
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'One Shot, One Kill Part 1'

6:12 am | March 30, 2004
Tut tut, such bad language! And geez, don't write stories if you can't cop the comments. Why Do you think the guys put in comments section. To ge people's opinions. Duh. And he did rate you 8/10, which is pretty good. I don't know much about snipering, so that bit seemed okay. Nothing wrong with telepathic Elites either. Shows imagination. A bit of grammer would be nice. Otherwise, good story.
11:31 am | August 9, 2003
sorry again hunterkiller
8:00 am | August 2, 2003
no u get off my back first, and then i'll get off yours, i mean u started it 4 cryin out loud. like i said in the other 1, u shoulda put someting a bit more positive than "this story SUCKED!" just think about it next time ey? therez a good girl... hehehe
8:45 pm | July 26, 2003
You should give a shit about my uncle. He got killed in Nam. You know something we went into nam to help the french, and right when we got in the french pulled out.
8:42 pm | July 26, 2003
crashedwarthog you're just getting back at me because I said that your flood story sucked. So get off my back and I'll get off yours.
8:51 am | July 24, 2003
who givez a shit about ur uncle? sorry to say, but this story SUCKED!
12:57 am | June 17, 2003
Except the part about the sniper taking the shot to fast. My uncle was a sniper and could hit a deer at 500 yards, and was a dead shot at it.
10:08 pm | June 15, 2003

But why in the hell did you get so offensive at my comment? I mean everything I said was the truth...
7:24 pm | June 15, 2003
to tell you the truth, I thought it was a good story, and I don't give a shit about what other people think about, I mean thats their opinion.
7:23 pm | June 15, 2003
OK now whos the pansy here steele. I told what i thought of your comment and if you cant deal with it quit being such a pansy and get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Capt. Yossarian
1:30 pm | June 13, 2003
sadly, my school has some programs installed on the comps that interfere with good lit so i didnt see much of most of the stories ive been reading...ill be sure to read this later.
from what ive seen of this, youve got a good opening...but ive got a soft spot for marine snipers...anyways, i think ill try to write things with relevance from now on.

11:45 am | June 12, 2003
I will run my mouth all the hell I want. I gave told you what I thought, that is what this section is for.

If you can't suck up the criticism stop being such a pansy and get off.
10:03 pm | June 11, 2003
Steele, shut the fuck up!
2:13 am | June 9, 2003
Nice story. A few flaws, but still, very nice. 8.5
10:48 pm | June 8, 2003
Cool story, a few grammer mistakes, and it was a little bizarre, with the telepathic elite. 8.5/10
Wiley K.
9:07 pm | June 8, 2003
Sniper story, cool. 8.5/10
8:40 pm | June 8, 2003
I never knew elites were psyhioc(too lazy to find out how to spell ti right) and its sorta obvious the guy got possesed.
8:36 pm | June 8, 2003
7.5/10 Jeeze the sniper guy would be like some kind of god if he shot so fast
8:00 pm | June 8, 2003
1. The Covenant do not have military ranks like General and such.

2. The sniper took the shot kinda quick didn't he?

3. It's a gilly suit, not gully.

4. Italicize people's thoughts.

