
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Chapter Two of Halo:Armageddon
Posted By: Chris L<sonic_22@charter.net>
Date: 15 February 2004, 5:08 AM

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0034 Hours, February 12th,(Military Calander),
UNSC battle cruiser, Demonseed.

Newtonn stared at the Demonseed's controls. The men and
women that were around him had almost all left. He lit his
pipe and let out a whoosh of fragrant smoke. "Captain, enemy Seraphs on approach!" yelled a woman that was still
in the command center. "Fry em'" barked Newtonn. "Um, sir...
we can't exactly do that!" she replied. "Why not?" asked Newtonn, a look of pure concern on his shaved face. "Well, it's kinda' hard to explain sir, you see, but-"Just spit it out!" yelled Newtonn. "Those idiots are surrounding us as we speak sir!" she said. "So, just shoot em' and jump into
slipspace!" he suggested. "Our slipspace generators will not start!" she cried. "Dang-it!" "Those greasy,slime-covered scum-sucking bugs!" screamed Newtonn. "Sorry sir!"
yelled the female Corperal. "As you were!" snapped Newtonn.
He paced back and forth. "Okay, we could send out the
Longswords to clean them up!" said Newtonn, but when he looked up, the room was empty.

Unknown Time, February 12th,(Military Calander)

Xula awoke with a start and looked around. He was in some-sort of tent. His armor was gone, as were his weapons. He always got nervous without those two things. He looked at his skin. It was charred black. Dried blood was crusted all over. "Are you okay?" asked a soft voice that made Xula jump. He looked up and saw a short, hunched figure. It was odd looking. It was shaped similarly to a Grunt. Exept it had Blackish fur. Its face was wrinkled and scarred. "Did you here me?!" snapped the voice. "Yeah, I'm not deaf!" shouted Xula. The creature looked supprised. Xula lay back down. The creature walked out of the tent, muttering under its breath. Xula looked around for his armor, but could not seem to find it. He soon decided to leave the tent, and walked out. He was momentarily blinded by bright sunlight.
Then he felt his jaws drop a second time. All around him were these little creatures. He looked around at them all,
and stepped forward. He seemed to be on some kind of wooden structure, like a barge or something. It floated above the
gases on Threshold. Then he remembered, he had crash landed on Threshold. He must have landed on this barge. He thanked the gods for his amazing luck. The same creature he had seen earlier came waddling up to him. "Sir, are you okay?"
it said. "Yes, I am fine." replied Xula.
So, what exactly are you little creatures?" he asked the
little thing. "We, in your terms are called Caretakers."
"We are related distantly to your Grunts." the thing said.
Now, you must go." the thing said. Suddenly, the Caretakers
began pushing Xula toward the side of the barge. They squeaked and babbled in their own language. "Wait, no!"
shouted Xula, as he was pushed into the boiling gases of Threshold. His already burned and damaged skin dissolved, and his strong skeleton shattered into trillions of tiny shards...

Unknown time, Unknown date,on Covenant cruiser, "Malevolent Spear"

Coraz quickly ducked as a plasma bolt singed through the air. She looked up and saw a group of Brutes. A strangeled
choke rang out beside her and she saw a Brute strangeling
her bond brother. "You fools do not have permission to be on this ship!" growled the Brute, as it squeezed tighter on
Vel's neck. Veins bulged from Coraz's bond-brother's neck
as he lost all of his air. He went limp, and the Brute let
go. Coraz roared in fury that nothing could withstand. She
leaped up, knocked the Brute off of his feet and stomped on his head. She bounded at the pack of the aliens and hit two with such a force that they caromed off of the walls.
The last Brute, clearly the leader, grabbed Coraz and began
smashing her head into the steel floor. Black stars erupted
in her vision and she blacked out...

0116 hours, February 12th,(Military Calander)
UNSC Longsword fighter, 034.

The pilot named Turk Frayberg put his bird into a
dazzling dive until he could see a Seraph. He waited for the tell-tall "Ding!" that told him he had locked onto a target. He pulled the trigger and unleashed a wave of missles at the covenant flier. It blew up, and Turk pulled back on the joystick. The other fighters around him were
also engaging covenant forces. The covenant cruisers had formed a ring around them, and the Demonseed was floating ever so slowely upward, toward Basis. Turk focused on another ship, and turned it into a million, shiny shards that floated in the empty space.
Turk saw the Demonseed unleash torrents of lead at a
covenant cruiser. The missles glanced harmlessly off of the
ships sheilds. Turk knew that the captain had made a fatal
mistake. He slowed to an almost complete stop as the covenant cruisers' plasma turrets glowed orange...
