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Fan Fiction

Halo 2:CH1 FreeFall
Posted By: Chris-124 & David-125<Cs31590@aol.com>
Date: 6 November 2003, 3:23 AM

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I did this in only an hour so sorry i f it sucks..I'll put more detail into the other ones.

Chapter 1: Free Fall
1747 Hours November 15, 2553
Orbit above Earth over Africa and Asia

The Master Chief could see Earth now.It looked lik flowers were blooming all over the planet.He wished he could have been there sooner to help.It was time to stop the Covenant SOB's now.

"Master Chief, the ship right below us, is repairing its shields.They should be down for about 5 minutes.I think we should try to land right here,"Cortana said as a NAv point showed up on his visor."There's a maintenance door there and it'll be a short crawl to get into the ship,"she said in a calm voice.

He knew it wouldn't be easy but he had to take the risk.He took his MA8A Battle Rifle and put it on his shoulder.He pulled a lever that said,"WARNING:Permission required!"He didn't care so he pulled it and the glass doors of the bay began to open.You could see lose stuff fly out of the bay.He looked around the corner and jumped.He went flying through the door and into space.

He landed on the Covenant Crusier with ease and opened the door.There was a crawl space and it was about 1 metter tall and he could see light at the end about 40 yards away.As he was crawling, he past a vent and heard a Elite and a Brute talking.

"WHAT!?!You stupid idiot!How dare you say that to me!" the Elite said.

"We should have killed those marines when we had the chance you ignorant jerk," the Brute said.
As the Brute was turned around, He saw the Elite turn on his Plasma Sword.The Brute turned around with fear in his eyes as the plasma sword cut right through him.The Elite spat on his body and siad dumb brutes in an angry voice.He thought to myself,"Atleast they are killing eachother now."

He made his way down and opened the hatch.He looked around, it looked the same as the Truth and Reconciliation.He knew where to go.He turned the corner and saw a three grunts sleeping silently against the wall and two jackals walking back and forth.He took out a frag grenade and threw it at the jackals.By the time they saw it, they were just shreds of steaming meat.The grunts woke up but he quickly put them back down with 3 shots from his gun.

As he made his way through, he came into the altilery bay.There were 50 shades, 25 wraiths, 40 banshees, and 35 ghosts.He saw that there were about 5 to 7 grunts in the area and he saw a dead marine behind him.There was a sniper rifle and he zoomed in at 10x and picked them off.All of a sudden he felt something hit his back.He turned around to see a frightened jackal with his hand on the trigger of a plasma pistol.The MC smacked him in his head and he fell to his knees dead.All of a sudden 3shades were firing at him.The metal below him was melting away and he fell through the hole.The Elites jumped out of their shades and ran toward him.Then they turned on their swords and the MC knew it would be hard.He climbed on top of a Wraith and started to fire.One Elite jumped high into the air and landed right beside the MC.He sliced down but the MC jumped away and it went through the metal of the wraith.The MC rolled behind the Elite and hit him in his back.He grabbed his sword from his hands and turned it on.Now it would be easy.He jumped down on top of one and started to strangle him.He drew the sword up and stabbed him in his chest and the elite fell dead as a rock on the floor.He took his sword too.Now he had two swords and he easily killed the third one.

All of a sudden the door opened and 2 hunters, 2 brutes and 4 jackals came in.He threw one of the plasma swords at the hunter and it went right through his neck.His brother was pissed and shot his fuel rod at him.It exploded sending the MC slamming into one of the Wraiths.His shield were pulsing red.He waited a mintue and then came up.He threw a grenade and two jackals blew up and scattered the place with blood.He went behind the other two and sliced one's head off and the other's arm off.The one with the arm off bleed to death while screaming.A brute was charging at him and the MC turned off his sword and charged too.Right before he was on top of him, the MC kneeled on the ground and turned his sowrd on.The brute went righ over it and his legs came off.He looked down at the brute and cut his head off.The Hunter charged his fuel rod gun and a brute was charging at the same time.He knew that the brute would die in an instand and just stood there.The green plasma shot went right throught the brute's chest and he fell dead.The shot hit a ghost and it blew up, knowcking the MC on the ground and losing his plasma sword.He took his pistol out and charged the hunter.At the last second the MC jumped and the hunter hit him with his shield.The MC went flying into the air and turned.He shot three quick burst of bullets into the orange part of the hunter.He hit the ground with a thud and orange blood was everywhere.The MC's shields were down put he found a health pack and was quickly healed.He began going towards the control room.

After going though hallways and hallways he came to the control room.There was a gold elite, two brutes, and three jackals.He took out his rifle and went too 2x and shot both jackals in the head.They didn't know where it was coming from and one brute went down.He took out his plasma grenade and threw it at the other one.He gasped and blew to pieces.The gold elite charged and the MC tired to shoot his weapon but it went click."SHIT!"He said under his breathe.

He ran and picked up a plasma rifle.He shot once and then it jammed.Luckily it was a direct hit and the Elite's shields went off.He had to face him in hand combat.He punched the elite's hand and his gun went flying.Both their arms were in the air pushing eachother.The MC kneed the elite in the stomach and he fell to the ground.He elbowed him in the back of the head quickly and heard a CRACK as his spine broke.

He inserted Cortana into the covenant ship."I cut off all power, unlocked all doors , and opened compartments for 1 minute each.Some of the Covenant should be sucked out and die in space so it'll help you out, now go to the shuttle bay.I called for evac they should be here in 10 minutes,"Cortana said.

He made his way to the shuttle bay.He couldn't believe his eyes.There were 8 hunters,6 Brutes, 4 goldenElites, about a dozen jackals, and almost 30 grunts.He was about to throw his grenades when all of a sudden 10 missles came roaring in.Direct hits everywhere only 3 grunts, 1 hunter and 1 brute were left.They were quickly taken down by the 30 mm chain guns.

He jumped into the pelican and he saw ten marines in their combat suits.They took off towards Earth and he knew he'd be informed on the rest later.

To be continued...............
