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Fan Fiction

The Gods of War: Spartan III's by romac1991

The Gods of War: Spartan III's
Date: 12 June 2004, 10:57 PM

Authors Note: Only my fourth story, tell me how you like it, I personally think it's my best.

0645 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Base, New Zealand
Planet Earth

      Spartan 324-Brian, ducked to avoid the Elites oncoming blow with ungodly speed. The Elite was dumbfounded, this Green Human was many times faster than the previous ones. The Elite appeared to be moving in slow motion as Brian swung his armored hand into the chest of the Elite, uplifting it a full six inches, and causing it's chest to cave in. The Elite choked on nothingness, stumbled and fell over, bleeding profusely.
      Brian spat on the body as he stepped over it. He was a staggering height of 7' 5", the largest in the group, he was also the pinnacle of the Spartan project, he was a God, he was invincible, he was a Spartan III. Brian advanced with his teammates to their objective. His MJOLNIR Mark VI battle armor was drenched in purple blood, Brian enjoyed being covered in his enemy's insides. It gave him a sick feeling of satisfaction. Because to tell the truth, Brian was a sick-twisted-sadistic-son-of-a-bitch, if you were a Covenant that would be the way you saw it; Brian has no problem with ripping a grunts leg off then bludgeoning it to death with it, in fact he has did that plenty a time.
      Spartan 331-Ralph followed right behind Brian, he was quiet when he killed, no one was ever sure, but when he was slaughtering Covenant, you get the feeling he is smiling behind that visor. He only reached a height of 6'6", puny for a Spartan, microscopic for a Spartan III.
      Covering the rear was Spartan 379-Darren, the second tallest at 7'2", he was the oldest, yet that did not hinder his abilities, he could easily kick the shit out of two Elites at once.
      The Spartans heard a noise, which was followed by five elites jumping from a platform above. Brian charged one Elite, and kicked its shin, which splintered causing it to fall over. Brian then promptly stomped it's face in till brains were covering the ground around the Elite in a meter wide circle. He took his M6D pistol and delivered three bundles of love into a charging Elites head, it fell over minus the top half of its head.
      Ralph grabbed one of the Elites throats and squeezed, causing an explosion of guts to radiate out from its throat and splatter Ralph's armor.
      Darren grabbed one Elites foot, and swept it of its feet, he swung it at the remaining Elite, smashing its skull and sending it flying back. He then took the Elite in his hands, and smashed it repeatedly against the wall, when he was done "painting", the wall, he tossed the Elite across the hallway like yesterday's mail.
      Brian, paused a moment, then satisfied of the situation, told his team to move on. They waded out of the gory mess to the end of the hallway, and heard movement around the next corner, someone was guarding his objective.

      Fozay Fozoree and his squad of Elites were assigned the task of guarding the Base's Control Room, within the computer files was data on everything about the Covenant, weapons, ships, planets, their homeworld. He was told of a disturbance in the building that needed to be cleansed, he would gladly cleanse the filthy human intruders. Apparently these particular humans were the Green Armored ones, field reports indicate that the ones in question were many times more a nuisance than the other filthy humans. He was told they could tear an Elite apart. The
      Elite snorted at the very thought of it, at that very same moment, his head split in two.

      "Go, go, go!" three green giants flooded into the Computer Room guns blazing, they dropped 2 of the 10 Elites in the first two seconds. Brian leaped forward and knocked a plasma rifle out of an Elite claws, then gouged out its eyeballs. He laughed at the blind Elite then shot a bullet in the empty sockets, the bullet tore a hole in the back of the Elites head making a complete tunnel. It fell over in a heap at Brian's feet.
      Ralph sidestepped as an Elite took a swing at him, he grabbed its arm and twisted it to a ninety-degree angle and a snap announced the arm's recent demise. It's arm went limp then snapped off after he bent it at a one-hundred-eighty degree angle. He then swiftly kicked the Elite in the stomach. The Elite rose above the ground under the force of the blow in slow motion, when it reached the peak of its ascension, about five inches, Ralph lifted his leg far back, and released. The super-enhanced armored leg struck the helpless alien in the neck. The Elite flew backwards three meters from the blow and did a sloppy back-flip as his body hit the wall, limp and dead. It slowly fell down the wall, leaving blood smeared on it.
      Darren pulled out his M90 Shotgun and caught a one of the Elites by the arm, it opened all of its jaws and roared, an otherworldly stink protruded from it creating almost visible gas. Darren took his boomstick, and shoved it down the Elites mouth, it was roughly pointed toward his stomach when he pulled the trigger. A small explosion occurred in the Elite as the Eight-gauge Magnum round exited the gun and spread apart in the Elite's stomach. Its stomach was ripped to ribbons, its heart had exploded from the impact of the pellets. The Elite stood balanced for a microsecond, before it collapsed in a bloody heap on the ground, its wounds were enormous and gaping. Its small intestines were strung out from his insides to a bloody puddle a meter from it.Darren pulled the blood stained Shotgun out of the Elites throat, or what remained of it, the Elite looked like a popped balloon. Apparently this pissed of the other Elites and they raised their rifles at him.
      Brian's adrenaline spiked and everything else in the world was slow. He ran to the nearest Elite and dropkicked it in the forehead knocking him down. He took the Elites leg, and pushed it upward toward its head. It broke when it touched the Elites head. Brian then ripped the leg off and beat the Elite countless times in the face with it, silencing its screams of agony. An Elite three meters from him ran forward and cocked back his arm and punched Brian. Its fingers broke as it impacted the nearly impervious metal. Brian brung his fist back and uppercutted the Elite in the gut. The Elite coughed up blood all over the ground, it came out in floods. As the Elite was vomiting, Brian raised his heel, and brung it down on its spine. The Elite shook as the two of his vertebrae snapped. He took one look at the colossal Spartan standing before him, then collapsed face first into his own puddle of blood and vomit.
      Brian, Ralph, and Darren advanced to the remaining Elites. They reached for their Plasma Rifle but all three of the Spartans shot them away sending them sliding on the floor. The Spartans were now upon the Elites. One of the Elites, still believing they were almighty, took a swing at Brian but hit nothing but air as the Spartan ducked in one blurry moment and whipped out his pistol. Brian looked the Elite square in the eyes, raised his pistol and ended its useless life.
      The Spartan team advanced on the two aliens. However one of the sneaky bastards had picked up his plasma rifle and leveled it at the largest human, Brian. Plasma erupted from the gun and burnt through Brian's armor. His armor was tough, but ten plasma bolts in the same spot made a small hole in his armor, big enough for the final plasma bolt to enter and impact his arm and burn it severely.
      "Ouch," he said angrily. The rest of the squad lowered their weapons and watched, they knew Brian was about to brutally murder both of them.
      Brian grabbed the Elite that had shot him, and raised him up on his arms until he was over his head. He brung it down onto his solid armored knee and broke the Elite in half. His spinal cord snap like a twig and his body fell like a sack of potatoes. He then advanced on the final Elite, a golden one. For previous Spartans, this was a matter of concern, but for the Spartan III's, it was just plain fun. The Gold Elite, as if a last resort activated his energy sword. Plasma appeared in the shape of a sword on the Elites wrist. The alien smiled, believing it had the upper hand. It took a swing at the Spartan but only hit the air next to him as it moved with lightning fast movements. The Elite took another swing, then another, then another but hit nothing. The Elite pulled its arm back and prepared for the kill, it released its energy and swung, but the Spartan grabbed its wrists and bent them until they faced the Elite. Its wrist's broke so it was no problem positioning the sword at the Elite's throat.
      "Tell your friends in Hell I said hi," The Spartan thrusted the blade forward and it went through its neck like a hot knife through butter. The Elites head fell over and blood fountained from its neck as it collapsed. His team advanced forward and looked around at their creation, the gory mess, the blood stained walls, the missing limbs, and puddles of blood and spilled organs. This is what they lived for. They advanced to get the info from the computer. Mission Objective Complete. They are flawless in their skills, they are merciless in their killings. They slaughter thousands of Covenant in the name of the Human Race. They are Perfect. They are Gods of War. They are Spartan III's.

Series will be continued if there are good reviews.

The Gods of War: Spartan III's:Enter the Juggernaut
Date: 17 June 2004, 11:43 PM

Unknown Time October 5 2552
Covenant Headquarters-Flagship "Ancient Prophecy"
In high orbit above Earth

      Ronay 'Ranazee strode quickly through the busy halls of the "Ancient Prophecy", if he was late for his meeting with the Commanding Prophet, he would be executed without hesitation. His large black armor was intimidating to passerby. He reached the large door to the Meeting Room, standing in front of it were two exceptionally large Red Elites gripping Plasma Rifles.

      "Are you Ronay 'Ranazee?" The one on the right asked, in a low growl.

      "Yes," Ronay replied, he outranked them by two ranks.

      "Identification please," the same Elite asked. Ronay handed him his Identification Cube. The Elite inserted it into the wall panel on his left. A succession of beeps rang from the computer.

      "Come right in, Sir, his Excellency is expecting you." Ronay nodded then advanced through the parting doors into the room. The room was barely lit, and Ronay felt invisible eyes watching him. A light from above flashed on, and followed him. The Commanding Prophet was elevated above the deck shrouded in darkness, five meters in front of Ronay. There was a line drawn between the two that could not be crossed for the safety's sake.

      Ronay bowed.

      "You are commander of Special Operations, are you not?" The Prophet asked with the air of royalty.

      "Yes your Excellency, I am." Ronay replied nervously as he rose his head up.

      "And are you not the Supervisor of the "Project?" The Prophet inquired.

      "Yes Excellency I am." Ronay replied not seeing where this was going.

      "Well, we may have the perfect field test for the "Project"

      "Your Excellency?" Ronay questioned.
      "Observe," the Prophet looked towards the wall on his left, which then lit up showing a view screen.

      "These are photos from the surveillance screens in one of our bases in the Southern Hemisphere of the planet, apparently a group of Green Humans, came in, brutally murdered the Elite Guard, and hacked the computer. They are still in the base, but they mustn't escape and relay that information to other humans."

      The view screen was then filled with a photo of an Elite, with its leg lying next to it. The Elite had dents in its helmet. Another picture appeared on the screen, this one of an Elite with its throat tore up, there was a large puddle of blood that surrounded his fallen comrade. Finally, it showed a picture of the Commander of the Elite Guard, Tozey 'Tozoree. His head lay frozen with a face of utter defeat, next to his crumpled and bloodied body.

      "The evidence is clear, these humans deserve to die by the hands of the Covenant, let us give them the privilege to be our guinea pigs. You know your duty, initiate the "Project".

      "As you desire, Excellency." Ronay bowed, then exited the room. In a few hours, an almighty force would be introduced on that filthy planet; those humans stood not a chance.

      The Spartan's advanced upward through the Covenant structure, meeting little to no resistance. Winding their way through corridor after corridor, they slaughtered everything in their unstoppable wake. Three Grunts jumped out of a corner and pulled out plasma pistols. The Spartans leapt forward. Brian grabbed a Grunts skull and pressed it with all his might. The head exploded so fast that his hands came together and made a loud clapping sound. The explosion had sent forth buckets of blood to effectively douse the group of Spartans in. The remaining Grunts, never witness to such horrors in their lives, about-footed and ran for it. The trio of
      Grunts fell over and died as armor piercing rounds from Darren's Assault Rifle tore into their backs and blew out vital organs through the front of their body's. They had landed face first in a pool of their own blood and stomachs.

      The Spartans stepped over the hole filled Grunts, and proceeded to climb a series of ramps, they had no resistance since the three Grunts. The lack of resistance was suspicious, but no matter, as long as there was something to mutilate and torture, the Spartans were content with the Grunt they met every few minutes. After a few minutes of zero contact, they got a little more suspicious. With the data the Spartans had, the Covenant should have sent an army to stop them. That would be fun. As the Spartans neared the exit of the base, something was picked up on the COM channel.

      "...W..at...the fuc...is that!..lik..a..fuc..ing..Jugger..nau..t...Jesu... rist...kill.... It...Oh...My... Go...!!!" The COM went dead. All the Spartans stopped dead in their tracks. That transmission cam from the squad positioned right by the entrance of this base, looks like they had contacts.

      The only thing the Spartans could do was move on, so they continued to make their way back up. As they were making their way up a ramp, they heard a noise. It was a deep grunt, and heavy breathing followed from just above the ramp, where they couldn't see.

      "There it is! Come on Bronklow, let's kill that freak!" A Marines voice rang from above the ramp and around the corner.

      "Shoot it!" The Marine yelled. Gunshots rang, and Assault Rifle bullets hammered the spot at the top of the ramp.

      "Shit! It's coming! Ahhhhh!" There was a sound of bones breaking and bodies being thrown about. Then silence.

      Brian gave the silent motion to advance to his team; they crept up the ramp. The top of the ramp was now in view, but whatever was there wasn't there now. They reached the top of the ramp and the floor leveled out. They stopped and Brian slowly and cautiously leaned around the corner. He could see outside, which meant they were at the top of the base. There was a hallway on the left a few meters in front of him that was pitch dark, if they covered that hallway as they were passing they would be okay. He told his Spartans to advance to the exit, only fifteen meters away, and the dark hallway was five meters on the left. Brian took two steps, then stepped on something. He almost lost his balance, but soon recovered his posture and stood back up. He looked at what he had stepped on; it was the torso of a marine soaked in his own blood. The head was twisted around so Brian could only see the back of his head, which had huge clawmarks in it.
      As the Spartans surveyed the fallen Marine, six huge shapes emerged from the dark hallway and stood in front of the Spartans.

      Deciding it was time to move on, Brian lifted his head to watch the suspicious hallway, but was found that the whole room was pitch dark, he tried to look at the exit, but it wasn't visible. Something wasn't right. Then something in front of him stirred, and light flooded in, revealing six colossal silhouettes.
      Before he could move, the figure grabbed him, with arms at least half a meter thick, and threw him towards the light of the exit. Brian flew out of the base and landed on the concrete ground, halfing his shields. Ralph and Darren arced up and out of the dark hallway and onto the ground, shields flaring. All three of them peered at the eerie pitch-dark hallway. Something was in there, but what? It wasn't a Hunter or Elite that's for sure. What was that?

      His question was answered a second later, as a tremendously large beast, in pure black armor, stepped out into the light of day.

      "Jesus...Christ," Ralph whispered in amazement and fear.

      It had to crane its huge head downward to stop it from hitting the ceiling. It was easily eleven feet tall. The massive beast had jet-black armor on, covering it head-to-toe. Its abnormally large helmet had a tiny slit, obviously for vision. Huge arms dangled at its side, swaying with the heavy breathing of the creature. In its right hand, it held a gigantic gun. The gun was the length of a person, it had a fat purple tank at the back, and it whittled down to a small black barrel at the end. The barrel appeared to have a small blue flame on the tip. On the giant's back, he saw the massive handle of an enormous sword of some kind. As Brian made the awe filled observations, five more of the beasts emerged from the base, all toting the same freakishly large gun, if you could call it that. The Spartans were still on the ground when reality clicked in; there were threats standing before them, and they were sitting on their asses.

      They quickly sprang to their feet and pulled out Pistols. They were gonna send those freaks to Hell. The Spartans opened fire and but the bullets never hit the beast. The slugs had stopped about an inch from the monsters, revealing intensely white personal shields to flare up. After about three seconds, the white shields were fully charged.

      "What the hell, their shields are already recharged," Darren remarked. The beasts made a low and deep grunt, then raised their guns to their waists', Their huge fingers settled on the trigger, the pulled.

      "Jump!" The three Spartans dove to the side as the small and harmless blue flame on the tip of the beasts guns, had erupted into a giant blue inferno which was sprayed where they stood a second ago. The six flames spouting from the guns of the beasts all intertwined and made one as the burst of fire licked the ground. The flame was so intense, even though the Spartans were a meter away, their shields were slowly dropping from the intense heat. The massive beasts were hidden behind the blue-white curtain of flame, which was distorting the air around them so badly that the air looked like waves of water.

      The beasts released the trigger and the flame flew back to the guns of the beasts, as if in rewind and returned to the deceivingly harmless tiny blue flame on the barrel. The ground where the inferno was directed at, was now smooth and shiny, it reflected the blue sky above. The friggin' monsters had almost glassed the Spartans asses. The beasts grunted, and turned towards the Spartans, and prepared to spray Hell everywhere. The beasts were unstoppable, like...a...a....Juggernaut. Brian thought as the edge of the flame caught him as he dove away.

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Invincible?
Date: 19 June 2004, 2:30 PM

1409 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Outside of Covenant Base-New Zealand,

      As Brian dove away, the edge of the blue-white plasma flame caught the tip of his leg. He hit the ground near his Spartans, with his shields already a fourth gone from the brief meeting of his foot and the "Plasma Thrower". The "Juggernauts" turned to where the Spartans were, and leveled their guns at them. Brian and Darren dove to the side by instinct, but Ralph was frozen, looking at the six barrels on fire. The barrels exploded and fire flew to Ralph and enveloped him.

      "Ahhhhhhh!" Ralph's cries were heard from within the curtain of blue fire.

      "Oh my God!!!" Ralph cried in unconceivable pain. But the Juggernauts just stood their, cooking Ralph alive. The Spartans couldn't do anything, they were three meters away, and their shields were already trickling down. Brian made a dash to Ralph, but when he got within a half a meter of him, his shields dropped to half and he quickly stood back.

      "Help! Help! Take the pain away! Please!" Ralph uttered his last words, crying. Then his armor gave out, and melted. The melted armor dripped and stuck onto his body like flaming wax, the new hole in the armor allowed the fire to get in and turn Ralph into a glass doll. The Juggernauts stopped firing, and the fire ceased. He had only been in the fire for about eight seconds, but the damage was done. His armor was no more and he were no more, all that remained was a glass body and a puddle of molten armor. Brian looked at his friend, just a crumpled up piece of glass. All of his memories with Ralph flashed through his mind. He had lost his teammate, who he had known for life. Soon the sadness was begun to wear off, and a new feeling settled in his mind: anger.

      Brian took out his pistol, and took careful aim at the purple tank on the gun of one of the Juggernauts. He pulled the trigger, and a slug left the pistol and a split second later entered the purple tank of the Juggernaut. The explosive round tore the tank open and the hot blue plasma was sprayed across the group of Juggernauts. The Juggernaut whose tank exploded got half of the tank all over him. It burnt through its armor and made it glossy and smooth. The creature had glass patches across it body, but it remained standing. The gun, now melted and obsolete, was thrown to the floor by the creature.

      Ne'ze'roo threw his weapon down, the Human had shot his Plasma Storage Tank. Although the Plasma had gotten all over him, he felt no pain. Now Ne'ze'roo was going to put effort into this, he reached behind his back, and pulled out his Forerunner Blade. He told his team to stand down and watch how to properly dispose of threats.

      Brian and Darren watched as the Juggernaut reached behind its back, and pulled out a titanic sword. It had a golden handle, two meters wide. The sword's blade tapered down to a needle fine point at the end. The blade had to be at least a meter thick, and apparently double bladed. The Juggernaut gripped the sword in one hand and raised and pointed it at Brian and Darren, as if challenging them. Then, the Juggernaut ran at them pumping its huge legs at an unbearably fast pace. The ground shook violently as the monster dashed to them. The Juggernaut closed the 10-meter gap between them in a little over a second. When the Juggernaut got within striking distance, it brung its sword back over its head. The sun was blocked out as the meter wide blade took up half of Brian's vision. As the Juggernaut brung it sword up into the sky, the blade flashed an intense blue-white, then the Juggernaut's shield appeared for a second then faded. Apparently it had to drop its shields to deliver a good blow.

      Brian and Darren didn't have time to think as the monster brung the sword down as they rolled to the side out of harms way. The Blade impacted the ground where Brian and Darren were a second ago. It hit the ground and there was muffled thump. Then the ground that was hit, suddenly turned white, then burst into blue flames. The Juggernaut then pulled out the sword from the ground, turned to Darren. Darren turned around and ran, but the Juggernaut raised its sword again. The sword glowed again, and the shields reappeared then faded once more. Brian took this chance, and pulled out his pistol lightning fast. He shot it in its exposed mid section six times. It grunted, then dropped its sword. Black blood was running from its wound, but the Juggernaut was not injured. Its shields recharged and it stood straight again and picked up its sword.

      Brian couldn't believe it, six shots without shields and the thing wasn't even hurt, in fact the only thing Brian succeeded in doing was pissing it off. The Juggernaut picked up it sword, and ran to Darren, and instead of bringing it over its head, it thrusted it forward towards Darren who rolled to the side and avoided it. The Juggernaut turned around and raised the sword above its head, which the flared blue. Its shields dropped and its flaming sword of death was brought down upon Darren.

      Darren tried to roll to the side but the sword was just too thick. As Darren was rolling the sword impaled him in his mid section. The sword was so strong it cut through the shields and the armor without slowing down a bit. The sword was literally as wide as Darren's body, so it nearly cut him in half simply by stabbing him. The sword entered his stomach and instantly and with ease broke all of his ribs and tore his stomach open. The contents of his stomach spilled out through the meter wide hole in his armor and himself. Darren felt a burning sensation as the flaming sword settled itself inside his stomach, he looked at Brian, standing their horror struck, and a tear ran down Darren's face. Brian looked at his fallen comrade, laying there drowning in his own pull of stomach juices and blood.

      A second later, there was a blue flash, and Darren was set on fire. His armor exploded and stuck to his skin, multiplying his pain by ten. His insides finally reached a certain heat, then suddenly glassed over. His outsides however kept burning, his stomach juice and blood was boiling in the puddle he was laying on. Finally the Juggernaut pulled the sword out of Darren's smoking glass body. All that remained was a black and charred vaguely human shape with a severed midsection and god-knows-what degree burns covering all of his withered and lifeless body.

      Brian was in shock; two Spartan III's dead in ten minutes, looks like the Spartan III's were without a perfect record. The lone Juggernaut motioned for his teammates to come forward. The head Juggernaut raised its sword and pointed it at Brian. It grunted something in a primitive language, and the others grunted back with obvious enjoyment. The other five Juggernauts leveled their Plasma Flame-throwers at Brian, who was helpless. If he tried to kill them he would be glassed, if he didn't try to kill them, he would get glassed. Damn. Damn Damn Damn! Brian swore in his head. Well, this is the end. Didn't think it would have ended like this. Brian closed his eyes and prepared for the inevitable. Three seconds passed and nothing happened. He opened his eyes and glanced at the Juggernauts. They had lowered their guns and were looking behind Brian. He took a quick look behind him and his heart skipped a beat. He was saved.

      A D77-TC Pelican Troop Carrier appeared and flew up behind Brian and hovered. The Pelican's 70mm Chaingun started to rotate and there was a small flash of light. Yellow-white streaks flashed across Brian's vision. Shell cases were spit out the side like garbage. The bullets doused the Juggernauts in lead.

      The Juggernauts' super shields were no match for this merciless barrage. The lead Juggernaut's shields flared then popped like a bubble. What also popped was the Juggernaut's head as a few dozen bullets ripped open its skull and tossed it brains out along with bone fragments and guts. The headless figure began to fall but a few dozen rounds caught it, tore its stomach open spilling its contents out his frontside, and knocked it back spilling insides everywhere. The Pelican turned its attention to the other Juggernauts, and let loose. The Juggernauts hid behind their huge swords but the blades provided no cover due to the Juggernauts being at least twice the width of them. The bullets tore through the unknown substance in moments. Most of the Juggernauts shields held. Except one unlucky one.

      One of the Juggernauts found out that luck was not on its side, far too many rounds were hitting that Juggernaut in particular. Its shields gave out to the unstoppable onslaught of the thousands of bullets showering the Juggernauts. The first dozen bullets entered his body in a few seconds, and blew an enormous sloppy hole through the monster's chest. Blood gushed out of the gaping hole, as the Juggernauts rapidly beating heart was visible for a second until a 70mm round tore through it and sent its remains through a bloody hole in the Juggernauts back. The lifeless sack that used to be the Juggernauts huge heart landed on the ground, almost floating in the immense pool of blood surrounding the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut died as its heart was blown out threw its back. He started to crumble, but dozens of rounds pushed him back onto one of the Base's walls. He was pinned up on the wall as the bullets finished him off. The bullets ripped him to bloody shreds turning him into a pool of blood, stomach fluid, and brain matter with large chunky pieces of hole filled flesh.

      The Pelican's Pilot turned to the remaining Juggernauts and pulled the trigger. But all that came was a dissatisfying click. She was out of ammo, or she was overheating. Either way she was couldn't fire anymore, but that wasn't all she had. The pilot steered the Pelican and turned it around, then quickly but carefully landed. There was a loud clanking sound as soldiers were dispensed. The soldiers came out from behind the Pelican and revealed themselves.

      Four Spartan III's jogged over to Brian's position, and helped him up. Brian was so relieved, that some of his brothers had come. There was Joshua 692, Jaycob 721, Christian 661, and the heavy weapons freak of the Spartan III's, Jason 602. Everyone except Jason took out an M7B Assault Rifle and began raining another type of Lead Hell upon the stunned and bloodied Juggernauts. Jason however was toting the biggest gun he has ever seen besides the Juggernaut's weapons. It had a large and round mid section and an ammunition belt sticking out of the side, but near the front it had six rotating barrels, at least the size of an Assault Rifle. A Minigun. Jason took aim at the group of remaining Juggernauts. Jason rested his finger on the trigger, then lightly squeezed it.

      Six giant rounds were spit out of the barrels in the first second. The bullets struck the shields, but didn't break them. However ten full seconds of having huge pieces of lead thrown at them convinced the shields to give up. Black blood was being exchanged as hundreds of rounds made tunnels through huge bodies. The Minigun barrel was spinning extremely fast, and was giving off huge amounts of heat. The couldn't do anything but stand their as bullets ripped them apart. Several rounds struck a Juggernaut's Plasma tank on his destroyed flame-thrower. The Plasma was splashed across the Juggernauts amplifying their pain by twenty. Jason aimed at the Plasma Tanks and hit the rest of them. Huge amounts of Plasma got on the floors and the walls, but most of it burnt through the exposed flesh of the Juggernauts. The Plasma burnt through the helmet of one Juggernaut and set his head alight with blue flames. The Plasma burnt through the remaining bodies and set vital organs on fire. The rest of the Juggernauts took one last look at the Spartans, then died. The gory mess the Spartans left in the entrance was vomit inducing. Intestines were strung out across pools of black blood. Brain matter was floating about in the mess, and limbs were plenty. Destroyed bodies lay crumpled upon each other. The stench of death was heavy, as if the Grim Reaper himself had vomited all over the entrance. These "invincible" creatures had been slaughtered by Mankind's best.

      "Let's go, there are more of these things to kill," Joshua announced. They all boarded the Pelican and took off leaving the rotting corpses and pools of blood as a reminded to all Covenant: that they have screwed with the wrong species.

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Space Tactics
Date: 20 June 2004, 11:26 PM

[bold]Ninth Age of Reclamation/ Fourth Cycle/ 67 Units
Covenant Invasion Headquarters/ Covenant Flagship "Swift Justice"/
In high orbit above Earth[/bold]

      Ronay 'Ranazee stood shamefully in front of the Prophet. The spotlight was bearing down on him and seemed to burn his skin.

      "You let the humans escape with very, very precious information. Including where Jy'ron'a is." The Prophet announced from the darkness

      "Your Excellency...I..I.." The Elite stammered.

      "No", the Commanding Prophet said flatly.

"      My decision is final, you are to be executed. But you do not deserve a warrior's death, no. I have something special for you. You are to be tied up and thrown towards the Human "Earth" and you will perish as you hit the filthy planet. ," The Prophet said malevolently. The Elite's eyes widened, and he tried to say something but he was grabbed by a pair of Gold Elites and dragged through the chamber door. When the doors had closed and the room was once again dark, the Prophet spoke.

      "Re'te'roo?" The Prophet asked. The massive Juggernaut appeared out of his dark hiding place. He was huge even for his species standards, reaching a towering height of five units.

      "Yes Excellency?" The Juggernaut grunted in it's own language.

      "The Test-Unit that was sent to eliminate the Infidels were slaughtered, but they did take two of the Green Humans with them," The Prophet replied.

      "Guessing from the information they now have thanks to Ronay 'Ranazee, they will probably initiate a strike on Jy'ron'a. You and your Advanced Strike Team are to stop the Infidels from coming anywhere near the Holy Planet. One member of the Test-Unit tagged one of the Green Humans before being killed. Hopefully that particular Infidel didn't die and will lead us to wherever they are going." The Prophet told the beast.

      "Tell your Team that you are to leave in five units," The Prophet said.

      "Yes your Excellency," The monster bowed, then walked out the doors, craning its head.

      Two hundred units aft, a team of gigantic beasts filled up their guns with plasma. A few units later they all boarded a Dropship to the Swift Justice's neighbor ship, a Destroyer known as the Endless Glory. The Endless Glory stood and waited for the inevitable departure of the Infidels to Jy'ron'a.

[bold]2049 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Behind Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter
Aboard Destroyer "George Patton"[/bold]

      Two UNSC ships were hidden behind the balls of ice and dust that made up the Asteroid Belt. The George Patton and the Pearl Harbor drifting side by side, ever so still in the endless vacuum of space. Inside the Destroyer George Patton, the halls were bristling with activity.

      "Well, one of our deep space probes just saved our asses. It was patrolling around way past the edges of UNSC controlled space, when it saw this."

      The Captain pressed a button and the Bridge's main view screen was filled with the blackness of space. A second later, a Covenant Cruiser slid into view, then another, then another. There were Destroyers surrounding the Cruiser. Then fifty titanic Flagships slipped into view. The camera then zoomed out, revealing an ungodly amount of Covenant Ships. Brian's heart rate rose.

      "From the looks of it, there are at lest twelve-hundred ships massing in an unknown star system. But from the information you hacked from that base, we now know that they are massing about 10 AU's from their home planet. Apparently the Covenant aren't doing as good on taking Earth as they thought they would." The Captain told the Spartans.

      The fifty Orbital Defense Platforms surrounding Earth had wiped out over ¾ of the Covenant's five hundred ship attack force before they were destroyed. The Covenant then fought the UNSC fleet of three hundred. The UNSC were finally winning, on the ground and in space. That is until now, the UNSC has no way possible to fend off twelve hundred ships.

      "The George Patton will make a jump, behind their home planet's moon which should give us a few seconds to release you and your team and jump back, and when the Covenant figure out what happened, they will all turn around and run back home. As they are running we try and get as many of 'em before they jump." The Captain said.

      "Wait a second sir, how will we make two jumps without recharging the Slipspace Generator?" Brian questioned.

      "Ah, good question. When your predecessor Master Chief Spartan 117 brung the Ascendant Justice back to Earth, it was thoroughly searched. We looked through their Slipspace drive and studied how they jump so efficiently. A lot of it is more power, but a good portion of it is technique. We also found out how to jump faster, so we can make the twenty-hour trip, in eight hours hours. We studied it and found we can two jumps, but after the second jump it takes a longer time to recharge the Slipspace drives," The Captain informed the group.

      "So once we make the jump to their moon, then you and your Spartans are to exit the ship immediately via Dropship. Once you have exited the ship you stay in the dark side until you find an opportunity to get past the planetary defenses, which I might add we know nothing about, and get on the Planet. You are to plant several SUPERNOVA nuclear bombs in heavily populated citys and place the last one in the capital and exit immediately, hopefullt the Prophet in charge will get his ass fried. Are we clear?"

      "What about the fleet Sir, once you appear then jump back to Earth we are gonna get fried." Joshua pointed out.

      "The Pearl Harbor's crew of five hundred will be packed into our ship because the Pearl Harbor will be used to deal with Covenant Fleet."

      "Sir, one ship against twelve hun..." Jason stopped.

      "Don't worry about it, and that's an order. Just worry about your mission at the moment. Am I clear?"

      "Sir, yes, Sir!" The Spartans shouted in unison.

      "Dismissed!" The Captain ordered.

      As the majority of the crew was leaving the Pearl Harbor, a Demolitions Team was sweeping the ship, placing high explosives every few meters. The Engine room was littered with Fury-Tac Nukes and a single NOVA nuclear bomb. As the team made sure that all the explosives were set and ready to go, the shipboard AI copied itself and left the copy in the Pearl Harbor. The AI and the Demolition Team was brought onto the George Patton as the last Pelican left the ship. There were a few thousand megatons of explosives on board. The Pearl Harbor was now a flying bomb that was gonna be delivered to the Covenant Fleet first class.

      Inside the George Patton, Brian and his Spartans stood in the armory stocking up on guns and ammo. Each of them had a Minigun slung over their backs and ammo belts formed an X on their chests. Brian checked his Mission Outline, ETA, exactly twenty hours left. Once the Spartans had gotten equipped, most of them took a nap. Brian however sat there, alone with his thoughts, then after a few hours fell asleep where he sat.

      The George Patton and the Pearl Harbor started up their Slipspace drives. The space around the two ships became distorted as the ships tried to pick a path through Slipspace. The edges of the ships became white as they prepared to jump to the Covenant Homeworld.

      Through the icy asteroids and past Mars, the Covenant Destroyer Endless Glory hummed into life. Its sensors picked up an energy spike behind the asteroid belt. The Destroyer quickly charged up its Slipspace generator and disappeared.

      The ship reappeared a second later about one thousand units from two Human Destroyers. The Endless Glory spit out a red-hot plasma torpedo that burnt its way to the Destroyers. Before the torpedo could do its damage, there was a flash, and then the Human ships disappeared.

      The Destroyer waited a few Units to let its Slipspace generator recharge, turned towards Jy'ron'a, then flashed and disappeared.

      Brian was awakened by the shipwide COM announcing the reentry into normal space. Brian checked the ETA and it read: 32:13. Only half and hour till the op and Brian was well rested for the first time in months. His fellow Spartans awoke soon afterwards, but Brian found some already awake and getting prepared. After doing a weapons test a few times, the Spartans were led to Launch Bay 7 by several Navy Personnel. They entered the massive hangar known as Launch Bay 7, and saw a lone Pelican nesting on the deck. When the Spartans reached the Pelican they were impressed.

      It had reinforced Titanium A armor, and dual 50mm Chain guns mounted on each wing, and a single 70mm Chin Gun mounted on the bird's nose. The shipwide COM rang and echoed throughout the expansive yet empty launch bay.

      "ETA to destination: Fifteen minutes. Repeat, ETA to destination: Fifteen minutes."
The crewman that led the Spartans to the launch bay gave them a salute them as they climbed aboard the Pelican. As the rest of the Navy Personnel left, one young man came forward to the Spartans. The man had black hair that was very short, nearly bald. He was tan and very tall but nothing compared to the Spartans' figures. The man was large and muscular. He was also an officer. The Spartans all snapped into attention and whipped up a crisp salute. The officer saluted back.
      "The names Scherrer, Lieutenant Scherrer 'an I'ma fly this bird for you come Hell or high water, 'long as you kill me some Covenant freaks." He said seriously.

      "That is our job, Sir, and we enjoy it." Brian said as his Spartans all nodded their heads.
The Shipwide COM interrupted their conversation.

      "Attention! Attention! ETA to destination is 00:49. Attention! ETA to destination is 00:48." The voice echoed throughout the hangar seconds after the real voice had stopped.

      "Well, no time for chit-chat now is there? Lets go." The Lieutenant directed. Lieutenant Scherrer climbed into the cockpit and turned the engines on. He flipped a series of switches, entered some commands, then the bird sprung to life. The rear hatch closed and the Spartans were confined to look at the metal rear hatch of the Pelican. The bird rose a few meters off the ground, then turned towards the launch bay doors. Static crackled over the COM.

      "T-minus ten seconds...T-minus five seconds...three...two..."
The massive launch bay door creaked and moaned as it pulled itself apart. The doors parted, inviting the vacuum of space inside the ship. The Pelican lurched towards the parting doors and prepared to exit.


      A few hundred million units behind the massing Covenant fleet and in the dark shadow cast by the planet's moon, space rippled and a Destroyer appeared undetected for a few lucky seconds. A tiny object soared out one of the many launch bays and glided into the dark side of the moon and killed its engines. The Launch bay closed and the Destroyer turned around. A few units later, over a thousand Covenant Ships detected a blip on the radar. A few hundred of the swarm turned around, and charged their Plasma Batteries. Before they could fire, the Destroyer distorted space then disappeared. Not one of the ships detected the tiny Human Ship floating in the dark side of Jy'ron'a's moon, Teze'q'wee. The moon was filled with enormous Plasma Cannons dotted across the length of Teze'q'wee, all pointed outwards towards space. Teze'q'wee's planetary sensors did not pick up the Human Ship. As the majority of the Ships were still in the process of turning around, a small ripple in space appeared within the mass of ships. Space ripped apart and a Human Vessel appeared out of nowhere between a Flagship and two Cruisers. For the first few units, the ship had the advantage of surprise. But the vessel had a whole lot more surprise than the Covenant suspected.

      Brian watched on his HUD as video footage of the Pearl Harbor appeared. The ship had appeared near the epicenter of the mass of ships that were turning to dispose of him. Countless ugly purple figures lit up with plasma preparing to fire. Then it happened.

      An intense flash was seen as over a thousand Fury Tac Nukes exploded and blossomed into fiery daises as the ship grew holes up and down the ship. The bombs in the engine room exploded and destroyed the Reactors and set off the NOVA Bomb. There was a huge white flash, and the whole view screen started to get white. The Nova Bomb set off the Fusion Reactors multiplying the explosion by one hundred.

      There was a humongous outward expansion of the Hell that had exploded on the ship, and the Covenant Fleet was enveloped and soon disappeared as the screen turned a blinding white. The screen stayed white for a good thirty seconds, then slowly dimmed down. Near the Epicenter, all that remained was red-hot purple ship debris. Towards the edge of the blast were critically damaged ships that were venting atmosphere and crumpling in upon themselves. There were a "lucky" two dozen ship that survived being flash fried and were trying to fly away but huge pieces of debris thrown out from the explosion hit them from the back and cut huge holes into their hulls. The debris tore into the ships and some cut through something vital causing the ship to explode in fiery debris filled mess. A few dozen ships were burning from internal fires and sat dead in space.

      Fifteen ships were limping away with holes in their hulls. The once mighty fleet had been reduced to a gigantic debris field with half eaten ships slowly spinning pointlessly into other destroyed ships or pieces of debris. There was an eerie stillness as the Covenant Battlenet was going crazy over what had just happened.

      The Pelican used minimum power and slowly but surely glided out of the moon's shadow, undetected. Or so they thought.

      Right behind the Pelican, a hole in space appeared and the Endless Glory jumped out as the hole closed and turned into normal space. The Endless Glory's Plasma Turrets bristled with energy as it set its sights on the unsuspecting Pelican.

The Gods of War:Spartan III's: His Return
Date: 8 July 2004, 1:41 AM

0445 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Aboard Pelican/ Unknown System
Covenant Homeworld's Moon

      The Pelican slowly drifted towards the planet. As they were about to exit the dark side of the moon, something on the radar was picked up.

      "Umm, I think we gots a lil' problem here. I think that theres a Destroyer right behind us." Lieutenant Scherrer said over the COM.

      "Initiating evasive maneuvers," Scherrer said. The Pelican sprang to life. All of a sudden it shot forward and dove straight down as a Plasma Torpedo burnt through space directly over them. The Destroyer shot another torpedo that was evaded by the tiny ship.

      The Destroyer stopped using its torpedoes, and switched to Plasma Lasers for point defense. Red-hot plasma shot from the Destroyer and burnt towards the Pelican. The bird did a quick barrel roll but the laser connected with its port engine. The Engine exploded as a hole was torn into the portside wing, crippling the bird.

      The Pelican began to plummet towards the alien moon, spinning uncontrollably. Brian braced himself against the wall as his stomach was sent up to his throat, then his legs, then back again. The Pelican was falling to the surface at a few hundred meters per second. When the Pelican got within five hundred kilometers of the surface, the three gargantuan Plasma Cannons on the moon's surface stirred and came to life. They all swiveled slowly and aimed at the Pelican. The nearest turret, on the Pelicans starboard side, flashed a blinding blue white then the barrel exploded and it discharged a titanic plasma ball. As the fiery ball of plasma exited the huge barrel of the Turret, it soared towards the Pelican. Some dancing by the Pelican caused the plasma to soar past them and explode a few thousand kilometers away, setting off an alarm.

      The Covenant Destroyer stopped trailing the Pelican, opened one of its launch bays and released a Dropship. The Destroyer turned around, then disappeared.

      Lieutenant Scherrer was frightened as his bird dropped like an armored rock towards the moon. When the Pelican was one hundred meters from the ground the Pelican began to slow from the constant drag of the reverse thruster. The bird slowed dramatically within the last hundred meters but it wasn't enough. Brian kicked the metal rear hatch repeatedly then twenty meters before they hit the moon, the door gave out to Brian's repeated stomping and the Spartans were sucked out of the ship into the vacuum of space. All five Spartans fell the remaining twenty meters next to the flaming Pelican. The Pelican hit the ground seconds before the Spartans. Brian looked at his team around him falling, a second later Brian met the moon head on.

      Brian slammed into the alien moon at an extreme velocity. He created a hole roughly the shape of a large human on the surface of the moon. Four other jolts in the ground told Brian that his Spartans had made it.

      He could barely see, his vision was blurry and he had a huge headache. Brian slowly and painfully climbed out of his would be grave and looked around. He winced as he turned his hand, he had broken his wrist. His other Spartans were also climbing out of their holes and brushing dust off. Brian looked down and saw that his weapons were scattered across their drop zone along with everyone else's ammo and guns. After a quick sweep of the area, everyone got their weapons.

      Brian looked at the Pelican, its nose was crumpled up like an accordian and Scherrer was thrown out of the cockpit. He was floating in front of the Pelican dead and bleeding. Brian took a closer look at the Pelican and peered inside the back. Thank God! All four of the NOVA bombs had not fallen from their tight harness, but the SUPERNOVA bomb was laying on the ground near the back of the Pelican.

      Brian winced, if that had gone off him and his Spartans along with the moon would have been screwed.

Brian opened a COM channel to his team.

      "Okay our objective and our Pelican got completely FUBARed, but we can use this to our advantage." Brian motioned to the kilometer high Plasma Cannons that stopped tracking them minutes ago.

      "If we can get into one of those facility's, we can aim that big ass gun at the planet." Brian continued.

      "But judging by the size and power of that thing, it's most likely heavily guarded."

      "Jason and Joshua, I want you to bury the bombs. We'll come back for them later." Jason and Joshua grabbed the nukes carefully and buried them in the hole Brian made from falling. They covered it with gray alien dust and marked the holes with a piece of Pelican debris above each one. They then very carefully and slowly placed the SUPERNOVA bomb in a separate hole and filled it with dust.

      The Spartans approached one of the massive Plasma Cannons. The Cannon was mostly all barrel. It had the familiar purple that the Covenant favored so much and it looked like some giant spider legs all curled up, because of its long skinny batteries and the not so skinny barrel.

      As Brian and his team drew closer, they had to crane their heads up see the massive tip of the structure. The door was located at the bottom, with no guards nearby. As they approached the doors Brian started to take out some explosives to blow the door open. But Joshua tapped the panel on the left and the doors parted.

      The air equalized as they stepped into the room. The door behind them closed and the door in front of them opened. They stepped into the door and were awestruck. The room was circular and colossal; it was a kilometer high, with at least a hundred different visible balconies rising up to the very top. Where there was a giant see through window that displayed the Covenant Planet in its view.

      Brian looked around the circular room and saw a huge door. His team approached it. Inside the door was a small purple and square room, once his team was in, there was a vibration. The doors slammed together and the room jolted up extremely fast. This elevator would take them to their objective, good.

      After about a minute, the elevator started to slow, and Brian and his team raised their weapons at the purple door.

       Re'te'roo, raised his gargantuan weapon at the closed doors, any second now. Seven of his brethren stood faithfully behind him, weapons at the ready. There was a small hissing sound, as the large doors started to part.

      Brian watched as the doors parted in the middle, and a room was revealed. Brian's heart jumped. There were eight Juggernauts, standing there. Before the creatures could act Brian jammed the trigger down on his Minigun, along with his team. The barrels rotated and hundreds of bullets were spit out at the Juggernauts. Plasma tanks were ripped open, and flesh sizzled. As the barrels overheated and came to a stop, the smoke cleared, revealing the almighty Juggernauts still standing. The barrels lit up and the small elevator was filled with the Hellfire. Brian yelled in pain as the fire enveloped him. His vision was filled with blue fire that was eating through his "invincible" armor. He dropped to his knees, unable to take the excruciating pain. Tears swelled in his eyes as his vision started to fade. A piece of his armor gave out in his arm and blue fire flew in and set his arm afire. He heard other cries of help in the elevator. He wouldn't accept his death, he got up, still afire, and ran towards the flames anger flashed through his eyes like a crazy man.

      There was a deafening THUMP!, as the ground shook and the flames ceased. Brian couldn't take the pain, he closed his eyes.

      Brian slowly regained consciousness, and he found himself at a very blurry purple ceiling. He heard a deep voice of a man, sounded familiar. He attempted to raise himself up, but he couldn't. Just then he heard footsteps, then a green armored passed over his head, then grabbed his hand and pulled Brian up with surprising force.

      Brian's vision was filled with a blurry green shape, but it was too small to be one of his Spartans, so that means...

      "Master...Chief?" Brian asked dumbfounded at the blurry shape.

      "Affirmative," The shape answered back.

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Bombing Run
Date: 16 July 2004, 7:13 AM

      Brian's vision slowly cleared and sharpened. He straightened up and finally realized what just happened. The Juggernauts lay on the ground in a bloodied heap, and a lone figure stood before him, with a rocket launcher in hand. It was just like a scene from a storybook. What stood before him was a legend. A living, breathing legend. The man stepped over the bloody piles that were once Juggernauts, and strode to Brian.

       "You're Spartan-117? The legendary Master Chief?" Brian asked confused.

       "Negative," John said simply.

       "But...you're alive? I thought the explosion of Halo killed you?" Brian said still confused.

       "Affirmative. I'll explain later, let's move out, before the Covenant send reinforcements"

       The man that stood before Brian was a legend and a combat genius. He was arguably the best fighter to ever set foot on any UNSC Planet.

       "Wait, let me get my team," Brian replied. Brian looked back and saw Jason, Christian, and Jacob slowly get up. But Joshua just lay there, not moving. Brian checked his vital signs and confirmed it, flatlined. He stood a moment in mourning and remembrance, then quietly said goodbye to his Spartan brother. He was gonna blow the Covenant to Hell and beyond, and then back for another ride.

       "We need to get out of here, on the double. The Covenant have located our position. We need to move now. I saw a Dropship touch down outside of this facility, that's our ride." John informed the Spartans, whipping up a plan in an instant.

      The group of Spartans dashed to the elevator and waited until it stopped. The doors parted and the Spartans sprinted towards the door, and then the outer door opened, revealing the bleak gray moon.

       They wasted no time, green blurs dashed towards the purple Dropship nestled a kilometer ahead.

       John watched as the four large Spartan III sped past him. He was getting old in his age, and could not keep up. For the first time in his life, John felt a little jealous.

       As they neared the Dropship, an unearthly rumble resonated throughout the ground, and the Spartans were thrown to their feet. They looked back and saw the source of this vibration.

       The kilometer high cannon they had just exited was alight with red plasma. An explosion ripped outwards from the inside, and the entire bottom section collapsed. The structure, now missing its foundation, started a rapid collapse. The rumble increased as the building ran itself into the ground. Dust kicked up as the barrel of the cannon disappeared underneath the veil of alien dust. Someone had self-destructed it.

       As the dust cleared and settled, the intimidating cannon now remained a collection of floating metal.

       "Damn," Brian said as they took in what just happened. Had they not left as quick as they did, they would be amongst those small floating pieces of junk. Their awe faded, and their mission slammed back into reality.

       They turned to the Dropship, and climbed in.

       "Shit Joshua and Christian, go get the bombs on the double." Brian said, realizing what he left.

       Joshua and Christian sprinted over to the Pelican wreckage in seconds and quickly found the marked holes. They dug up the dirt and found the four NOVA bombs. They then uncovered the single SUPERNOVA bomb very carefully. Christian took four NOVA bombs in his arms, while Joshua grabbed the SUPERNOVA bomb, and then sprinted to the Dropship.

       They strapped the bombs in to the oddly shaped passenger chairs and climbed in themselves. Joshua climbed into the cockpit and studied the controls for a minute. John, Brian, and the rest of the Spartans settled into the oddly contoured chairs. They sat down uncomfortably and awaited departure. Brian opened a COM channel to John.

       "Uh, Master Chief, sir. Exactly where are we going?" Brian asked the legend.

       "First, we are gonna get the Hell off this moon before they blow destroy it, then, we will slip past the Covenant Defenses using our new cover, and plant those bombs and get out of there immediately." John said sternly.

       "Yes Sir!" Brian said, again awestruck by his tactical abilities.

       "Joshua, saddle up, we're heading to that planet, now." Brian ordered Joshua over the COM.

       "Roger that sir, take off in five."

       The Dropship sprang to life and hovered off the ground for a second. The Dropship then shot forward towards the Covenant Planet.

       As they left the moon, and soared towards the planet. Thousands of ship big and small, crisscrossed everywhere going every which way.

       As they neared it, they finally saw some details they had not seen before. The planet was a ghastly white, just a white sphere against the blackness of space. Brian noticed there were a few hundred ships in high orbit. As they soared ever closer to the planet, the ghostly white color turned out to be very thick clouds.

       The Dropship got close enough to reveal ten titanic ships, in tight orbit around their homeplanet. These humongous ships were more than twice the size of a standard Flagship. They appeared to be some kind of command ship, due to the large amounts of Destroyers and Frigates surrounding them. They passed the nearest one, and got a close look at their weapons. Fourteen angry Plasma Turrets were mounted along its eight sleek bulbous sections. A single humongous Plasma Cannon was mounted along the spine of the ship, similar to those on the moon.

       All the activity in the system was concentrated on the moon accident, and the ships paid no attention to the tiny Dropship gliding into the atmosphere of the planet. Brian watched as the ship neared the opaque cloud shrouding the planet.

       "Entering atmosphere!" Joshua warned.

       There was a crash as the Dropship started to shake violently every which way. They could do nothing but fly blindly through clouds. Brian looked at the wall in front of him, and saw it glow red from the heat. He felt dizzy as the Dropship jerked around uncontrollably. He braced himself on the wall, and waited. After several long minutes, the jerking stopped, and the ship stabilized.

       Brian looked out the hatch, and spied a massive landmass sprawling before him. He could see grand blue oceans stretched out to the horizon. One of the first things he noticed, was the darkness. The land was dark, nearly so dark that it was hard to see, and he could spy enormously populated cities, marked by millions of blue lights, still visible from their altitude due to the lack of sunlight.

       John pointed out the window to a large light filled area, which took up half of the continent. That had to be the Capital, and the Prophet was bound to be there.

      The bird lowered its nose, and picked up speed as it shot towards the large city. As they neared the ground, thousands of Dropship swarmed around.

       We should fit right in." Brian thought.       Brian focused his attention on the landmass that they were steadily approaching. Humongous mountains loomed over the landscape, with snow topped caps. The city details were slowly etched into the view of the Spartans.

       Gigantic purple structures towered hundreds of meters in the air, and were so high, they too had frozen tips. Just looking at the snowy scene made Brian feel cold.

       Joshua's voice crackled over the COM.        "Uh, Brian, I'm gonna find a place to land near the edge of the city, we could try to... Joshua trailed off, distracted.

       "What is it Joshua?"

       "I just got...a transmission from HighCom. It seems the Covenant changed their plan. They are preparing to pull out and fall into orbit. Then... then...they glass Earth... Joshua said, trailing off at the end.

       Brian swore. They had to go back to Earth and help. He opened his mouth, to suggest a plan, but John spoke first.

       " I have a plan. Although we can't still land and place the bombs, we can drop them off from this altitude. They will only explode if armed, or activated by a Remote Detonator, which we have. Then, we will attempt to infiltrate one of the Command Ships, then get back to Earth as fast as we can."

       "That's crazy. We'll never make it out of here alive," Christian said defiantly.

       "Crazy or not, we will do it. Is that clear?" John said clear and concisely.

       "Affirmative, sir." Christian answered back quietly.

       "Drop those bombs," John ordered.

       Brian pressed the release button on the bay doors, and the wall in front of him extended outward and up, revealing the dark night sky. Ice cold wind lashed in the Dropship, not even affecting the armored Spartans. Brian unstrapped the SUPERNOVA bomb and leaned over slightly over the edge and looked down at the glowing city twenty thousand feet below them.

       Not knowing when to release, Brian looked back at John, who responded with a nod. Brian released the behemoth bomb and let it drop through the darkness. The black dot that was the bomb disappeared somewhere outside of the city.

       The Dropship screamed towards other major light cluster, and one by one, four other massive NOVA bombs were sent careening towards the edge of the cities.

       As the last bomb fell towards its target, the Dropship pulled up into the opaque white cloud, and disappeared.

       Seconds later it reappeared, now in the vacuum of space. The tiny craft spied a line of Dropships gliding towards one of the Command Ships numerous bays. Slowly, it picked its way into the line, and flew into the Command Ship.

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Breaking Brian
Date: 16 February 2005, 9:56 AM

      Brian cried loudly, tears rolling down his young face, as the two bulky Marines drug him down the hallway. He screamed and kicked, and was shaking uncontrollably. You couldn't blame him really, he was taken from his parents not four days ago. They were gonna mold this kid into an ungodly killing machine, or kill him trying to.

       "Jesus! Shut this kid up!" One of the guards screamed. The other guard rolled his eyes carelessly.
Then finally the two guards came to a halt, at a large metal door. One of them paused to use the security panel.

      Tiny spurts of steam hissed from the heavy seals. Gears and other mechanisms could be heard inside the door. Then with a loud thud, the door cracked open revealing nothing but darkness.
Brian looked up at the guards, face still wet. They smiled, then threw him in. The door slammed closed, and the locks kicked in. He hit the cold concrete with a crack. He got up quickly and panicked. Brian strained to see something, but couldn't. He was trapped.
He was too scared to cry. He felt his way around the room, into a corner. He figured the room was roughly square, and not too big.
He curled up, and put his face in between his legs, and shook.
He screamed silently as the darkness swallowed him whole.

      The Sergeant looked intently at the view screen. The boy was curled up into a corner, frightened. He sighed; this was the part he hated most about his job. He had to break the kid. It was the only way to make this boy a killing machine. The Spartan II's are gonna die out, soon. Not many people talked about it but people on the inside knew they were running out of time. They needed an answer, and they found one. Brian was just one of sixty specially chosen subjects, for the Spartan III project, but Brian was the most promising of all of them.
Reluctantly, The Sergeant flipped on the radio, and spoke grimly:

       "Smith? This is Sergeant Griffis. Release the aliens."

      Brian tried hard to sleep, so he could get away from this horrible nightmare. He swayed silently and thought of happy things. A smile curled onto his face as he imagined he was back home, back on Taurus. And just as Brian started to calm down, a loud thump made his blood turn cold.
A loud shifting sound came from the other side of the room, it sounded as if it was coming from inside the walls. Then, a very loud scraping sound from inside the room pierced Brian's ears. The clatter of footsteps resonated from in front of him. The shifting of bodies could be hard.
Brian didn't blink, not once. He intently stared at the patch of blackness where the noise came from. After several minutes, Brian convinced himself it was something else, and nothing to worry about.
He began to put his head back down, when suddenly, the light switched on.
Brian's pupils dilated as his body froze from shock.
Reality slammed back into place as Brian realized he was standing opposite six shieldless Jackals. They were almost birdlike, with long tapering snouts, and large alert eyes. They weren't intimidating in build, but they had a certain ferociousness about them. Sharp teeth could be seen coming from their upper jaws. Sharp claws were attached to their long skinny arms.

      There was a square hole in the wall behind them, in which they apparently crawled through. The Jackals apparently were in shock also but quickly got over it.
The Jackals squawked loudly at Brian, a high-pitched spine tingling sound. The Jackals simultaneously jumped forward in a swift fluid motion and attacked Brian.

      Brian got up swiftly to try and defend himself. But the Jackals ganged up on him and began clawing at him viciously. Deep cuts were chiseled into his six-year-old body as Brian fell on the ground bleeding, the Jackals screaming in his ears. He was losing too much blood, and started to feel drowsy. The pain was numbing out now, he could see the Jackals still clawing at him as he looked up at the ceiling, but somehow, he didn't feel it. His eyelids began very heavy, and his vision was blurred...
He was back on Taurus now, his home. All his favorite things, his friends, his house, his parents-his parents. A memory of his parents popped into place. A vision of a troop of Elites and Jackals murdering his parents played in his head. He saw a Jackal rip his mother's throat out, his mother's body, dripping with blood, slumped to the floor. His father lay next to her with a gaping hole in his stomach. Brian watched it all from his closet.

      Then something happened. Something clicked into place, and a switch was turned in the boy's head. Something changes him.
The Covenant killed them...

      He slammed back into consciousness and felt excruciating pain. He didn't care.
Brian jumped up, shaking uncontrollably, but not with fear, with a newfound rage, and pushed all of the Jackals away. Taken aback the Jackals froze, then attacked again.
As Brian prepared to take them on, something was different. His eyes...they looked somehow...evil.

      The lead Jackal charged Brian, as he grabbed it by the neck, and bashed its head against the wall. Purple blood drenched Brian as each bash added a new layer. The Jackals head caved in as it died. The second Jackal came at him, and Brian launched his fingers out as they landed in the Jackal's overgrown eyes. The Jackal screamed as Brian ripped its eyes from its sockets. He stuck his hands back in to the holes, and pushed. He reached the soft brain, squeezed, the pulled.
Stringy entrails of pink organs flew out of its head as Brian removed his bloody hand. The Jackal's body fell limp.
His hand was covered in brains, he shook his hands and brain bits were tossed all over the walls, and the camera in the corner, was covered in it, covering the lens.


       "Shit! The Sergeant yelled as the screen blacked out. He tried to move the camera around, but it remained black. He sighed, then turned up the volume so it filled the room. People busy with their work paused, and looked towards the Sergeant's direction.
Shrill, high pitched squawks echoed through the room. It was weird, the Jackal sounded different, almost...afraid. There were cracking and bone crunching sounds, more screams, which lasted for several minutes, then silence.
