
They're Random, Baby!

Quick Art for a Bungie Fan, from Lorraine McLees

MC Bootprint
The picture you see is a hand drawn sketch awarded to me at Bungie's fanfest [held in May 2004]. After mulling over what to have drawn, I asked Lorraine if she could draw the Master Chief leaving his bootprint in the soil. There were two reasons for this; for one, I thought it would tie in nicely with the austronaut's boot print [on his website], and secondly it would afford the opportunity to display a region of the chief not normally seen, the boot sole.

By the way, I asked Lorraine if she could hide something in a specific region of this picture. There's no doubt that any Halo/Bungie fan will immediately recognize the symbol she chose.

As a side note, Lorraine mentioned to me that she thought it was odd that I would request the MC to be depicted in this mannner, for this position was also something that she'd been toying around with for awhile - hence her comment ton the top of the drawing.

Thanks, Lorraine - you're the best!

Originally hosted by Eric Good on his website
