
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Wings of Death Part 10: Justification'

10:37 pm | October 20, 2002
yup sorry dude. I think my comedy(fan fic) days are over.
3:50 pm | October 20, 2002
YOU WHAT??!!??!!
3:36 pm | October 19, 2002
I just submitted the next part of WOD. I'm sorry, but i don't think I will be doing anymore Mis-adventures of Master Chief :(
2:17 pm | October 19, 2002
And write another mis-adventures of master chief story! If you don't, we'll crush you like a thousand cruisers crushing a single longsword!
9:02 pm | October 18, 2002
Hey diablo, when's your next WOD story coming out?
10:15 pm | October 17, 2002
lol nice one
10:01 pm | October 17, 2002
That was me sorry
9:50 pm | October 17, 2002
Blah blah... You made an error... You spelled I wrong...
el_halo_diablo (Ian)
10:12 am | October 17, 2002
Thank you for the post Brigad of Marines. I will try harder to put out a new story so don't worry.
el_halo_diablo (Ian)
1:42 am | October 17, 2002
Thanks dude...is it safe to come out now??? ;b
Brigad of Marines
10:48 pm | October 16, 2002
call me what you want but keep respect for other people. Don't impesonate them.
Brigad of Marines
10:48 pm | October 16, 2002
I was saying AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Evil scary impersonator. Get me outta here. And no i am not an impersonator. I was when I first found out about this site but that was 4 months ago or longer. I hate impersonaters. I like these stories and I won't try to impersonate anybody. some of the best writers(beside actual book athuors) are here. If I had the abilaty to right as well as them i would be in LaLa land writing and I would hate someone to impersonate me and you Ian (is that your name?) is a very good writer. There were some errors but i don't recall. Write faster so more stories can come out plz hurry thats to all of ya'll writers
8:06 pm | October 16, 2002
oops, thats anonYmous. don't come after me 9843!
8:04 pm | October 16, 2002
so you like to refer to yourself(your name here) as anonomous? heh thats new.
11:02 am | October 16, 2002
The guy who posted that is an impersonator. You know youyy can be put down as anonymous if you don't put in your name. What an idiot!
10:59 pm | October 15, 2002
i am a fag
11:54 am | October 15, 2002
Hey man do't be so harsh. At least he left a comment(Which he was correct on), No one is gonna leave comment if you flame um when they leave one you don't LIKE! Would you like everyone to leave you comments that just say it was good. It was great. Love it. It gets old.
10:17 am | October 15, 2002
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Evil scary impersinator. Get me outta here. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
el_halo_diablo (Ian) (The real person)
2:31 am | October 15, 2002
it was still pretty funny though. Thats like what a grunt would say heh heh.
Master of the Halos
12:07 am | October 15, 2002
That post about diablo getting slashed by plasma swords is DEFINEDELY the act of an impersonator.
12:05 am | October 15, 2002
AAAAHHHH!!!! I'm dying! (Diablo gets chopped by plasma swords) No-ho-ho! SPLAT!
12:03 am | October 15, 2002
The impersonator's back!
12:02 am | October 15, 2002
yah but everyone KNOWS I have bad spelling lol. What were you saying about "it gets old" Sarge? I would appreciate constructive feedback from anyone. Oh about the WOMAN ting...yah I never got that thing straightend out lol. ;D
9:43 pm | October 14, 2002
Diablo did you really write that last comment. "wemen" is not plural of "woman" that would be "women"; quick say it was an imposter that wrote the comment...lol.
8:04 pm | October 14, 2002
btw Spartan8943, I belive wemen is plural, in which I WAS using it as plural. :P
3:21 pm | October 14, 2002
Spelling, spelling... I didn't say grammar.

This was excellent, very nice beginning sequence with the RIP names. Keep on writing.

12:41 am | October 14, 2002
I haven't seen anywork from you, so stop pointing out grammar errors, and write dude. anyone else want to critize my work?(anything but grammar please ;D )
10:42 pm | October 12, 2002
Women is not spelled "Wemen". it's "Women".
9:56 pm | October 12, 2002
yeah, good good :D
4:10 pm | October 12, 2002
pretty damn good
