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The Battle for Earth by CommanderElite
The Battle for Earth: part 1
Date: 10 February 2004, 4:26 PM
Ok, this is my first post and I hope to have a few more in the future. I am just practicing with this story, so forgive me for just copying, my future posts on HBO will be much more creative. Thank You
The Pillar of Autumn Master Chief stepped out of his cryotube and approached the crewman in front of him. "C'mon we've gotta get outta here!" exclaimed the crewman. "Follow me." The crewman ran out of the door in to the adjacent hallway, he then ran down the hallway toward another door. Just as the door opened, a massive explosion blew him backwards. Master Chief checked his pulse, he was dead. The Chief jumped over a barricade to another hallway and continued, as he approached an open area he looked under a half-closed door and saw crewmen firing M6-D pistols at a couple of Elites. As he ducked to look under the door, a plasma grenade went off right in front of one of the crewmen, it threw him back 10 ft. before he hit a ceiling support. The blast doors closed between them and the Elites and the Chief ran down the hallway and through another door. As he entered through the door and down another corridor he could see a Marine and two crewman battling covenant. He ran toward them and ducked behind the barricades in front of them. As he watched, one of the crewmen activated the blast doors, after he had done this he was hit in the back with an overcharged plasma bolt, he crumpled to the floor. When the blast doors closed the Marine approached Master Chief, he said, "Sir, the Captain wants you on the bridge ASAP, better follow me." Master Chief followed him through the ship's armory and past wounded Marines. One Marine started shaking uncontrollably, and another reached up with a now three-fingered hand for the Chief's help, there was one man on the floor with a gaping hole in his stomach, he was obviously dead. "Seven hits from a needler, even the biofoam couldn't help him." said the Marine that was with the Chief. He looked at the man with sadness, then continued on to the bridge. Master Chief walked up to Captain Keyes and snapped a crisp salute. "At ease soldier." said Keyes. Master Chief relaxed and asked the Captain to brief him on the situation. "To make a long story short, we have Covenant ships all around us and they are boarding. You are to get off this ship with Cortana." said Keyes. "Yes sir." said Master Chief. "I need a weapon sir." he said. "I have a pistol but I don't keep it loaded, you'll have to find ammo as you go." said Keyes as he handed the Chief his M6-D. As the Chief left the bridge he heard a plasma grenade go off in the mess hall, the noise was followed quickly by the sound of a Sergeant barking orders to his men. Master Chief opened a compartment in the hallway and grabbed some ammo for his pistol. His motion tracker showed grunts at the entrance to the mess hall. He leaned around the corner and fired a .450 magnum round into the nearest Grunt, it fell to the floor in a heap, its plasma pistol clattering across the hallway. "Kill him!" shouted another Grunt. There were two of them and they started shooting at the Chief. Chunks of superheated metal flew off the wall all around him as he pulled a frag grenade from his belt. He pulled the pin and threw the grenade off the nearest wall, as it deflected and flew around the corner it exploded, he could hear the screams of the dying Grunts. The Chief ran to the mess hall and found an MA5B assault rifle lying at the feet of a dead Marine, he picked it up and advanced toward the Marine "lines". He could see two Elites ahead of them and about five grunts. "Those Marines need help, do what you do best!" said Cortana. He used his pistol to pick off the closest grunts to the Marines, and ran behind cover to reload. As he was reloading, a frag grenade went off and threw a plasma grenade and a plasma rifle toward his position. With the reaction speed and agility only achieved by a SPARTAN, he grabbed them out of the air, he threw his assault rifle away and rushed the closest Elite with the plasma rifle. The other Elite had no way of covering his unsuspecting buddy because the Marines were shooting at him to cover Master Chief. The Chief brought the Elite's shield down before he could turn around; then fired his pistol into the Alien's head as it was screaming in anger. He then ran to the other Elite, who was having quite a time with the Marines, and stuck a plasma grenade to its gut. The resulting explosion was enormous, it detonated all of the Grunts' dropped plasma grenades as well. "Thank You sir!" shouted the Sergeant. "Anytime." replied Master Chief. The MJOLNIR armor on Master Chief's body helped him run at unimaginable speeds, he ran down the next set of halls, 7.62mm bullets slammed against the wall in front of him just as he came to a turn. "Holy cow." he said. He saw the shadow of an Elite warrior around the corner and could hear Marines firing at it. He quickly sidestepped around the corner and used the plasma rifle to smack the Elite in the back of the head; the attack smashed through its shields and crushed the Alien's skull. "Wow! A mark five!" shouted a British Marine. All of a sudden the entire ship shook as though it had rammed into a cruiser. "What the heck!? Did something just hit us?" shouted one of the three Marines. "Hurry, back to the airlock!" said another one. The Chief and the Marines ran to the airlock and saw a Sergeant and a corporal standing at the door with assault rifles at the ready. "Sir, we could use your help." said the Sergeant. Immediately the door blew up behind them and vaporized their bodies. Master Chief threw a string of plasma grenades at the base of the door as a stream of grunts flowed in. "Die devil!" shouted a grunt just before the grenades exploded. "Ahh!" they shouted as they flew about the room. The Chief started to enter the covenant dropship that was docked at the airlock and was greeted by another Elite. The Elite smacked him over the head with his rifle, this brought down the Chief's shields and he dove behind a ceiling support. The Elite laughed and approached the support. He had, however not seen the hiding Marines and was greeted by three grenades at his feet. The Chief looked over the support just in time to be hit with a shower of thick, purple liquid. "I just got this thing cleaned up from the ones at Reach." he said. "Good job Marines." said Cortana. The Chief held up a fist to signal the Marines to stop. Covenant troops were battling Marines in a tight close quarters engagement ahead. Cortana pointed out that there was another hallway that joined to the Covenant's position. "We'll take that way." said the Chief
and we all know the rest from here. I am open to suggestions for my next segment. (I am considering the Silent Cartographer.) so e-me with suggestions and comments.
thx :-)