![MC Suit Visor - early pic](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/visor.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Suit - Helmet, with comparison](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/helmetfull.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Suit Helmet, mid-December 2003](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/helmet.thumb.jpg) |
800x600 | 103K |
640x480 | 41K |
629x281 | 66K |
Each image links to a larger version.
In the fall of 2003, Chris Bryan began the process of creating a wearable MC suit. He's been sending pictures of his progress along the way. In mid-October, he sent in the first picture of the faceplace he's using. At that time, he also ordered these gloves, for adding armor plating to.
On December 8, he sent us the composite picture (with a shot of the in-game helmet, for comparison); the red arrow shows where he was planning on fixing the first cut. Three days later, we got the next shot.
On December 20, the mouthpiece seemed to be in pretty good shape; we got two pictures, one of the lower jaw, the other of the whole helmet. As more pictures come in, we'll add them to this page!
![MC Suit mouthpiece, mid-December 2003](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/mouthpiece.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Suit mouthpiece and top, mid-December 2003](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/mouthpiece2.thumb.jpg) |
800x561 | 86K |
800x937 | 109K |
On December 22, Chris sent along the gloves, and had this to say about them:
"I ended up making a type of "vest" with a Velcro flap for the armor plate to stay over the HATCH glove. The gloves are so nice, I just couldn't cut, drill or glue onto them. It ended up looking even better this way IMO."
![MC Glove, pre-Christmas 2003](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/MCglove.thumb.jpg) |
597x370 | 34K |
On January 1, the helmet was finished. The paint job was quite a piece of work:
"Took me 3 different greens and antique gold to get the color as close as possible. The silver is Aluminum spray paint I used as a base coat before I started with the greens, makes the color stand out better. Fits like a glove. Now, onto the chest pieces ^_^"
![Helmet, front - Green](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/greenfront.thumb.jpg) |
![Helmet, Inside (Green)](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/greeninside.thumb.jpg) |
![Helmet, Side](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/greenside.thumb.jpg) |
![Helmet, front - Silver](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/silver.thumb.jpg) |
904x748 | 127K |
852x970 | 161K |
942x800 | 126K |
812x704 | 126K |
On January 12, Chris submitted pics of the body:
![Body - Front view](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/body_center.thumb.jpg) |
![Body - Back view](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/body_back.thumb.jpg) |
![Body - Side view](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/body_side.thumb.jpg) |
480x408 | 98K |
480x470 | 96K |
480x532 | 101K |
On January 30, we got a single picture, showing progress to date; unfortunately, preparations were underway for the largest lanfest ever held here, and this got lost in the shuffle.
![Suit in Progress (and gun)](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/me.thumb.jpg) |
506x448 | 38K |
On February 10, we got front and back shots of the body and helmet; coupled with the gun, the package is beginning to fall together!
![MC Suit Back](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/back.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Suit Front](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/front.thumb.jpg) |
546x168 | 47K |
580x762 | 55K |
On March 27, Chris had finished the body vest.
![MC Vest Back](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/back1.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Vest Front](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/front1.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Vest Back - off](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/vestb.thumb.jpg) |
![MC Vest Front - off](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/vestf.thumb.jpg) |
333x356 | 17K |
294x350 | 16K |
800x600 | 104K |
800x600 | 96K |
In April, May, and June, Chris modeled the arms, painted the body, and generally advanced.
![Arm in Cardboard](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/arm.thumb.jpg) |
![Progress](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/progress.thumb.jpg) |
![Mjolnir suit - getting there](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/mjolnir.thumb.jpg) |
800x292 | 22K |
584x802 | 51K |
702x1024 | 99K |
July brought new leg pieces and inserts (though the snaps and buckles are still missing).
![Legs](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/legs.thumb.jpg) |
![Inserts](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/inserts.thumb.jpg) |
640x480 | 53K |
640x480 | 52K |
We didn't hear anything until October 2, when Chris sent along shots of his gloves, now painted... as well as a pair of new toys, in progress.
![Painted Gloves](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/paintedgloves.thumb.jpg) |
![SMGs](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/smg.thumb.jpg) |
800x830 | 103K |
800x679 | 98K |
On October 19, Chris sent along another series of pictures; nearly finished gear (short just paint). He's shooting for November 9!
![Suit Front - shy of paint](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/suitfront.thumb.jpg) |
![Suit Back - shy of paint](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/suitback.thumb.jpg) |
![Guns](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/guns.thumb.jpg) |
![All the pieces](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/allthepieces_1.thumb.jpg) |
800x599 | 58K |
800x966 | 64K |
800x374 | 29K |
800x746 | 73K |
On November 3, we got the shoes and legs - unpainted.
![Leggings](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/leggings.thumb.jpg) |
![Shoe coverings](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/shoes.thumb.jpg) |
800x600 | 71K |
800x624 | 83K |
On November 8, the day before Halo 2 was released, chris sent along painted pieces - torso, feet, and limbs. Getting there!
![Breastplate](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/armor1.thumb.jpg) |
![Limbs](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/armor2.thumb.jpg) |
![Feet and legs](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/armor3.thumb.jpg) |
409x510 | 52K |
494x396 | 52K |
592x316 | 49K |
Finally, on November 12, Chris was completely finished. A full Master Chief suit... totally homemade, and totally professional-looking!
![Final - Front](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/Chief1.thumb.jpg) |
![Final - Left](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/Chief2.thumb.jpg) |
![Final - Right](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/Chief3.thumb.jpg) |
![Final - Closeup Front](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/Chief4.thumb.jpg) |
![Final - Closeup Back](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/Chief5.thumb.jpg) |
800x1067 | 158K |
800x1067 | 145K |
800x1067 | 133K |
800x1067 | 116K |
800x1067 | 102K |
May 5, 2005: Hehe - we thought he was done. Nope! Last night, we got a picture of his Halo 2-style SMGs. SWEET!
![M7/Caseless Sub Machine Gun](http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/cb_mcsuit/M7caseless.thumb.jpg) |
1024x573 | 60K |
Chris has been building Halo-related materials for quite some time. If you like this work, check out some of Chris' renders in our Miscellaneous Art section, or his realistic model of the Halo 2 Battle Rifle.