
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Chapter 1: Home, Earth.'

Nick Kang
1:42 pm | June 20, 2004
Yeah, it seemed pretty rushed.
You can't mispell Mjolnir, 'cause it's actually a word (pronounced Myoo-l-ner), not just a bunch of letters slapped together.

10:28 pm | June 19, 2004
hard Covenant steel? WTF, it takes a 2000 ton MAC round to get through the shields and tear a hole about the size of a scorpion in the cruiser, and you're coming up with the idea that one bullet from a simple pistol is going to tear a hole through like 30 meters of Covenant Ablative Cruiser Armor, I mean seriously WTF??, the ok i guess what too nice, and like "me" said, we didn't like it, and by the way use the code, it says direction to posting, read those and use those
10:26 pm | June 19, 2004
MJOLNIR is spelled with an I, not E, I, ok i guess
7:21 pm | June 18, 2004
we didn't
Michael Montazeri
4:33 pm | June 18, 2004
I hope you guys like it!
