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Fan Fiction

The fall of new york:the clearing
Posted By: hunter_elite
Date: 2 November 2003, 3:59 AM

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The UNSC didn't think the covies know where earth was. They thought wrong. The first Covenant assault was in new york and this was the first major battle on Earth itself.

Plasma fire ripped past spartan-147 a.k.a Bo. The Elites at the end of the hall seemed hell bent on not letting him past the courthouse monument of Master Chief. A Plasma shot soon defaced the statue by making a scorch across the face of master chief turning the stone to liquid. Bo filled the Elites with bullets from his Smg's spattering purple blood all over the walls and doors of the courthouse building. The reason the courthouse needed to be secure was the fact that it had all the things they needed for a Base,a battle command center, and a vital network of communication. Bo was the spartan they sent to get it along with a small team of SEALS. Bo and the SEALS soon entered the courthouse and laid waste to the Elite guarding the doorway. Two grunts appered at the end of the entrance hall with their backs turned, two seals quickly took them out silently with their Kabar knives spilling neon-azure blood all over the floor. Suddenly Plasma filled the air and Bo's shields flared. Bo fired his recently acquired plasma rifle into the mass of elites and jackals coming down the hall. luckily one jackal fell stupid enough to turen its back in ther middle of a firefight. A plasma grenade soared across the hall and fused onto a seal. The seal bravely ran into the mass of covies and managed to take out three elites for his buddies one last time.The death of that Seal so infuriated Bo that he ran into the covies hacking away with his machete he adored so much. Purple blood spewed across the floor and mixed in with the blood of the seal that had sacrificed himself. Bo fought the mass of Covenant until the hall ran an array of colors with covenant blood. Bo eventually calmed down and resumed his mission. Ever since his first fight he loathed the covenant. The Covenant had wasted his entire family on Reach, and for that they would pay he swore by it. Bo ran into the main courtroom where they were to set up a beacon for reinforcements. The two brutes who had mindlessly wandered into the room were soon torn apart by a hail of bullets. their green ichor soaking the floor. Then the beacon was finally set up.The transmission was clearly heard and the dropships were on their way. Meanwhile bo and his seals had to clear the courthouse and its grounds. So bo and his team quickly exited the room leaving behind two seals leaving Bo only with 5 seals left. Elites and grunts walking down the hall were brutally massacred by lead flying into the lot of them. Plasma shots burned into the coke machine bo used as cover. Bo switched to his AR and fired into the grunt foolish enough to stay out of cover. the grunt soaked the carpeting with his lifeblood. suddenly all was quiet too quiet to Bo. Bo primed a grenade and tossed it into the corner of the the bookcase thst was facing the door. a moment later a jackal went flying into the wall of the the main hallway. Bo's AI suyddenly informed him that a mass of covenant troops were outside aparently firing at the newly arrived marines. the inside was cleared. The courthouse had been emptied. These were decoys to distract him! He sprinted for the entrance and barrled into a pair of hunters in black armor "Would it ever stop?" Bo wondered to himself. Fuel rod cannons lighted up and Bo quickly took cover behind a bookcase conviently positioned by a door to the library "How thoughtful." mused Bo to himself. Seconds later he felt the smash of the cannons and felt the heat of the cannons blast and hoping he wouldn't be disintegrated.Then the heat stopped probably my suit adjusting." the spartan thought. "But wait wouldn't i see some glowm of green still?" Wondered Bo aloud.Bo peeked out in time to see the hunters attacking some reinforcemnets! Bo switched his ar to his smg's he recovered. He emptied two clips each into the juggernauts. Orange blood seeped into the carpeting and the reinforcements were now clearing the grounds outside the courthouse. He must find the commanding alien officer. Then as if an answer to his question a gold elite de-cloaked and activated its plasma sword Bo dodged the swing it threw at him and swung back with his machete. amazingly the elite moved away as quicjk as a cat and threw a nasty kick at Bo's face. B caught the kick with the flat of the machete and heaved the foot away.
