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Fan Fiction

Solace's Weapon: Chapter 6 Bloodbath at dawn
Posted By: RogueDragon<timhare1990@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: 2 November 2006, 10:56 pm

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Author Note: Just finished this chapter, hope you enjoy it, please review as it will help me a lot in the next chapter.

As for the questions asked previously I did write in Chapter 3 that the Prophets had found that only one race could be used as a host for Solace's super-soldier, human (and there is a more sinister reason you will learn of later).

As for the part about Lara's treatment in the cells I admit that I may have overdone it a bit but I wanted to get across the idea that her stay had not been pleasant. Don't forget technically she was the property of a brute Commander, the brutes would have tormented her but not gone as far as to kill her as this could cost them there lives if there commander finds his captured human who he was planning on selling dead.

Thanks for reviewing anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 6: Bloodbath at dawn

Next Morning
Time: 0640

Suku' Nakita stood in the observation lounge looking down into the Ceta – Lab, beside her honor guard Master Kai' Kosinie stood beside her with four of his personel guards standing behind them. Breaking the silence Kosinie whispered "What of your human captive".

"She is locked away in one of my holding rooms; do not concern yourself she will not try to escape" she replied.

Kosinie shuffled in his armour slightly, "I thought this testing was not to take place for another five days".

Suku sighed, "The Prophet of Regret was recently slain by the Demon while on the newly discovered Halo, Truth is planning to lead a fleet to the human's homeworld in retaliation, if Solace does not act soon Truth will be declared honored Hero of the Covenant and Solace will loose his chance forever."

Kosinie also let out a deep sigh "what else could the Forerunners bring down on us this day."

"I'm afraid they already have, Truth has seen fit to replace the Prophets Honor Guards with Jiralhanae Honor Guards, the Council will still be protected by Sangheili Honor guards, but things are getting tenser by the passing of every day", she replied.

"And what of the rumors that the Sangheili Council are planning to separate from the Council", Kosinie whispered.

Suku turned to him, her eyes widening and replied sharply "those are just rumors, nothing more".

Behind them the doors slid open.

Ship Master Eva' Korrander entered the observation lounge followed by Commander Tai' Nakita and several other high ranking Sangheili warriors, Councilors and around two dozen Sangheili Honor Guards. Before they had a chance to talk the Prophet of Solace surrounded by several Jiralhanae Honor Guards entered, the Prophet himself smirked and said "My brothers and sisters, you will remember this day as the day our Covenant was sealed in glory."

Below in the main lab the Prophet of Malice entered escorted by four Jiralhanae Honor Guards and Two Sangheili Honor Guards. Once again malice activated a panel on his chair, the sealed blast doors at the end on the room slid open and inside lay Nemesis, it thin black eyes seemed to stare even through it was not yet activated.

"I see you have more security then normal" one of the Councilors said.

The Prophet of Solace grinned with a smile that could cause a Lekgolo to run, "a little extra security can prevent an unfortunate incident from occurring, not that anything will go wrong".

Down below the Prophet of Malice flanked by four Jiralhanae Honor Guards and two Sangheili Honor Guards activated his personel control panel. The plasma barrier dissipated and the metal chains and bars pulled back into the wall. Nemesis remained silent and inactive.

Sweating slightly Malice went to press the final activation code, as he typed it in Councilor Nakita noticed a slight shimmering in the control panel to her left. The information displayed on the screen began to fade away and was replaced by a strange foreign alien word, Raven, suddenly all the control panels began to flicker and fade being replaced with strange words and symbols.

One of the Jiralhanae Honor Guards stepped forward and began to type furiously on the panel. "Excellency, I can't regain control of the system, something is spreading through the system configuration, I can't block it, its spreading into the security systems".

Solace's wrinkled forehead tightened as he frowned, "Correct it, stop it from spreading to any more vital systems".

Eva' Korrander's communications device in his helmet then chirped to attention, he touched it as he received a transmission from the Council chambers. His mandibites then spread wide in amazement, "the demon, it has infiltrated the council chambers, Truth and Mercy are in danger, we must…" he was cut of by Solace. "We must stay here, this weapon is more important then Truth".

Just as Korrander was poised to argue the point Fleet Master Koro' Putreere stepped in, "Solace is right, through the Demon may be here it seems there is another here that we must control".

Korrander stepped towards him with Councilor Suku' Nakita and Commander Tai' Nakita in tow behind him along with half a dozen Sangheili Honor Guards. "Excellency, this weapon is too dangerous to be allowed to be created, should it come into creation we may not be able to stop it".

Fleet Master Putreere frowned not sure who to support, being a Fleet Master he was of the highest rank and ultimately the decision was his, Suku stepped forward and said "He is correct Fleet Master, do it now".

The Prophet of Solace leaned up behind him and whispered "Do not listen to them, this weapon will bring honor to us all, particularly ones who supported it without hesitation".

The Fleet Master turned to him and finally replied, "Ship Master Korrander is right, I am ordering an immediate termination to this project, the weapon itself shall be stripped and destroyed, it's over Solace".

Solace's face turned to anger as he clenched his fist shaking with rage before yelling, "I will not, this is my creation, I am in control of this, it is the will of the Forerunner's".

With that his Jiralhanae Honor Guards raised there weapons, at the same time the Sangheili Honor Guards raised there weapons in unison. Tai' Nakita stepped out in front between the two parties thrusting out his arms signaling them to stop and said "Halt, this will not serve any purpose, we must restore our systems before we decide on anything".

Solace stopped shaking and rather forcibly nodded and whispered into his control panel, a few seconds later an Ossoona faded into sight from the air, Tai realized it was the same one who accompanied him years ago when this all began.

Solace clicked his brittle fingers "Restore the systems".

"Immediately Excellency" the Ossoona replied.

He began to work at one of the controls, knowing the system inside and out he worked through every system trying to set up defenses to counter the rapid expansion of this virus like invasion in there systems.

"Excellency, I can't restore the system to maximum, I believe that this virus is contained but I do not know how long the defenses I have constructed can hold it" the Ossoona said, his voice slightly hesitant.

Solace growled in anger, "get down to the main control centre, stop this, virtual parasite before it causes any further delays and do not fail me".

The Ossoona left the room as Solace turned his eyes downwards towards the Prophet of Malice, all in the room noticed the flick of anger flaring up in his eyes.

Down below Malice was typing furiously on his control panel in his chair trying to restore it, it was during this that none of them noticed the dark green flickers of light flaring into Nemesis's eyes. Suddenly every door in the lab shut and locked sealing Malice and his guards in, one of the Sangheili Honor Guards walked over two the door and tried unsuccessfully to pry the doors open.

Above Fleet Master Putreere looked down, clicking his mandibites he pointed to Honor Guard Master Kai' Kosinie, "open those doors".

He nodded and stepped over to a control panel and begun to work on it, after a few seconds he clicked his mandibites in annoyance and said "Excellency, the doors are sealed, the room has entered a quarantine lockdown, I can't lift it".

Suddenly Malice's panicked voice came over the intercom making them all jump; Solace lowered his head to listen, "Noble Solace, the weapon, something's happening, I picking up an alien agent in its system, its coming on line".

Solace face once again flared with anger, he half shouted, half growled, "Why did you activate its power cores, I told you not to until I gave the order to activate it."

"I didn't, its cores are activating themselves, get me out of here, get me out." Malice's voice was cut of as they lost the comm.'s frequency.

Down below one of the Jiralhanae Honor Guards slowly approached the Nemesis, he closed to within an arms length then lowered its weapon laughing in a deep voice, "It's dead, there's nothing to fear…Ahh". Nemesis's arm shot forward grabbing the Jiralhanae's throat and making it sputter, it's clenched its white fingers around the beast's throat and squeezed, a thick purple foam burst from its mouth as it chocked. The weapon then activated a plasma blade on its left arm and dug it into the Jiralhanae chest right through its heart then let the body fall to the ground in a pool of its own blood.

All the other Honor Guards drew there weapons but before they had brought them to bear Nemesis had surged into them with unbelievable speed. The guards fired everywhere not being able to hit the weapon that was only a fast billowing blur of light, the few shots that hit mealy bounced of its enhanced shields. Every few seconds it would close with one of the soldiers and this was followed by the sickening sounds of crushing bones, scorched flesh and screams. One by one every guard in the room fell surround by buckets of blood, severed limbs and broken bones, less then a minute after the first guard fell six Covenant honor guards were left lying on the floor dead with a look of true horror still frozen in there faces.

Now the Prophet of Malice was the only one left in the room sealed of from any help left with only the creature of Death that he had helped create, it stood there not saying a word and not giving any hint of sentience. Malice fumbled with his controls sweating and finally hit the retaliate button on his chair, as before a jolt of electricity surged up its spine but it did not collapse as before, instead it stood defiant taking the pain. The Prophet began to sweat and turned up the intensity of the charge but still it stood, finally the charge overloaded blowing itself out and short circuited, a small circular disk dropped from Nemesis's spine still smoking, the weapon of death then crushed the disk under its armoured heal.

Malice shook terrified out of his mind and half mumbled half screamed, "How could you, that's not possible."

Nemesis began to move towards him, its eyes began to grow darker and a dark shadowy voice emerged from the closing figure, "So Malice, after five years we meet again".

"How did you survive, you were an infidel, you should have been destroyed", he gasped backing away.

The dark calm voice said "I'm afraid Zeke did not survive, he could no longer hold on but his courage in abandonment and fear was, admirable."

Malice, still shaking asked, "But if he is gone then who are you?"

A deep shadowy laugh filled the chamber from Nemesis, "You know that, you felt the fear when you saw that word appear on the screen, the same word you saw five years ago appear on your data from what you had stolen."

"Raven", the Prophet gasped in fear.

Raven began to step forward, "and now it is time to finish what I started two months ago, a tribute to the child you condemned to death so many years ago."

Malice fumbled in his chair and finally pulled out a Plasma Pistol pointing it at Raven who stopped but made it even this simple action look intimidating. The voice emerged once again from its featureless face, "Why Malice, how un – Prophet like of you".

Malice nervously said, "Stay back, stay back of I will shoot Vermin".

Once again Raven laughed, "That Virus seeped its way into a great many systems Malice, including several systems in your chair, such as the Plasma charges in your gun".

Malice squeezed the release chamber on his gun, a faint wining sound could be heard before the gun failed and powered down, Malice dropped it and tried to pull back towards the door.

"And now, where was I" Raven said, it lifted up its slender arm, a smooth part on its lower arm raised to reveal the emitters of a Plasma rifle, it fired a pin point shot passing through the Prophets blue robes and hit his Antigrav belt. The Prophet wobbled for a minute in his chair before he fell from it and landed with a crunch on the floor as several of his fragile bones snapped and he yelled out in pain.

Raven knelt down beside the Prophet grabbing it by the throat and lifting it high into the air, the Prophet shook in fear and muttered "Please, have mercy".

Raven eyes grew even darker; his grip hardened and with a hint of anger in his voice said, "Mercy was the first thing your friend watching this now took from young Zeke". Raven drew his plasma blade from his arm and began to singe the Prophets wrinkled chest, "Compassion, generosity, fear, love, he took them all", the Prophet screamed out as Raven carved strange patterns into his chest. "He left only the hate, the rage, the anger, and the memories of", he trailed of from the conversation, his voice becoming deeper and darker as he increased the speed and pressure of his blade as the Prophet sobbed in pain. "So you would understand that it is not that I don't want to show you mercy, it is that I can't".

He dropped the Prophet to the ground as its limp body made a clang as it hit the cold metal surface of the floor, his sobbed and wined in pain, Raven stood there transfixed before he looked back down at him. "And now it ends for you, for years you have carried out untold horrors on innocent lives, you had better hope they show you mercy for I assure you when you arrive in the after life, there will be no one to protect you from your many victims wrath". With that he brought he armored heel down on the Prophets head, its fragile skull crumbled as blood seeped from it, the soft flesh of its brain was pushed out as Raven pressed down, he then stepped of and walked away.

Suku' Nakita covered her mouth with her hand as if she were to throw up, all the others in the room were shocked as well as revolted at the sight of the former Prophet of Malice, even Solace who normal brown skin had turned pale white.

Korrander was first to speak, he stepped forward and said, "We can't let it leave the room, if it does".

"It won't, those doors are sealed shut and have four million combinations it will never escape" Solace said.

Suku stepped forward, "I read through the human files in the databanks, its decoding system is more advanced then anything we could have imagined, it can break fifty million codes a minute, we must…"

She was cut of as Solace let out a yell of rage, "you did what, consorting with human infidels is punishable by death, I will personally see that you are…"

Tai' Nakita then broke the argument as he gasped staring down into the room, "Look".

Down below Raven walked to one of the doors, he simply looked at the control panel beside it, green text flooded through his eyes and onto the control panel, a few seconds later the door swung open and he stepped through.

Above all the aliens looked down amazed; Fleet Master Putreere was the first that broke the silence as he spoke into his comm.'s device, "security contingent four, secure outer corridors, don't let that thing leave here alive."

"I don't want my new weapon damaged, not by anyone" Solace shouted.

Putreere turned on him in anger, "Your subordinate is dead, that thing you have created could level an entire city if it gets out, it must be stopped."

Solace mealy stood there staring at the Sangheili, anger flaring in his eyes but still saying nothing.

Tai then glanced down at the lab that was now covered in blood, flesh and plasma searing. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the mutilated form of Malice lying on the ground, his head was caved in and bits of bone stuck out of his frail body. But Tai's eyes fell on his chest were a strange pattern had been carved into the Prophets body, Tai thought nothing of it at the time and returned his gaze to the others in the room, "We must get to control room, we can monitor the situation from there."

All in the room stood, there hands hovering over the side-arms as the tension built up, after a few seconds Solace reluctantly muttered, "Very well".

The large group hurried out of the observation lounge still weary of each other, down below Raven had entered one of the side passages. As he made his way down a red clad armored elite ran down the corridor clutching a plasma rifle and firing. As it closed Raven shot forward driving the bladed edge of its elbow into the elite's stomach making it give a deep grunt, simultaneously it drove its other bladed arm behind the elites head and sliced through the shield and armour protecting its neck. Raven then flipped the elite over his shoulder bringing the alien down head first with a crash making its head crumble.

Raven reached down and picked up the aliens discarded Plasma rifle, at the same time grunts and elites flooded the passage ahead while brutes and Jackals flooded the passage behind him and opened fire. Raven ducked down taking cover behind one of the outcroppings in the wall, he then moved out and fired both the Plasma rifle and the Plasma emitters sealed into his armour. Many of the elites fell, the pulse particles easily punching through there shields. The majority of the grunts scattered screaming as there masters had been killed and fled down the corridor, Raven felt many shots impacting on his rear shielding, he turned to face the hordes of Brutes and Jackals behind him.

Instead of firing his Plasma weapon he activated the two fuel rod projectors concealed in his shoulders, two green balls of plasma shot down the corridor and impacted behind the Jackals and Brutes. The entire area erupted in green flames along with the screams of the soldiers stationed there, all that was left was the bodies, still standing but there flesh torn of and several limbs severed.

Raven made his way down the corridor, as soon and he rounded the corner he was surrounded by grunts, the little buggers had set a trap for him. One leapt up onto his back, the four others leapt onto his arms and legs and began to hammer and his armour, the other ten waited stood there ground around in a circle pointing there weapons at him. Raven drove back into the wall crushing two of the grunts with the impact, activating his plasma blades his sliced the grunts methane tanks causing them to fall of gasping for methane as there lungs filled with oxygen.

Activating a weapon on his arm he armed it down and spewed out red and orange flame engulfing the grunts in fire, they ran about screaming until the last eventually collapsed, the smell of scotched meat hung in the air. Raven walked away down the halls, bones crushed under his armoured heal as he stepped on the frail legs of a grunt and crushed the bones as he carried on.

Eva' Korrander typed in his access code and the doors to the control room swung open, inside were two Sangheili monitoring the controls but no sign of the Ossoona, they moved in and the Sangheili stood up and saluted the councilors and military personel.

Fleet Master Putreere quickly moved to the control panel and activated the main viewer, all in the room stared astounded at the screen, the corridors were seeped in blood, dead bodies and severed limbs but there was no sign of Solace's tool.

"Fleet Master to Security contingent four" the Fleet Master said.

"Contingent four, respond" he repeated, nothing came through but static.

Korrander stepped forward placing his claw like hand on his shoulder, "there dead Excellency, there's nothing you can do".

Putreere head spun to face him and he snapped, "There could still be some alive".

"Excellency, look at the range of plasma damage in comparison to there positions, do you really think any could have gotten away."

He sighed, "How will I explain to there families that…"

He was cut of as the Prophet of Solace said, "It is of no importance Fleet Master, we must concentrate on subduing and recovering it."

Putreere shook with anger and bolted over to Solace grabbing the frail Profit by his robes and pulled him closer, his Jiralhanae Honor Guards raised there weapons but did not dare fire.

"Release me from your grip you foul" Solace said angrily as the Fleet Master pulled him closer, "An entire contingent, killed, forty soldiers dead, believe me when I say this abomination you have created won't get out of here alive", Putreere growled releasing him.

Tai' Nakita approached Korrander from behind and quietly whispered, "Excellency, I'm received scattered reports from all over the city, there are isolated reports of open fighting between Sangheili and Jiralhanae from the Forerunner Temples to the ship yards."

Korrander sighed, "Could anything else go wrong this day."

One of the Sangheili Minors then said, "Excellency, I've found it, the weapon is approaching storage facility Ceta – 7."

Fleet Master Putreere walked to the control panel, "This is Fleet Master Koro' Putreere to security contingents six to ten, take positions in Storage Facility Ceta – 7."

Down in Storage facility Ceta – 7 forty elites stormed into the large area accompanied by around eighty grunts, they took up positions behind crates, near walls and on the ground. Behind them thirty Brutes charged in along with forty Jackals and eight Hunters, on the railing above ten Jackals equipped with Beam Rifles took positions. Two hundred soldiers stood ready, one tall silver clad Elite stood in the ranks, on his Comm.'s he received a message from his commanding officer, Fleet Master Koro' Putreere's voice came through the intercom. "Major, do not underestimate this weapons intelligence or resourcefulness, be careful."

"I thank you for your concern Excellency but I sure my soldiers can handle one Infidel." The Major said confidently waving his troops into position.

At the other side of the room there was silence as they waited; some of the grunts began to move ideally and began to talk quietly only to be scolded by there elite masters, still they waited.

Suddenly one of the purple bulkheads on the wall blew of sending the bulkhead itself flying and slammed into two grunts that were standing in its way. They were smashed against the wall and he bulkhead slid down revealing there smashed and broken bodies.

Black smoke poured from the hole left in the wall, all the Covenant in the room brought there weapons to bear pointing it at the gaping hole. Suddenly Raven flew out landing hunched over on all fours; he bent his head up slowly, his green eyes glaring at the Covenant soldiers before him.

It was then that the Silver armoured Major came out of his trance and shouted, "Fire, Fire, kill it".

All the soldiers in the room opened fired; Raven dived forward with unbelievable speed moving in a crisscross pattern across the floor dodging hundreds of shots of flying Plasma and needler shards. The few shots that hit were absorbed by his shields; he returned fire with his arm mounted plasma weapons, every shot he fired found its target, a dozen Covenant soldiers fell in less then a minute. The Hunters fired the Fuel Rod Cannons, eight green streams of Plasma fired at him, Raven leapt up onto an overhead catwalk. He fired at the Jackal snipers, ten dead Jackals flopped over and fell fifty feet from the overlying platforms and came down hitting the ground below. It leapt back down to the ground and stood up facing the remaining Covenant soldiers and waited for them to fire, they leveled there weapons preparing to open fire when the Silver armoured Major emerged from the centre spreading out his arms wide.

"Stop! Hold Your Fire, Any Who Fire Will Face Solace's Wrath." He shouted at the top of his lungs.

In the Control room Fleet Master Putreere looked at the screen, "What is he trying to do" he said staring at the screen.

"Major, What are you doing, Major", Putreere shouted into the comm.'s but received no answer.

"He has cut of his Comm.'s link Excellency" said one of the minor Sangheili sitting at the control panel.

Putreere turned to the Prophet of Solace, "What have you done", he growled.

The Prophet sat there connecting his thin weathered figures and grinning before replying, "Some care more about there honor then about the fear of the unknown, the Major is one such one of these people. He will receive the full honor when I ascend to Truths position, something you will never benefit from."

Putreere stepped forward closing the gap between them, "That thing you have created can not be controlled Solace, it will rebel again and again, kill what ever is in its way, we must destroy it".

Solace narrowed his eyes, "I know I can control it, it is the Forerunners will that I control it, whatever sacrifices are needed I will take."

Down in the Storage Facility the Silver armoured Major approached Raven cautiously with one clawed hand sitting atop his Plasma Pistol, a plasma sword rested in his other hand. He approached slowly, his eyes narrowing, Raven remained silent, the elite closed to within an arms length. Taking a deep breath he said, "Infidel, you will come with me and cease all hostile actions, you have no choice, you are outnumbered and have no other options."

Raven merely stood there contemplating what the elite had said but saying nothing, growing impatient the elite said, "Speak".

Raven stood there before his deep calm voice emerged from the armoured shell, "No"

The elite growled with anger, "What do you mean no, you have no choice."

Raven stood silent for a moment and then said, "I mean No!, I won't go with you, and if I have no other option why do you not kill me."

The elite stepped back slightly looking confused, realizing he was showing weakness he straitened up and growled, "For some reason the Noble Prophet of Solace wants you to live, and I will follow his orders."

Raven merely stood there as the elite and his soldiers waited for a response, a deep laughter emerged from Raven; the elite grew impatient and angrily growled, "What is so funny Vermin, I assure you there is nothing to laugh about."

Raven was still laughing before he said, "What is funny is that you would blindly follow Solace's orders when he would easily have you killed to save his own skin."

Anger surged through the Elite; he made a blind swipe only to have Raven duck out of the way of his swipe, resettling himself he asked, "Enough of this, what is your answer to my question."

Raven was silent but then slowly moved his arm, at first the elite flinched slightly but then saw he was not moving towards him. Raven aimed up and fired several shots of Plasma seventy feet up hitting several overhead pipes; they burst spewing water that began to cover all in the room.

The elite looked back down at him and laughed, "That is your plan, to get us wet."

In the control room Councilor Suku' Nakita stared at the screen along with all others in the room with looks of surprise and confusion on there faces, "What is it doing?" she said.

"Somehow I think its Plan is more then just to get our soldiers drenched with water" Korrander said folding his arms slightly nervously.

Tai stood simply thinking for a moment before his eyes widened, he quickly turned to the Prophet of Solace, "Solace, the compliance chip you installed, did it use internal power."

Solace looked at him confused and said somewhat reluctantly, "No it was fused with the internal power supply"

"But it still has the ability to produce electricity" Tai said.

"Yes but I don't understand", the Prophets eyes suddenly went wide as he realized what was happening.

One of the Councilors gasped, "By the Forerunners we must get them out of there."

Korrander sighed looking at the display, "there already dead."

Down in the storage facility the white armoured elite stood facing Raven, "I will ask you once more Vermin" he said, his voice becoming agitated.

"I have considered your question and my answer is still no", Raven said, small bits of electricity moving up and down his fist.

"Then you will die" the elite said, stepping back and returning to his troops.

"Prepare to fire" he yelled as the Covenant soldiers readied there weapons, the Major raised his claw like hand not realizing the water level rising above the bottom of his hooves, "Fi…"

Before he could finish Raven swept down plunging his hand into the water, electricity passed through it and passed up the elite's body as he shook screaming, black smoke poured from his body and his skin began to turn black. All the other soldiers began to shake as sparks bounced of there bodies and there skin turned a smoky black, they collapsed dead in the water, the silver armoured elite still stood, smoke billowing from his smoldering corpse.

Raven walked forward and past the dead warrior, he stopped just as he passed and whispered, "That's what I was planning to do", he then walked towards the door when a strange noise caught his attention. He looked up and saw the gravity lift at the top activate, a tall purple pillar descended downwards from the ceiling but nothing came down from it.

Suddenly six splashes hit the water in the gravity lift; Raven immediately recognized the nature of these splashes, elites, cloaked elites, Ossoona's most likely.

The lead Ossoona Seo' Karrak landed with six of his fellow Ossoona's, they immediately spread out forming a perimeter around Nemesis. All of his fellow soldiers were cloaked giving them a decisive advantage as well as having the enemy outnumbered six to one, the water still cracked with electricity but the main charge had dissipated. Seo turned his attention to Nemesis, he nodded to the other Ossoona's who promptly activated there Plasma swords which were also cloaked, Solace's tool swung its head from side to side but was obviously oblivious to there location.

Seo opened up by saying, "I have waited five years for this moment, I should have killed you five years ago when you were nothing but a week pathetic infidel."

Nemesis swung its head from side to side and slowly stepped back, it then replied in a deep voice, "You must enjoy slaughtering children, tell me, is that because you can not kill anything stronger, you go for the easiest target then gloat about your heroic actions."

Seo felt a stab of anger penetrate him, he growled, "You can never hope to understand our decadence, we are the chosen of the Prophets, we will ascend to the right hand of the Forerunners while you are left behind."

Nemesis just stared at him and quietly said, "And this is what you have to do to ascend, this genocide, then we don't want any part of it. We know that there is something better for us to ascend to; something that we don't have to justify by mass murder, anything that is archived by such genocide has made you sacrifice something that made you what you were. I and my people don't want any part of what is achieved through the cold blooded murder of an entire race."

The Ossoona's mealy stood there astounded and slightly afraid, Seo replied shouting, "You no nothing of the great Journey or of our place in this galaxy!"

Nemesis stopped edging back and stared right at him, Seo was sure it was just a coincidence that it had chosen to look in that area but still found himself stepping back. It then spoke, "Why do you spend your entire life behind a cloak, why do you revere in the Prophets company then that of your own race, is it because you fear your own race, fear they would turn on you if they discovered just what you are, a coward."

Seo found he was unable to respond, he opened his mandibites but no sound came out, one of his fellow Ossoona's answered for him, "Enough Infidel, Die", he yelled swiping at Nemesis. It quickly avoided the blade; Seo put it down to the soldier's rash outburst and the gust of wind as he struck and not that Nemesis could see them.

Seo began to pace around the perimeter signaling one of his best Ossoona's to move forward to attack on his order, Nemesis still looked in all directions for clue's to its enemies whereabouts.

He opened up by sneering, "If only you could see, yourself, you're a symbol for all your kind", he nodded for one of the soldiers to get closer, "Weak, pathetic, not deserving of life, just waiting for death."

His Ossoona closed to within a few centre meters not giving away its position; it then made a swipe at the weapons head with its plasma sword, to the warriors surprise, Nemesis ducked avoiding the blade. Thinking it a fluke the Sangheili made another swipe, the weapon dodged it again and stared him strait it the face. The Sangheili stepped back in shock; raising its sword for a third attempt it never got the chance, Nemesis grabbed him by the wrist and snapped his arm down forcing him to drop the Plasma sword. The Ossoona let out a yelp of pain, he looked up to see Nemesis looking him directly in the eye, "I see you" it said in a cold deep voice.

Raven had activated his Infer – Red vision long before the Ossoona's had dropped down and had seen them all along. Staring this 'Ossoona' in the eyes, a look of pure shock in his eyes, he took the initiative he scored at hard kick to the elite double jointed leg making it collapse to its knee's, Raven then drew its bladed elbow into the elites neck. The elite crumpled to the ground with a sickening crunch, its head stood out at an odd angle, its mandibites spread open in pain.

He looked back to the other five Ossoona's looking at him, they were spread out around him all with looks of shock on there face. He turned to the lead Ossoona and said, "You were saying something."

The Ossoona gulped before hissing back, "it doesn't matter, you're still outnumbered and we are far superior to you."

Raven let at a quite laugh and replied, "You are superior in only one way" he said as a plasma blade shot out from the emitter in his arm "you will die faster."

The Ossoona clenched his mandibites before shouting, "Enough, kill him."

The other Ossoona's raised there Plasma swords and charged forward, the first attempted to slash Raven with his sword, Raven grabbed him by the wrist bending his Plasma Sword down. Activating his own Plasma blade he drove it into the Ossoona's head just under his Mandibites, the soldier dropped to the ground dead, purple blood leaking from its head. Raven swept down grabbing the Plasma Sword, a second Ossoona ran towards him holding its Plasma sword high and screaming some incomprehensible curse at him.

He ducked avoiding the blade then swiped at the elite's leg slicing the her limb clean of, the elite dropped it's sword and grabbed its leg screaming in pain. A third elite rushed him with its blade lowered, grabbing the fallen sword he threw the blade which imbedded itself through the elites chest, the elite was thrown up into the air and landed with a splash to the ground.

The last elite charged him from behind but missed as Raven ducked, he then spun around and smashed into the elite stomach driving him back before lifting him up and smashing him to the ground. The elite lower section and spine were crushed leaving it sprawled on the ground, blood pored out of its mandibites, it began sputtering as its lungs filled with its own blood and it began to drown.

Raven stood up and glared at the remaining Ossoona, his eyes grew a darker green as he glared at the elite.

Seo' Karrak activated his Plasma sword, in his other hand he activated a smaller Plasma blade and braced for melee combat. Raven stood there not giving anything away, they both glared at each other waiting for something to ignite there fury.

Seo began by say, "I should have put you to death when I had the chance, I knew you were not worthy to accept the gifts of the Prophets."

He saw a spark in Raven's eyes before he replied, "I'm not that child you enslaved to your Prophets five years ago, he's gone, dead, all because of you."

Seo squinted his eyes and said, "It's beyond me how you primitive primates were able to put together such a weapon but you are no match for the strength of our Covenant."

Raven let out a sharp crackle of a laugh, "Well, we did have assistance in that matter."

Seo looked at him startled, he finally replied in a hesitant voice, "Help, from who."

He watched Raven's eyes, although he had no mouth Seo was sure if he did it would have a mischievous grin on it, he then replied, "Ancient human proverb, none of your business."

Seo stood there before he scowled and charged; Raven also charged at him scooping up a fallen Plasma Sword, they met in the middle of the storage facility smashing into each other. They both fought furiously dodging each others swipes and blocking attacks. Raven caught his sword in Seo's, pulling back as hard as he could he yanked the sword away and both went flying. This left the two of them with only there smaller Plasma Blades, they were both incredibly fast but Raven was faster in his reaction time. He scored a lucky hit and sliced of the elite's arm of at its elbow disarming him literally, the elite grasped its stub in pain and collapsed to its knee's.

He looked up moaning in pain, Raven stood over him with its Plasma blade activated, a dark voice emerged from Raven, "Now elite, you die."

Seo looked at him before somewhat sneering back, "Just finish me but do not name me with you harsh barbaric tongue."

Raven shot him arm forward pulling the elite's head closer, "Zeke's tongue was one of the first things that was taken from him, along with his mouth, so he couldn't scream out as his skin was torn from his bones and his fresh organs were pulled out. But your correct, your not elite, you're an idiot."

Seo mealy looked at him before saying, "Finish it."

Raven granted his request; he drove his plasma blade into his face burning a deep black hole into the elites head, the body then collapsed to the ground along with hundreds of others in the room. Raven stepped back before turning around and walked silently to the far wall, opening the door he walked out of the facility and into the dark chaos infected streets of High Charity.
