
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Cost of Victory'

Red Ghost
1:41 am | July 16, 2004
Ha! That's gotta be the greatest thing an officer can say to the Covenant..."Come on you scrodem testicle people!!" Ah...greatness. Anyway, yeah, the code thing (even though I shouldn't be talking) and you should start new paragraphs when you change point of focus (even though I shouldn't be talking).
4:28 am | July 15, 2004
*stamps endorsement*

There you go Helljumper.
CoLd BlooDed
6:21 pm | July 14, 2004
That's what I try to tell my friends, Helljumper. Anybody can write, but it takes someone to write good. Yeah, this was kinda kiddish, and don't be insultin' the ODST, Helljumper will have to give you a talking to - and if you think he already has, just you wait.

Anyways, you need to use the code, and do pretty much what Helljumper has said. Don't have much more to say, because I didn't finish, but what I got out of it was that you need to put more pride in your work. Just like many other people on this site do.

There, Helljumper, if I'm a regular, I backed you up. :P
8:18 pm | July 13, 2004
Couldn't have said it any better myself. And please don't take this personally (unlike some newbies around here), but udnerstand that these comments are to help improve you as a writer and author.
6:41 pm | July 13, 2004
You tell him!
Slit Throat
6:39 pm | July 13, 2004
Preach it Helljumper.
2:11 pm | July 13, 2004
kind of kiddish. there was no details, more like a summary than a story. ODST aren't Airborne, they ODST simple as that. I know you'll probably get upset along with others, but i have to say it. Please keep the ODST out of your story until you learn how to properly write about them. I suggest reading my stories, and russ's story to get a better understanding. If you haven't then you need to read the books. Try reading some of the better stories on HBO before trying to write another one. Writing is an art, not just something to do and send in.


please learnt to use the code. Ok i need the other regulars to back me up
