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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Operation: False Prophets- Afterward'

12:36 am | June 23, 2003
Exelent!!! This is the best fanfic story I have ever read! You should make False Prophets 2, Where that little covenant clan rebuilds itself and attacks earth. Also maybe you could make Cortana the 2nd. But keep up the good work
5:28 am | March 10, 2003
An epic story, but a surprisingly lazy and meager ending. What the hell?
2:12 am | December 10, 2002
i now see the connection with this and the next series. brilliant work here.
6:57 pm | May 16, 2002
Ian, why would you make another story with the Master Chief dead. In your story, it said the year was 2710. The Chief is already dead.
good work
1:26 am | May 15, 2002
this series should be continued!!
2:27 am | May 14, 2002
you have one of the,(if not the best story out here) IT's great!I love your writing,You should most defintley write moreps.I would write a story but It wouldnt be good cause I cant spell for crap!lol
5:26 pm | May 12, 2002
Great series man, you had me hooked from the begining. The ending was a little weird, but effective so it worked out allright. I'm lookin forward to your next series.
9:00 pm | May 11, 2002
5:45 am | May 11, 2002
Wow, thanks to all of you who really enjoyed it. It means a great deal to me. Watch out for my next series, which I think will certainly have a much different, and possibly weirder tone to it. But in my mind, it sounds interesting :)
*THASF* A.K.A. The Halo And Sonic Fan
2:45 am | May 11, 2002
This is, just about, the best Halo fanfiction I have ever seen. Brilliant, fabulous, excellence. I now have renowned faith in the mighty world of fanfiction! :D
2:49 am | May 10, 2002

Please don't do that anymore, Pablo.
As for you, Ian, I'll comment on the story when I get a few minutes to read it :)
2:42 am | May 10, 2002
good god Ian...its almost better than Roughneck Two-Zero....almost....nah, j/k...it was syck man...keep it up, and well keep reading...l8rz
1:48 am | May 10, 2002
I beat you Dave muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Pablo
1:42 am | May 10, 2002
:'( Awsome!!!!!!!! too bad it had to end i thought it waz the best ending to the best story in the history of "Phalse Prophets". well i got to go i loved it. I hope you write more storys. Congrats Pablo
9:57 pm | May 9, 2002
My whole point was not to include the forerunner. I know nothing about them, and it is not my job, or privelege to do so. It's Bungie's job to paint the picture of the forerunner.Also, the whole prison for life thing, yeah, it was a little steep. But the point of it was to emphasize that the MC cares immensely about the well being of all humans far more than his ow well-being. I was just trying to make that very clear.And no, the next series will not be with the Master Chief. I am already planning out my next series, and although nothing is final, I think it will take place many years afterwards. Maybe even so far in the future that John is dead. I dunno. I'm juggling a few ideas. Keep a watchful eye out for my next stuff.
9:52 pm | May 9, 2002
Holy Crap! what a series! great man. by far my favorite story written on this site so far. kinda' sucks that john's in prison for life, but i guess it all goes along with the drama of the story. kepp writin' stuff man. we need it. i hope to be posting a short(very short) little series on here soonl. not to pitch anything
9:21 pm | May 9, 2002
Very good. I'm impressed. Start a new series when John comes out of jail. That would be awesome! Again, awesome.
9:07 pm | May 9, 2002
I dont think so, it's your decision
9:05 pm | May 9, 2002
Hmmm. I'm not sure what you meant by cocky. I mean, I must have overstepped my bounds by saying the author was never heard from again, right?......
8:51 pm | May 9, 2002
Bravo, Bravo very nice. I liked everything about your seires and I hope you will make more seires. Im sad that it's over but hell that was one piece of work. Good Job
8:42 pm | May 9, 2002
It is your story, nice work.
7:57 pm | May 9, 2002
is this the end?u should keep writing chapters for this storyin a differant perspective or somethingbut don't don't stop writing
Tiger Tank II
7:44 pm | May 9, 2002
But please keep wrighting. Sorry bout the multiple post i hit the wrong button.
Tiger Tank II
7:42 pm | May 9, 2002
Love the story line but, don't get to cocky. Especially with that little ending.
7:10 pm | May 9, 2002
I think the absense of the Foreruner had no effect on the story, with or without them it is simply a very well written and creative piece of literature. Congratulation on a job well done Ian.
6:25 pm | May 9, 2002
MC got prison for life? In Canada, in the year 2552, that would be the equivalent of six months in jail. Canada is less than ideal.

But a good story on the whole, though. It was only recently (yesterday or the day before) that I knuckled down and read every part. Pretty good stuff, all things considered.

But I have a problem with the complete shunning of the Forerunner. This whole story could've taken place without the events on Halo happening at all.

Still, it's pretty good.
