
They're Random, Baby!

Where The Grue Lives

This is that place where everything that doesn't go somewhere else goes. New to Halo, and wondering what this site talked about for 3 years? Browse around. Wondering where to find that cool Halo font, or where the link to the Halo Updates disappeared to, or wondering about what's been written about Halo in languages other than English? This is the place! Kick up your feet, browse around a bit...

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No, not some guy - it's artwork that doesn't fit into other niches around the site. Scans of flyers distributed at events, model collections (too big for a single Miscellaneous Art submission), icons... just art.
E3 Flyer Scans - Inside
05/28/00 Scan of a press flyer (inside cover) taken from a Bungie E3 presentation movie; shows the Master Chief and contains a brief summary of the Halo backstory. .jpg format.
ASCII Halo Marine, redux
10/30/01 An extremely detailed, very large, colored ASCII depiction of the Halo Marine, done again by [SE]X-Com.
ASCII Halo Marine
10/29/01 A large-scale Halo Marine, done entirely in ASCII art. Created by [SE]X-Com.
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