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Fan Fiction

Legends of Sgt. Johnson:Assault on the Control Room
Posted By: Samslink14<Samslink14@AOL.com>
Date: 8 October 2004, 7:43 AM

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Mendosa slammed a fresh clip into his Assault Rifle and aimed at a nearby Grunt. He gave a small double burst. The first pierced the covenant armor easily, causing it to yelp and hold its stomach. The second burst caught its upper chest, sending it flying on its back.
"Get that lead out Marines!" Sergeant Johnson yelled. Beside him, Private Jenkins took aim at a nearby Elite. Two other Marines, including Johnson, opened fire on it, breaking through its shield in seconds. Armor-piercing rounds punched through its lungs and throat, throwing it backwards in silent death.
"Yeah! That's it!" yelled another Marine. The squad pushed up the hill and leaped down it, meeting dozens of Covenant soldiers straight in the face, screaming defiance.
Chris Radley took a hit in the shoulder and yelled out, but kept going. Ben Grath didn't have that much grit. He took a couple hits in the stomach and went down, screaming and writhing in pain. A green blob with high velocity and struck the ground right next to him, sending his body rolling away and spraying blood all over the place, staining the snow red. Grath screamed, spilling his intestines on the ground. His whole front was black with plasma burns. As his voice went silent, the squad turned to the source of the blast. A Hunter leveled a huge weapon, releasing another large bolt of energy at them. The whole squad hit the dirt, firing their rifles and cursing in dismay. After three hours of constant battle with the Covenant they'd finally had their first casualty.
The blast flew over them and shook the earth. As always, Sgt. Johnson was the first on his feet, yelling at the others to get up and, "fight like hell if they wanted to live". They ran at full speed towards the pair of hunters, recklessly charging towards what would probably be the end of all of them. The group split up, attempting to confuse and flank the Hunters, but with no avail. Instead, they got another surprise.
A single rocket appeared and buried itself inside the first Hunter, shattering its body and tossing it into the air. A figure in dark green armor ran forward with incredible speed straight at the remaining Hunter. He, or maybe it, threw the smoking rocket launcher on the ground and drew out a pistol. The figure closed the distance faster then the Hunter could calculate, and it ended up backing up in confused suspicion. It looked for a moment at its blood brother, then roared in fearsome rage and charged. The moment the Hunter swung at him, the figure changed direction and rolled away from the bone-crushing impact. The shield blocked the Hunter's view with the swing, so when the attack was complete, it found air in front of it. Before it had a chance to turn around, a slug from the pistol silenced its frustration.
Silence ensued for several seconds before the group ran forward, shouting with astonishment. "Holy shit! Did you see that? He just ran past and shot before it knew what was coming!" the figure turned to face the Marines.
The whole group stopped to stare. MJOLNIR armor glinted in the sun, or what would be the sun if they were on earth. The armor was battered and stained in the blood of the enemy. Purple from the Jackals and Elites spread along his left arm, blue Grunt blood was sprayed across his legs and stomach. Even the orange blood of the Hunters was splattered across his chest and helmet. A Spartan.
Surprisingly, Mendosa felt like he had seen him before. Sgt. Johnson walked forward with a big grin on his face. "Good to see you again, Spartan-117. Or should I say Master Chief?"
Mendosa frowned. Master Chief. Where have we met up with any Spartans? Of course! When Reach was being attacked, and Johnson's group had been pinned down by a bunch of Jackals. He would never forget that day. Sniper shots took out half of them in half a second, and the rest were mopped up in the other half of the same second. You need to concentrate on one Jackal at a time, or they will keep you at bay till your dead. Not his exact words, but more or less, that was what he had said when they parted.
Explanations came and went quickly, and within a minute the whole group moved off. The Master Chief led them to a Scorpion and they all got on. The tank included a warthog, therefore they could take everyone. They passed out of the huge, frozen valley soon, and came to a cave. The Chief got out and walked in, telling the others to do the same. Inside they found another two dozen Marines, two warthogs, and three captured ghosts. Looking up, Mendosa found that the roof of the cave had been carved out and on a small shelf was a Banshee with two Marines standing guard over it.
The Master Chief was talking with Sgt. Johnson and another Marine while the others ate and rested. Soon they came over and organized a trio to patrol in one of the warthogs. Mendosa soon found out that a scout troop consisting of three Marines in a warthog had been expected back sixteen minutes past. Going were the Master Chief, Sgt. Johnson, and Mendosa had been picked for the third.
They drove hard for twelve minutes with light Covenant contact. They finally stumbled across an overturned warthog. Next to it lying on the ground was a bloody carcass of a Marine, still clutching an empty assault rifle. The Spartan got out and jogged over to it, checking the dog tags on the Marine and identification number on the warthog.
"That ours?" Johnson yelled.
"The Master Chief nodded. "That's ours."
"Damn!" Mendosa said, slamming a fist on the LAAG, which he was manning. "Mystery solved, but all in the wrong way!"
Both of the others turned to him. "No, not yet." Said the Spartan. "We've got one Marine here, and I sent out three. We have to find the other two, and fast. The Covenant are obviously chasing them, or both the Marines and the Covenant would be here. We'll take this warthog too."
"How are we supposed to do that?" Mendosa asked. "The damn thing's flat on its back!"
"Simple." The Chief walked over to the hog and firmly gripped its side. With incredible strength, he flipped it several feet into the air. It landed almost gracefully on it tires, the shocks absorbing its momentum. He then calmly took the Marines dog tags as a custom and got in the vehicle while the two Marines looked on in astonishment.
They needed two extra spots for the other two soldiers, so they could not take their fallen comrade with them. Neither could they bury him then, for they needed speed to get to the others before the Covenant did. But they did at least set him out of sight by the cliff, so they could come back for him if they had the chance.
The Master Chief went first, then Johnson with Mendosa as gunner. It was a good thing too, for the two Marines would not have survived what would have hit them had they been in the lead. As they rounded a tight corner, a huge blue plasma bolt hit dead-on the Chief's hog, flipping it several times before stopping and throwing the Spartan out and causing his shields to flare in response to the danger.
Johnson slammed on the brakes, stopping and backing up behind the cliff. Mendosa knew that a warthog in such close-ranged combat with a Wraith tank was worthless. Helpless, the Marines watched with more astonishment as the Chief calmly stepped behind a large white bolder and switched from a sniper rifle to a pistol. Timing it carefully, he ran just as the Wraith fired, blowing away half the bolder. Without hesitating, Spartan-117 dashed forward, firing rounds into the tank. Just before it fired again, he threw a plasma grenade on top of it and slid under it. Igniting another plasma grenade on its underside, he slid out from under it on the other side just as the first exploded, shattering most of the outer hull, breaking through armor like it was designed to do. The second blew into the inner area of the Wraith tank, detonating the power core. The Master Chief appeared and began walking back to the Warthog while the Wraith erupted into a huge ball of flame.
After this, Mendosa silently vowed that he would never be surprised again unless it was a Spartan doing the surprising.
* * *
That's it for now dudes! I'll be writing part two next weekend.
Be sure to check it out!

I plan to do one of these for every Halo level pretty much, so by the time most of you read this, I may have done it already. Check it out!
