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Fan Fiction

Devestation- Chapter 3- Beta Halo...
Posted By: Michael<Darkblade45@aol.com>
Date: 29 September 2003, 1:14 AM

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      Chapter 3- Beta Halo. . .

      He woke up to an eye staring him in the face. Still looking at him frustrated he finally spoke.

      "Dammit, Hes....wait He's alive yes"! The medic almost yelled alarming the surrounding area.

      "Halo.....Is...." Brent whispered to himself almost jumping up when a marine set him back down unto the bed.

       "Hold it, I don't care if Satan's after you, you need rest now."


       "Quiet! Rest now worry about it later." Brent was interrupted brutally by this remark. The warship he was in is now occupied by another both in space with no covenant warships in range. The warships were lucky and escaped with minor damage, The two huge cannons allowed the escape and provided cover fire until death. Almost in the middle of nowhere the ships sat not moving.

      A captain came over the announcements- "All personnel prepare for thruster turbulence and take off to earths solar system."

      "Were not there....yet"? This lowered Brent's moral. Zander stood over him looking into his eyes.

       "Ha, Wimp you almost fainted"! Zander couldn't help but smirk, Brent shot back if he had guts all over him he wouldn't be to well either.

      "Ya, but I didn't now did I"? Zack walked over to Brent and put his hand on Zanders shoulder.

      "He isn't feeling good leave em alone." Zack was serious, he thought Brent like family and worried about him constantly.

      "I can walk, Let me get some food at the cafeteria." Brent demanded walking up to Zack waving for him to follow
"Fill me in please"? Zack talked about the hole destroying a few dozen marines then how Brent fell down and that the captain ordered the engines to stop due to the huge hole in the side of the ship. After that he explained there was something a while down the road that they could set up camp on and find more help.

      "What could possibly have anymore marines? Weren't we the last Fort"?

      "I guess but it just seems that something has human lifeforms on it."

      "Like"? Brent asked anticipating that he would be answered by the words Halo.

      "I guess its something like Halo." Brent sighed heavily.

      "Halo....dammit." Brent whispered under his breath

      "What! Something wrong"? Zack almost yelled.

      "No just thought there was only one, or at least hoped so." By that time the doors to the cafeteria were opened and they fed themselves to a treating of tomato soup and crackers. Brent walked up to a table with a few of his known friends-Travis Foster, Jack Williams, Jason Heuges, and Mark Thompson. They all greeted Brent with smiles while playing a game of chess between Foster and Williams.

      "C'mon Foster hurry"! Jack exclaimed rushing Foster

      "Shutup before I slap the shit out of you"! Foster threatened not liking to be rushed. Foster moved his knight 3 right and 2 up, to the left of a pawn and with Queen and King in killing range. Jack moved his Bishop 3 spaces diagonal-wise toward Travis's King.

      "Checkmate"! Williams voice echoed over the dozen of eyes watching.

       "Au crap! Let me guess? 20 bucks huh"? Williams smiled in reply and took the 20 dollar bill. Travis shifted and grunted a few insults while setting the board for the next players. Before Foster could finish the announcements rang out with static, then the Captains voice.

      "All personnel prepare to board pelicans and ready for extraction to Beta Halo." The announcement rang with static again and shut off as everyone in the cafeteria stood still, This totally sent shock down everyone's spine, They found another halo. Before another word was said everyone in the cafeteria and just about in the ship went to the armory. Within minutes Brent and a whole Platoon of marines were at the docks awaiting orders.

      "All right heres how it goes, Around 20 marines will head to the surface of Beta and look for the marines, the rest will be here for back-up reasons only. If any marines signal evac we will send pelicans and men to there position, Not everyone will be used for Halo's extraction of marines and technicians." After the announcement he called out all 20 marines names and they went into 3 different pelicans. The pelicans shot off and Brent was left waiting in the marine quarters for further instructions. He could imagine the marines looking for other lifeforms and wondering if the covenant were there yet. He looked out the window and saw the Last Pride as it was orbit above the ring along with Final Destination which he was in. Something caught his attention, it was about thousand of Covenant escape pods being shot into the ring and landing all over the ground where the two warships were orbited.

      "Well, now their here...Hope we've got most of the marines are out of there."

      "Time to find out." A similar voice rang out behind him, it was Zack

      "So, whose going with"?

      "They said when they call for and evac, Its gonna be you, Zander, Foster, and I." He smiled at his grammar correct remark.

      "Well, lets get packed."

      "Let's." Zack, Zander, Foster and Brent went for the armory and gladly put on their armor and packed tight with clips of ammo. Foster and Zander carried shotguns, and Zack and Brent with AR's. Everyone had the assigned pistol, and of course Brent carried his Sniper Rifle.

      "Hey, Evac team hurry up we've got someone signaling"! All 4 of them ran to the pelican and sat down inside, Zander walked to the back end of the pelican grabbing a metal bar above his head and stared out the rear of the pelican as they shot off toward the ring. They flew over a desolate beach trying to get to the marines position. They came to a battle with several marines and many more covenant. Brent pulled out his SR when they hit the ground and aimed for covenant Elites.

      "Hurry get everyone one inside now"!

      "Cmon the evac' here, Go,go,go." a corporal instructed "There's more inside." The corpral spoke to Zander before getting in the pelican with 5 others.

      "Archangel get a move on now, were going inside to rescue more marines, send another pelican down when you get there"!

      "Affirmative, Archangel out"! The pelican hovered then flew back to the Ship. Brent shot more rounds into a nearby grunt. Zander ordered everyone to fallback to the structure. Brent shot two more shots into a hunter before putting away his Sniper Rifle and pulling out his AR. Zander and Foster provided cover fire at the entrance as Zack and Brent ran inside waiting at the door.
They could hear screams of Marines fighting for their lives inside.

      "Lets get rolling now." Zander said as he walked inside slowly. Followed by Foster then Zack and Brent brining up the rear.

      "What the hell"? Foster whispered to himself as he saw thousands of gallons of marines blood all over the place, 3 more marines ran straight for the door.

      "Thank god someone's here! Lets get out of here NOW"! The marine screamed ready to run. Brent and Zack stayed at the door as the 3 marines ran outside.

      "There's 4 more inside the structure."

      "You stay here and we'll go inside and get them."

      "Fine by me. I wouldn't go back inside for anything." The three marines posted around and aimed at the way everyone cam into the structure. Zander signaled for Brent and Zack to move forward and Foster to go left. They soon found an entrance and saw something blur passed their vision. Zander quickly pulled his shotgun to his shoulder ordering everyone else to go inside and find the rest of the marines. Without effort they found 4 more marines running outside in fear not looking back.

      "Lets go....hurry....before more come! Were all that's left...c'mon lets go"! Zander walked toward the door with everyone at his side. He walked into the door opening it to where the others were.

      "C'mon." Brent Zack, Foster, and Zander ran through the door. Then out of nowhere 1 of the marines were thrown into a wall breaking every bone in his body. Everyone except the three marines raised their guns to the door.

      "C'mon dammit"! The other marines ran for the door as another ghostly figure tripped a marine and grabbed his feet

      "Noooo Help"! The marine screamed as the door shut and locked.

      "What the fuck! Dammit I can't open it"! Zander hit the door several times before he heard the marines screams as everyone inch of blood was pulled from his body by constant sounds of something beating him to death. Zander let out a furious scream.

      "Lets get back with the other 5 marines that are left to the pelicans." Everyone nodded and went for the beach.

      "What your kidding right"? Foster exclaimed as he saw a brigade of hunters heading in his direction.

      "Damn....we cant catch a break can we"? Brent said almost in a whisper. The hunters started running toward their prey ready to fight. there were at least 10.

      "Don't give up yet"! Zander cried out when the hunters struck. Every hunter swung its shield aiming for a kill while everyone ran passed them. Two hunters came out swinging killing a marine on impact, Slamming his body into the wall and splitting his skull in half. A hunter shot its fuel rod gun at Brent missing and hitting a rock, but the explosion caught a marine and damaged his leg. Brent doubled back and picked him up carrying him across the beach, Hunters behind them.

      "There's the pelican"! Foster yelled running for it, Everyone right behind him.

      "Shit! Evade dammit Evade." Zander screamed into his radio. Two huge plasma scorings came right at the pelican nailing it in both sides as it exploded and fell to the ground in a massing heap of burnt metal.

      "Head for higher ground and find somewhere safe to hide for the night"! Zander ordered running for a hill that lead to a structure. Soon everyone followed as he crouched and scanned the area with his gun making sure no one was about, still the hunters running toward them. The structure had two doors, one from its right and another from its left. They both lead to a hallway that lead into a bigger room with no other way out.

      "Brent Zack and you 2 head from the left. The rest follow me and Foster from the right." They followed orders scanning the walls with their guns and meeting in the middle. Ready they walked down the hallway they saw something that finally wasn't death knocking at the door, but thousands of weapons and grenades. It was in fact a weapons cache. The weapons cache had lined up weapons all over the walls then an Assault Rifle and Shotgun holder in the middle 30 feet away from the entrance. Listening to hunters grunts, they went for the cache. They went immediately for the Rocket Launchers on the walls ditching their guns.

      "If they actually do make it in here we can hold them off now." Brent said picking up a Rocket Launcher ditching his AR. They all could hear the grunts of Hunters making their was into the structure. Even though the door were too small they would find a way in.

To Be Continued.
