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Friday, February 3, 2006 |
The Same As Closed-End-Leasing. Eep! I almost forgot to post today's One One Se7en. (Maybe it would have been better if I did, though...) Brits will definitely get this one faster than Americans. (Louis Wu 20:12:15 UTC) (permalink) 
Legendary II - redux Yesterday, we posted the second episode of blackouTT's Legendary machinima series - but he was pretty unhappy with a few things. (Audio sync was off, for one... and at least one transition was missed.) He sent us a new copy of the film, which we've uploaded - the links in yesterday's news post will bring you to that copy from this point on. If you watched it and didn't notice the stuff that bugged him... don't worry about it. If you haven't watched it yet, or were unhappy with the sync issues - grab a new copy. (Louis Wu 19:25:48 UTC) (permalink) 
Mistaken Identity Z, over at Halo2Forum, points out a rather bizarre little glitch; I suppose it COULD be faked, but it doesn't look like it. It's not very big (under 6 mb, wmp9 format), so go grab it, and see if you've ever seen this before. (Louis Wu 19:09:26 UTC) (permalink) 
Podtacular Ep 48 (and new web digs) Podtacular is back on a once-a-week rotation - and they've got a new website, to boot. Go grab Episode 48! Thanks, Foo Mo Jive. (Louis Wu 19:06:07 UTC) (permalink) 
Oh So Beautiful 4 Jamie98s has made a series of videos detailing the beauty of Halo's scenery. (Check our news archives if you missed the first three.) Yesterday, he submitted a new one - Oh So Beautiful 4 sticks with multiplayer maps... gives you a new perspective on the killing fields we spend so much time in. The MPRRS reviewers loved this one. Grab it in WMP9 format (62 mb) or QuickTime format (56 mb). (Louis Wu 16:33:24 UTC) (permalink) 
They just don't understand him. Over at, there's a pretty interesting writeup of Stubbs the Zombie; Narcogen is eloquent in his defense of Stubbs as a fun game, and one that is underappreciated in several key areas. It's the first part of a longer piece, and it uses Halo as a benchmark, in some cases, to judge against - he makes a strong case. I'm looking forward to the next installment. (Louis Wu 15:43:03 UTC) (permalink) 
Man... if I had that on XBL... Wow. A couple of weeks ago, we pointed out the DeviantART gallery of lhs - today, MattKnight01 noticed a new image in that gallery. That's one heckuva gun! (Louis Wu 15:09:08 UTC) (permalink) 
I bet they'd do a half-decent job with it. Chaos Recon, on our forum, and Dolbex, over at, both pointed out a goof on the Gamestop website (first seen, apparently, at Kotaku) - Bungie's next project... is an EA-franchised game... for the PS3? As Neo would say... whoa. (And before you jump on your email client to tell us how stupid we are - yes, we know it's a mistake.) Update: Looks like they fixed it; you can still see the original on Dolbex's blog. Thanks, Dante. (Louis Wu 15:00:29 UTC) (permalink) 
Tied the Leader gets cerebral There are a pair of pretty interesting new blog entries over at Tied the Leader - XerxdeeJ wonders if who you are in real life ever bleeds over into your Halo gameplay... and Wheels (a clanmate of deeJ) discusses your brain, and how to get it into the zone where you can be the most effective. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:51:55 UTC) (permalink) 
Thursday's news in brief:
Wednesday's news in brief: