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Fan Fiction

Death's Angels: Chapter 1
Posted By: Space_Moose<lordofmooses@mac.com>
Date: 19 June 2003, 12:03 AM

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Lt. Jonothan A. Lewis was the field commander of the UNSC Delta Force, Group 5, 3rd Battalion, E Company, Fire Team Sierra.
The Best of the Best.

Jon had to be the luckiest person in the Marine corps. He was the field commander of the finest men to ever to wear the Delta Force's hallowed seal, and in a few hours he would see the planet Earth for the first time, and he would fight for it.
Jon's men were suited up and ready to go. He picked up his specially tailored Battle Rifle and jammed in a clip. "Men, we are ready to leave." barked Jon. "Our mission on Earth is to relieve the Marine position in New Atlanta. The Covenant forces have taken the east and south sections of the city and are moving in to the west. The Marines still own the north section, and the western high ground. that is were we will be dropped."
"Ive uploaded grids of the city into your eyepeices, so navigating the city should not be hard. We will be dropped with
two warthogs, one with a vulcan cannon, and a new type that fires plasma, primarily used for taking out vehicles. After the Marines have been relieved, then comes the hard part. The Covenant have set up a HQ in the south section of the city. We will infiltrate these headquarters, find out what we can about the Covenant homeworld, And then blow the whole joint sky high. We must not be captured. If a Team member is captured or will be captured, it is your job to make sure this does not happen, by any means neccesary. Is that clear?
"CRYSTAL SIR!" yelled the Sarge. "All right ladies, you heard the man, pile in! "Sir yes Sir!" the Marines chorused as they piled into the dropship.
"Buckle your seatbelts!" yelled the pilot "Its gonna be a bumpy ride!" The Pelican shot off into the oblivion.
"Man!, this musics like 500 years old or somethin, cant we listen to something else!?" yelled Cortez, the team sniper, and self-appointed king of cool. "Yeah, I mean, cant we listen to stuff from this century?" replied Henries, the strongest man on the team and the only one favoring the up close and personal Assault Rifle as "Sunday Bloody Sunday" blared on the ship's radio. "Shut up man! this old music is the BEST." mumbled Hix, Cortez's spotter. "Yeah shut up man!" yelled Nash, Hix's personal fanclub, amd wielder of two SMG's named lil Cruz and Hix Jr. The two other Marines, Dullard and Specter, were sleeping in the back of the dropship, Battle Rifles by their sides.
"LZ looks hot!" blared the voice of the Pelican pilot over the comm link. "Ya sure this is where ya wanna be dropped?" "Of course were sure! Now take us down before they take us out!"
"I see a clearing, im gonna put her down there."
"Go Go Go Marines!" The Marines piled out one by one, surveying the area."LZ secure!" screamed Specter. "Looks like we're in a field hospital. Jon looked around... there were several tents bearing the red cross and some doctors tending badly wounded men. "All right!" said Jon as he checked his eyepiece. "This way!"
The Marines followed Jon to a balcony, where they could see a battle raging below. Some Marines were pinned down on a lower balcony, and some more were taking cover behind some cars. Suddenly one of the cars exploded, sending two marines flying to their deaths. "All right Marines, lets relieve this position"
Cortez and Hix set up a position on the balcony overlooking the Covenant position. "There, that golden elite, right by the Mercedes." whispered Hix. "Range:" "300 yards" "Wind Speed:" "7 mph" "One shot, one kill" whispered Cortez as he squeezed the trigger.
300 yards away Tuldeay the Elite's head exploded
Meanwhile Jon was pretty tied up. He was taking cover by a smashed Pelican along with Dullard and the Sarge. other Marines and a Covenant squad was advancing fast. 3 Jackals, 1 Elite, and 5 grunts were advancing on his position. He activated his comm radio and signaled his Marines, "I'm in a pretty bad position right now and your gonna help. Henries! Nash! you lay down suppressive fire on this position!" He pinged the Covenant squad's current location on their eyepieces. "Open fire...Now!"
Henries and Nash let loose. So did Jon and Dullard. The Elite was caught off guard. He staggered backwards, surprised that these insolent creatures had shot him. He raised his plasma rifle at Nash's position and fired...or, he would have fired had not a chunk of his head been blown off, spilling brain matter onto a nearby Jackal's shield.
"That grunt looks pretty hot", thought Jon, "Let me ventilate his skull for him" He scoped in on the unsuspecting grunt and pulled the trigger "BANG!" 4 grunts. "BANG!" 3 grunts. One brave grunt raised a plasma grenade and began to throw it when his head dissapeared, thanks to one of the Sarge's well aimed shots. The plasma grenade landed on a Jackal, sending him pleaing to his brethren, eliminating all but one of them.
The last remaining Jackal turned to flee. Henries squeezed offa large burst and so did Nash. The unlucky covenant's chest exploded in a fountain of purple blood, spilling his intestines on to the pavement. The mortally wounded Jackal tripped. As he scrambled to get up Dullard tossed a frag in his direction 3...2...1...
"KABLOOIE!" the grenade exploded sending what was left of the Jackal flying into the stratosphere.
"Ahhhh" sighed the Sarge. "Its great to be home"
Specter was in his own kind of trouble. Here he was, seperated from the rest of the Delta Force, perhaps the only people on the planet that could save him now, running low on ammunition, and was hopelessly outnumbered. He and some normal marines were on a balcony overlooking, some smaller buildings. On those buildings were a few Covenant snipers and shades. Some Banshees had been circling them for a while but hadnt been able to kill them due to the Marine's mounted machine gun.
Specter noticed some Covenant climbing into a strange looking new dropship (Phantom) as the Phantom started to come their way. "Man the gun!" yelled Specter. "There gonna drop Covies right on top of us if we dont shoot that thing down!" A Marine rushed to the gun and opened fire. The Phantom barely seemed to notice 50 cal. rounds and and kept coming. "Take that thing doen!" yelled Specter. Too late. The bay doors opened and about 20 Covenant spilled out of the Phantom. The Marines were outnumbered two to one. The man on the gun took down about three before he was removed by a sword toting Elite.
Specter grabbed his battle rifle and scoped in. He removed two Jackals of their heads before he was noticed by an Elite. The Elite brandished his energy sword and charged. BAM! BAM! BAM!
The Elite kept coming. BAM! BAM! he was weaker, but close, too close. The Elite sung his energy sword with all his might. Specter ducked just in time. The energy sword missed his head by only an inch. He was mad. Specter tackled the Elite, pinned him down with one hand, drew his pistol, and proceeded to put a little more lead in that particular Elite's diet.

To be continued...
