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Halo-Game becomes Halo.fr

Halo-Game.com will become as of the 20th of June Halo.fr, better representing the French Halo community.

The highlights of the (French-only) press release:

  • Same team, same website, same quality, but new URL : www.halo.fr. We also made a new logo, in phase with the Halo 2 logo (viewable above).
  • More than 450,000 pages visited every month. News every day for all that is part of Halo : Halo, Halo PC/Mac, HaloCE, and Halo 2. Also, weekly articles, and translations of interviews and of the Halo books. Translations of the Bungie Update every week.
  • With 12 people in the team, Halo.fr lets our visitors expand their Halo knowledge, with videos, articles, screenshots, tips and tricks (with video support, screenshots, and explanations). Also, many contest to win Halo books, games, etc.
  • Halo.fr has a FTP that hosts many videos, goodies, and all the patches, musics and game manuals.
  • Halo.fr organises every year many tournaments throughout France and Europe, as the Halo-Game Tournament or the Halo-Game Championship Team 2. Our mini-website Tournament is designed exclusively to follow the torurnament news, to subscribe to them online, and show the results of these.
  • When Halo 2 comes out, we're preparing a complete revolution of the website, with a clan and Xbox Live support, as well as a inovative way to support the Halo 2 tournaments on Xbox Live.
  • A shorter URL for our visitors : www.halo.fr
