
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Fallen by The_Feared

The Fallen: Finding MJOLNIR
Date: 13 December 2003, 7:09 AM

The Fallen Part One-

The ground shook as volley after volley of plasma weaponry met with the dirt. I ran past cement bunkers, or what was left of them, making my way to the towering stronghold in the center of the encampment, occasionally turning around to fire off a few rounds at nearly random targets. Above me floated an enormous Covenate battleship, that which reminded me of a whale, sticking out from the gray, cloudy skies. I ran past the guards in the guard houses, nearly filled to capacity with sandbags, and gave a hasty salute. The ground shook as another volley of plasma struck the ground, nearly knocking me off my feet, but ignoring the monstrous ship above our encampment, Camp Sitting Duck, as I have heard it called many a time before, but more formally it is called Camp Challeger, I continued on to the three-inch thick Titanium 3 armored walls of the Command Building. Its duty nothing more than to protect the cities of Reach, in which the Marines of the United Nations Space Corps. were not doing so well. Finally reaching the heavy steel door of the Command Bulding, gave a stiff salute to the weathered Marines, in which they hastily returned. A guard pressed a switch on a panel in front of him, and the heavy steel door slid open. I half ran and half walked down the narrow grey corridors, knowing exactly where to go, being here so many times before. I reached a door at the end of a T shaped corridor, and saluted another guard for nearly the tenth time today. I aproached a retina-scanning unit on the wall, it actvated, and a crimson red laser scaled my eyeball. "Access granted, welcome James Lynch, Petty Officer Third-Class, UNSC Special Forces." A computerized voice said from the unit. The steel door slid up, revealing nothing but darkness. I walked through the doorway and the darkness swallowed me whole. The heavy steel doo slid shut behind me, and the audible sound of automated locks echoed through the dark. "Good day, Petty Officer." A calm female voice said. A beam of light suddenly cut through the dark, revealing a tall women in a white lab coat. "I wouldnt exactly say that." I replied, I would be the last person to think that today would be a good day. "Your not the only one." She said smoothly. "I expect you know why I asked you here." She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Actually, no I dont." I repied puzzled. I in fact, didnt know why I was here. I was told to go to the laboratories and meet a scientist there. That was all I was told. "Okay, I'll fill you in." She said matter-of-a factly, and continued, "Due to your extensive" She paused and looked down at a sheet of paper attached to a clip-board, "48 hours of service for the UNSC Special Forces and proving yourself time and time again, you have been chosen for a special project." "A project? What kind of project" I said relishily. "The project is called the SPARTAN II Project." She said. "A SPARTAN?" I asked her. "A kind of enhanced soldier, with an advanced kind of new armor, called the MJOLNIR armor." She said as another spotlight clicked on, but centered on a case. Inside the glass case was the oddest thing I had ever seen. A shade of light-green armor that looked as it was to cover the shoulders, arms, torso, pelvis, legs and feet. In between all of the light-green armor was a rubber looking black substance, which I guessed was to make you more flexible. Above the suit was a helmet, with a highly reflective glass faceplate. "This is the MJOLNIR armor." The doctor continued on. "The green armor plates are made of several layers of alloy along with a reflective 'shield' to ward off plasma shots. The black substance is for maintaining atmosphere and can change density as you move." I stared at the MJOLNIR battle armor in disbelief. So this was the 'secret weapon' that was to be used against the Covenate that Captain Keyes was talking about. Before I was stationed at Camp Challenger I was a UNSC Special Security Officer aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, guarding Captain Keyes and his bridge crew. Almost constantly Keyes talked about this 'secret weapon'that was to be used against the Covenate. This was it. "Your augmentation begins at 1200 hours." The doctor said. "Augmetation? For what?" I asked almost hysterically. "The MJOLNIR battle armor requires a strong body, no ordinary human can pilot the MJOLNIR armor, you need to have enhanced bone and muscle strength." She continued.

To be continued...
