
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Fate is Decided (--Part_One--)
Posted By: Lance Johnson<jett_mann@msn.com>
Date: 15 May 2004, 4:20 AM

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"Ship master Deloramee, the cargo ship Rising Star is right on schedule. They have requested clearance and are awaiting permission to land on High Charity's moon."
"Give them clearance."
"You're cleared Rising Star, continue on your present course."

The small ship landed quietly in the hanger of Huri's home. Zayap was waiting in the hanger, wondering who had come.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

A footstep caused him to start shivering.

"Who is there?"

Zayap pulled out a needler. A large hand touched his shoulder. Zayap screamed and fired. But the weapon was taken from him.

"Settle down Zayap! It's me!"

Zayap looked up.

"Huri? HURI?!"

The grunt embraced Huri's leg.

"Uuh, don't do that. I need you to promise me something."
"Don't scream again, no matter what comes out of that ship."

The elite said something in English that Zayap didn't really understand. But when a large group of green armored humans stepped out of the ship. He didn't scream, just fainted.

"Zayap, wake up Zayap."

Zayap bolted out of bed, right smack into Larel's face. The grunt screamed and curled into a ball. But quickly recovered from the shock the hunter gave him.

"I had the strangest dream. I dreamed that Huri got back and he had humans with him."
"You weren't dreaming."

The grunt fainted again. Larel huffed laughter and walked out of Zayap's room. He looked at the Spartans. They looked at him. He was easily twice as tall as the tallest one, but he knew not to underestimate what they could do.

"Master Huri, why did you bring humans here?"
"I'll explain."

Huri told the hunter, in laymen's terms, his adventure.

"That's quite a story, if it had come from anyone else, I wouldn't believe it."
"Even your bond-brother," A Spartan asked.

Larel just looked at the human.

"Spartan 212, this hunter has no bond-brother, it was killed in combat."
"What about that grunt we saw, where is it?"
"Zayap is in his room, still out cold huh?"
"He came to, but fainted again."

Huri laughed.

"You said that you had something downstairs that we could use?"

Larel looked at Huri with a questioning look.

"You have something in that safe?"

The hunter huffed something in its language. Then shrugged and walked off.

"I will never get used to seeing one of those things without armor on."
"They prefer having it, without it they feel vulnerable. Their natural body is strong, but vulnerable."
"Yeah, we all know that."
"Set up the com post, and the perimeter. Then break out some food," Jesse said tersely.

The Spartans nodded, then began their own conversation using personal coms, and minute body language. Huri wondered how they could communicate, by simply nodding their heads and waving their hands. But his own species had its own special way of communication, so he guessed it wasn't so strange after all. I mean, if the movements of one's mouth pieces could be considered a language. And the hunter's spines could communicate things. So he left it at ease in his mind.

Huri unlocked the safe, then walked in. Once inside the door closed, leaving them all in pitch black darkness. No light entered through any openings in the walls.

"I can't see."
"Lights please."
"Wow, darkness."

Floodlights flashed into action. The Spartan's eyes quickly adjusted. Inside the safe were weapons of all shapes and sizes. Vehicles and two phantoms. The Spartans stared flap jawed at all the firepower.

"This is my personal arsenal. I gathered it all by myself."
"How long did that take?"
"A very long time."
"So, what do we do with it?"
"We use it, if needed. But I want to leave some of it for later use, if necessary."

The Spartans nodded, and each took two plasma rifles. Soon the com system was set up. And Aaron walked to and fro, mumbling about incompetence. He switched panels, and flipped switches. Finally sitting down, and just sat there.

"Having a problem Aaron?"
"No, just, I wish humans were more precise."
"You're an incredibly advanced AI, give us some slack," one of the Spartans chimed in.

Huri walked upstairs.

"How is the com going?"
"Its going pretty good, this grunt knows his stuff."

Zayap, who had woken up, just sighed. He fiddled with the controls. But suddenly he jumped from his chair, sniffing. Huri looked over at Larel; his spines were erect, shivering while they scanned the air. Huri listened, a footstep sounded, very softly and quietly.

"Someone is here, keep working."

The Spartan didn't even flinch. Huri activated his personal cloaking field. He moved to and fro, searching for whoever was here. He activated thermo-optics in his helmet so he could see if there was an invisible elite in the house. Larel blazed in color because of the optical scanner. But Huri saw the invisible elite. He nodded to Larel, who tackled it.

The hunter easily subdued the insurgent. The Spartans held the elite down, while Larel picked himself up. The elite roared and kicked and flailed, but the Spartans were stronger. It soon gave up fighting. The elite looked around, then started babbling in its own language.

"What did it say?"
"How should I know? Where did that other elite go?"

Huri appeared in front of them.

"This new cloaking field thing is amazing."

The Spartans looked at him. But then concentrated on the elite.

"Hold on boys, and girl, I know this one."

Huri grabbed the elite's forearm and lifted it off the floor. Then thrusted it onto the wall. Huri said something in his native language to the elite. It relaxed and they began a rather cooled conversation.

"Hey chief! Come here!"
"What? Oh, friend of his?"
"Seems like it."

Huri continued to speak to the elite.

"Hey Huri, who is that?"
"A friend."
"We figured that, who is it?"
"Jora' Furomee."
"That's your name, isn't it?"
"So he's related to you."
"You're being cryptic with me, tell me who he is."
"My son."

The Spartans stared at him.

"He's your what?!"
"My son."

The other elite said something.

"He says he saw us land. He came up here to investigate."

The elite nodded.

"So, can we trust him?"

Huri stared at into Jora's eyes. The elite fidgeted, but then went limp. After almost five minutes Huri let the smaller elite go.

"He can be trusted. But keep a wary eye on him at all times."
"How can you figure that?"
"I just know."

Jora rubbed his neck and said something.

"He said he was sorry," Aaron piped in.
"Did I ask you?"
"No, but I answered the question didn't I?"
"Com channel established. We are free to use inter-channel coms."
"Good job. Let's load up."
"Wait," Huri held up his hand.
"What is it?"
"Grab two of those rods over there. We may need them."
"What are they?"
"Translated, they are Bangalore explosives, just a lot more powerful."

The Spartans loaded onto the two dropships and blasted off towards High Charity. The Spartans were silent in the dropship, either not wanting to speak, or just having been trained that way. The first dropship tilted down and sped down to the surface, homing in on the first target. The second dropship landed, and its contents silently slinked out. They set up positions around the building, while placing silencers on their MA7B battle rifles.

"Don't attack unless they see you."

The Spartans nodded. The street outside the alleyway they were posted inside was empty. But an occasional vehicle made it clear that they weren't going to be moving much.

"This is team one, we got the kid, he looks pretty banged up, we're moving out."
"Roger team one, moving to next target."

The Spartans moved up, securing the next building they homed in on.

"Team two; we have the civilian in sight. No enemies on scanner."
"Be careful team one, the enemy is here somewhere."
"Roger, securing civilian."

Huri waited for the Spartans to get the kid. His mind kept going over the situation, it was too easy.

"Civilian secured, no covenant engaged. Returning to dropship."
"This is com alpha, you have several large heat signatures coming in fast, they appear to be banshees."
"Roger alpha, this is team one leader, give us TAC data and reroute us to the other civilians."
"Roger team one leader, sending data now."

Huri looked left, he saw a shimmer. He motioned to one of the Spartans. The Spartan aimed his/her battle rifle and fired. The elite didn't make a sound as it hit the ground, its head punctured by the round.

"He likely isn't alone. Team one this is team two, we have been spotted; prepare to fight our way to the rest. I estimate it will take them thirty minutes to fully comprehend and attack with force. Timer is running."

The Spartans all looked at the mission timer in the bottom right hand of their huds.

"Roger, moving out."

Silenced rifle fire sounded in the night. The whine of plasma fire and flashes of blue and green signified return fire.

"Snipers, covenant snipers!"
"Over there!"
"Fire, fire!"

The Spartans com system was being flooded by the Spartans all yelling at something or someone. Huri heard a scream and saw an armored body slam into the wall right beside him, smoking. The Spartan was hurt, but not dead. It grabbed its SMG and unloaded on the Covenant.

"Fire on those fuel rod guns!"

Green orbs of explosive energy blasted past team two. As the firefight continued in the street, team one secured another child.


One of the Spartans gave the sixteen year old kid an SMG.

"I don't know how to use this."

The kid found the safety.

"You aim it at the covenant, and pull the trigger, the gun does the rest."

Covenant attacked team one as they were heading back to the dropship. The plasma cannon on the dropship swivled and fired at the covenant. The Spartans ran in to find a teenaged girl at the controls.

"Just like a simulator."

The Spartans nodded and ran back towards team two.

"We have all the civilians! Pull out, pull out!"

A fuel rod blast caught a Spartan in the back. His shields failed, but he kept running. Huri slowed, watching the Spartans tear ahead towards the awaiting dropship.

"Go! I'll stall them!"
"No! Come on!"

But Huri turned, and fired his two plasma rifles at the advancing wave of covenant. His rifles overheated, so he threw them down and raised his arms. His pulse guns blasted away at the elites, jackals, and grunts. They parted as the deadly energy cut through them. His batteries died, so he clicked a button on his arm. A stream of fire shot from his left arm, igniting the grunts methane tanks. They exploded with a powerful blast, blasting the attacker's line. His power cell failed and he switched to his hypersonic gun. It fired until it too failed. He flipped his swords out and attacked. It wasn't long before the massive numbers of covenant overwhelmed him. He felt plasma shot after plasma shot hit his unprotected armor. He felt dizzy, then blackness filled his vision.
