
They're Random, Baby!

Media Alert
For immediate release
September 10, 2004
Contact: Steve Charbonneau

MacSoft Releases Halo 1.05.3 Patch

Minneapolis, MN - September 10, 2004, Destineer's MacSoft unit has released a patch for the hit game, Halo. The patch brings the Mac version back into parity with the PC version, which was updated 3 days ago. Users who wish to play Halo online against users of the PC version will need to install this patch. The patch will also allow players using the new NVIDIA 6800 video hardware to play Halo using either the NV Shaders or ATI Pixel Shaders modes.

The Halo 1.05.3 updater will update any previous version of Halo for Macintosh to version 1.05.3.

The patch can be downloaded from:



