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Fan Fiction

Jugernaut Squad Chapter 4: Dust and Echoes
Posted By: jake<superman13032001@yahoo.com>
Date: 27 April 2007, 4:46 am

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Time Date Stamp: June 2nd,2595,0530-hours/Earth Bound Vector/Sol-System.

The Phantom shuddered, spinning to her starboard side from the impact of 2 SMAC (super mac gun) rounds, and three neutron beams. Any other ship in the UNSCDF fleet would have been devastated, not the Phantom; she righted herself and prepared to return fire.

"Status report!!", Jones screamed.

William Locksfeald a rather young and ratty looking ensign in charge of engineering , shook himself awake before nervously replying. "Sir Shields holding at 99.9 percent, no hull or structural damage occurred during the attack."

Warning sirens blared across the bridge; Captain Andrea Smith, Admiral Jones's boy hood friend, lover on and off over the years, and now his second in command; snapped off several orders, sending bridge offers scurrying about like lab rats.

"Evasive maneuvers, fire chemical thrusters on the port bow" she stopped to think a moment running advanced calculations through her brain, "Coarse correction 0023 by 0024 speed one half reverse on my mark. Bring us alongside those mac stations, charge starboard laser batteries, arm Shiva pods A1 sections a-b I want firing solutions for the three mac stations and their orbital generators; fire two seconds before their shields drop"


"Aye Aye Mam", several voices answered in unison, "Ordnance away."

The Phantom spun starboard on her axis, then grace-fully accelerated in reverse at four times the speed of light; positioning her starboard weaponry broad side of the MAC guns. Sixty miniature Shiva nukes (each one hundred times the strength of an archer missile) streaked toward their target followed by fifty laser projection beams. A brilliant flash blinded the view screens, followed by a massive sonic boom that shook the vessel. Suddenly The Phantom was there, and then simply gone leaving a 10,000 klom. path of Destruction in her wake.

He stared at her then mouth agape, the admiral surprised at how quick she had reacted, was effectively dumb struck unable to bring fourth words. Back at the academy Andréa had been… well rather slow, easy going, and fun loving your stereotypical blonde. He knew that later on she had become sharp enough to end up as his second in command; butt never this smart or quick. Her tactical reaction time was off the charts. She took out 3 SMAC stations in 12.35 seconds and incredible feet. It would have taken his smart AI 30 seconds to at least calculate the math in that maneuver. Andrea had finished giving orders in only ten seconds.

Andrea plopped on the command chair next to him her slender body easily filling up the small amount of space that was left. Looking at her one really couldn't tell that she was a Spartan, Easily the smallest of all Spartan-III's, she stood little over five foot seven, and unarmored weighed little over two hundred fifty pounds. With radiant blonde hair, soft tan skin, she really looked frail. That was the last mistake her enemies ever made before she delivered the final blow, underestimation.

She put her arm around Jones and playfully flipped her hair before speaking. "What's a matter Michal cat got your tongue?" she uttered softly inching ever closer to him in the cramped confines of the command chair.

He ran the sounds through his head, he hadn't here'd his real name, his civilian name used in years. It was always spartan711 or Sergeant Jones, or until recently "Admiral". His name had a comforting ring to it coming from her; Michal Jones he liked the sound of it.

Sady feeling Jones pleasure from Andréa's embrace and the obvious flirting in her attitude became rather jealous; causing her to "accidently" send an electric jolt into Andréa's body, from his battle armor while she ran routine diagnostics.

Before Andrea could respond L.T. Alconso bellowed at the admiral across the bridge, sending a vid feed to the main tactical display as he did so. "Sir we need to take evasive maneuvers now.. slip space jump recommended."

Jones stared at the screen with mild aggravation, as an entire enemy armada soundlessly slipped in from the ghostly realms of slip-space. "No time well have to take care of them our selves, give the rest of the UNSCDF fleet to slink off and hide. Sound the collision alarm, full power to weapons, and defense ops stations."

"Aye aye sir, Alconso loyally replied, but shouldn't we run with every one els…." Alconso was cut off before he could finish."Jones tone was menacing full of icy hatred. The bridge officers turned pail they knew all too well just had dangerous the admiral could be when this air of vileness surrounded him.

"Get off my bridge I will not tolerate cowardice, we are here to protect the last shreds of humanity. We will hold fast until victory is ensured or die trying." Alconso scrambled off of the bridge without another word licking his wounds and shambling away in shame.

Andrea pulled away from him in horror as his face slightly contorted, his eyes once again glowing a hellish crimson red. Last time she had gotten close he'd practically killed her. She returned to her ops. Station slightly hurt, watching him curiously with a glare of genuine concern.

The phantom came about, thousands of energy projection arrays warmed; countless armored plates slid aside revealing projectile weapons by the thousands. Jones communicated directly with the Phantoms CPU telepathically via an unknown ability. The now ghastly looking vessel fired one fourth of her on bored weapons, continuously.

After three minutes the forward tactical screen cleared, all 238 enemy vessels had been destroyed, what stood in their wake was an object, about a half kilometer long. The strange object detonated destroying every-thing in its death bearing radius. The TAC displays cleared for a second time.

"Status report, what in the fucking hell was that!?!?!, Jones bellowed obviously pissed.

Andrea was quick to answer, "It was a very powerful bomb… Earth, she stuttered the word tears choking her voice, is gone, so are all of the remaining colonies, the blast also wiped out the entire covenant. Humans, Brutes, Elites it doesn't matter, a great majority of this sectors population has been wiped out. Her eyes glowed a malicious red; her mind tapped into the Phantom's main CPU and shared control with the admiral. Andrea too seemed to have the gift.

The phantom accelerated at half the two hundred and ten times the speed of light, before entering a nearby slip space rift: left open by the now extinct alien armada. The ratty ensign worked up enough guile to speak, "Sir may I ask where we are going?"

Andrea cut Jones off and answered for him, "Were going on a Malevolent Tangent throughout the universe to commit an act of genocide against these heathens, After all, she stated sadly, all that is left of humanity amounts to dust and echoes…
