
They're Random, Baby!

Juan Martinez | Rocket Launcher Model

In early June 2005, Juan Martinez, a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, let us know that he and a classmate were working on a rocket launcher model for their Principles of Mechanical Engineering class The final product weight in at around 40 lbs, and received an A- (mostly because it was late). Both barrels fire, but not as far as they'd hoped it would. They did their best to remain true to the in-game model. They're still working on it (trying to paint it), so there might be future pictures - but here's what we've gotten so far!

IMG_0530 IMG_0550 IMG_0556
800x533 | 73K
Added 18 June 2005
800x533 | 66K
Added 18 June 2005
400x600 | 43K
Added 18 June 2005
Click on the thumbs for larger images
