
They're Random, Baby!

A Morse Code Egg in the Halo 3 Beta

On May 12, 2007, Anton P. Nym posted a note on our forum about an interesting little feature in High Ground; there's a computer desk in the room behind the flag, and he wondered if anyone knew enough Morse Code to decipher it. Well, it took a little while to get a recording - but on May 17, Cocopjojo uploaded a file (which we've converted to .mp3 format) which Ducain was able to translate. There are actually three separate strings:

Section 1

..-.  ..-  ---  --.  -...  .-..  .-  ...  -  -  ....  .  ...-  .  -.  -  -.-.  ---  .-.  .

"Frogblast the ventcore"

Section 2

...  --  -...  --  -...  .--  --..


CORRECTION: Ibeechu slowed the second section down considerably, and came up with a second interpretation for the string:


This is the acronym found on the Halo Soundtrack, so it's quite likely that this is correct. (This acronym has not yet been deciphered.)

UPDATE: This particular acronym was deciphered, in public, more than 6 years ago - mere weeks before the release of the Halo Soundtrack (where it originally appeared). A quote from Joe Staten, in that interview:

As Marty (more on him later) likes to say: "XBOX Halo is bumpy and shiny and bursting with love!"

Well, 'bumpy and shiny' or 'shiny and bumpy' - Marty's getting old, you know - either way, an acronym is solved!

Section 3

-..  ---  -.  -  --  .-  -.-  .  ..-  ...  -.-  ..  -.-.  -.-  -.--  ---  ..-  .-.  .-  ...  ...

"Dont make us kick your ass"

So there you have it. A very cool little easter egg, courtesy of Bungie - found and solved by a nice group effort!
