Halo 2 Hacks Tips & Tools for Finishing the Fight
In September, 2005, Stephen Cawood published Halo 2 Hacks, a new book that covers the Halo glitch and hacking scenes. He'd been in close contact with community members during the writing process, to ensure that the content was as up-to-date and as accurate as possible; I'm honored to have participated in the info-gathering.
O'Reilly has given us permission to provide you, the potential reader, with a taste of what's inside; below you'll find four excerpts, in PDF format, along with movies that Brian Jepson of O'Reilly put together from Stephen's footage to illustrate the content in question. You can find more excerpts on the O'Reilly site - I chose glitching and egg excerpts, but at least half the book is devoted to modding, so there's much, much more to explore than what's shown on this page. (For what it's worth: "modding" has come to mean "cheating" on Xbox Live... but the concept - of changing the parameters of the game - is not a bad thing at all; when used for the creation of cool changes, it's a very positive thing. This book does not encourage you to cheat against other players in MatchMaking - it shows you how to modify the scenery, or add new weapons to the game. Think of it as the Light Side of the Force.)
Hack 4: The Longest Unaided Halo 2 Jump
This hack discusses how to perform the Slide Jump to bridge monstrous gaps.
PDF Excerpt (123 kb) | WMP9 Video (3.1 mb) | QuickTime video (2.7 mb)
Hack 26: Kick Around a Soccer Ball
This hack explains how to find the hidden soccer ball on Metropolis.
PDF Excerpt (272 kb) | WMP9 Video (8.8 mb) | QuickTime video (8.5 mb)
Hack 35: Jump Out of Foundation
This hack lets you explore the roof of Foundation.
PDF Excerpt (176 kb) | WMP9 Video (4.4 mb) | QuickTime video (4 mb)
Hack 39: The Easy Way to the Beaver Creek Launcher
Snagging the SPNKr on Beaver Creek - the easy way.
PDF Excerpt (175 kb) | WMP9 Video (4.7 mb) | QuickTime video (4.3 mb)