humor. Hmm... I mean... oh, never mind. (Louis Wu 02:36:14 UTC) (permalink) 
Podtacular Ep 71 Podtacular Episode 71 is up; along with the subjects listed in's news post, part of the interview with Mothergoat is also in here. Go listen! Thanks, Laird. (Louis Wu 02:12:56 UTC) (permalink) 
Devil Spawn Walshy wrote up a Top 5 Worst Places to Spawn list for - worth a read! (Where you spawn can tell you a lot about what your opponents are doing...) Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 02:08:24 UTC) (permalink) 
The Virus of Life SpartanHunter69 put together 'The Virus of Life', a 9 minute story about zombies taking over the world. There is no dialogue - the movie is pretty creepy without it. The MPRRS reviewers loved the darkness, and the lack of speech. The atmosphere rocks. Grab it in WMP9 format (60.6 mb) or QuickTime format (60.1 mb). (Louis Wu 02:06:22 UTC) (permalink) 
Halo Hide 'n Seek 2 (solved, hours ago) c0ld vengeance put up another Halo Hide n' Seek on the forum - it was solved less than an hour later by Dojorkan (again). Still worth trying on your own - some great pics in there (this time all from Outskirts). Check it out! (Louis Wu 02:02:47 UTC) (permalink) 
Sunday's news in brief:
Saturday's news in brief: