
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction


Date: 28 September 2005, 2:01 am


Wong ran to the com moniter when the combat alarm blared. Captain rogans face fill the screen and his voice echoed throughout the bay. Private wong this is a vry bad situation we need to get every thing to geather and abandon ship. The hell if im going to let the covenant get a hold of are new ship planet side. If they catch us now while were dead in space were screwed. Get your teams togeather get every body to there ships run through finall launch preps and be ready to launch on my order. Sir yes sir wong replide as he snapped off a crisp salute. You heard the man wong barked get your asses in gear.

The shadow star had been stripped the only things left on baord that hadnt been packed up and loaded on the various ships on boaed to be deliverd to the new ship were the bare necesities to hold it togeather. The hole outer ship had been stripped fo its armer and the only places there was any left was in medium sized hunks barley holding the super strucyure together. Tje shadow star had been stripped of everything down to its externall enganes the bridge crew were even unhooking and packing up every thing in the brigde. Even life suport had benn unhooked and packed up ther wasonly enough oxygen left for a few short hours and the internall temp had dropped drasticly.

Back on the bridge there was a deafning blare as the ship was struck by a plasma torpedo and swung to port. Status report screamed rogan. Sir covenant ships 50,000 clicks to starbored mimimall damage to the bottom superstructure it was a pulse laser ther just fucking whith us.

The only internall rooms left on the shadow star were converted to launc bays and the whole ship was filled with these all around its ruined frame.

Evavsive manouvers barked rogan to a menacing nav ensign, Coarse correction change heading 330 by 310, buuut..buu..but sir thats will put us on a reentry caorse are you mad weel burn up and the super structure is allready week... Now damnet screamed rogan going red in the face we take take another direct hit like that fucking with us or not.

Yes sir the ensign spit nastily through gritted teath,what was that rogan inquierd nothing sir corecting course now. Back in the fighterbay wong felt the ship lurch while its remaining manouvering thrusters fierd somthing was wrong they were headed on a reentrie corse.

Wong raced to his newly issued hawk fighter and strapped into the pilot seat. He knew what was coming.
Severall more pilots followed his example and ran to ther hawks and falcons and severall new issued shutles and miniture freighters, Along with some of these new ships were hybrid vessells that were live boats combined with longsward fighters that could fight up to 5 seraphs and most likly come out unscathed.

Rogan gave the order to abandon ship and all through the ship there was the dull thumps of decompresion while the doors opend and the ships launched. This hapend while some merines were still clambering onto wongs fighter. The marines panicked and bolted aboard they maded it just as the boarding ramp sealed and the clamps suspending the ship disconected the ship spun on its axis and used its antie gravity drive to hover in place while the bay doors opend and the decompresion and they jettisend them out.

The captain and the bridge crew ran to a life boat fighter hybrid and dashed up the ramp. But the captain was halled up, the young ensign leveld what looked liked a m6d at his head impossible rogan thoght those were discontinued.

Rogan faster than lightning lashed out his right hand and plucked the pistoll from the ensigns hand levelled it squeezed the triger and to his suprise was rewarded with two rapid three shot burts that blew the ensigs head 5 fett before it exploded.

My my sutch a messy weapon relide joanna wrangler a corperall odst one of the captains best freinds as he pocketed his new treasur and sealed the boarding ramp. The pilot an elite in shimering green armer swore softly at the size of the human cokpit and kicked in the after burners to get away frome the disgraced one majestic shadow star.

Stop complaining and fly this tin can aburma zoranered before we get blown to bits by those shivas back aboard the ship. What shivas replyed the crew nervously in unison. Oh! i forgot to tell u rogan stated curtly and pulle dout a data pad. Before calling baroot the captains personall smart ai and told him to run a search on the newly issued pistoll and to brife the cerw on the shivas.

While baroot brifed the crew the captain smiled at the specs of the pistoll it was less of a side arm and more of a primary weapon he stopped in mid sentence and somthing made him frown it read perferd waepon of the spartan threes and black nova class hell jumpers he could see why. The pistoll had a clip of 88 rounds and firerd 15.5 mm semi armer pircing fin stabalized anti matter balistic rounds. He frowned how could that be possible the clip was tiny then he saw how the shells were really small and used concentrated explosives to give them the srtength and he smiled when he saw the tiny fins on the magifide image. Apart from the balistic ammo the pistoll allso fetured a 2 and 5 times zoom scope and fierd in rapid and slow burts and had single shot and semi auto fire.

The crew found out that two shivas had been left aboard the shadow star so that when the covenant moved in for the kill they could remote detonat and blast those bug eyed bastards out of the sky.

Tere was a sudden blast of lite then a nuclear repor. somthing was wrong the coveys had moved in early there torpedos had set of the nukes. The resulting shock wave nocked out ther shields and the emp shut down the engines then a surge of sparks from a concill and the after burners kicked in and dide out again when the shipped enterd the atmosphere, but it was to late to slow down rogan only hope to get the shileds and manouvering thrusters back up he could slow them down only if aburma and baroot could get those sytems back online.

Date: 5 October 2005, 3:02 am


Zorona wrestled with the controls of his seraph the teardrop shaped fighter had gotten to close to the begotten angel. Zorona activated his thrusters and barley avoided a plasma turret. Zorona sighed with relief after he was ordered to circle one more time and come into a landing vector. He cut the engines just in time to avoid collision with the wall of the bay while his fighter screeched to a halt before a conduit. Zorona keyed a button on his console and the boarding ramp dropped, he keyed another button and the landing gear unfolded and the seraph rose a few feet of the deck.

Zorona kelwornay rose from his combat chair and walked toward the back of the ship were several spec ops elites stood among hunters, and groups of black clad chattering grunts. He wandered how long they could keep their mission shrouded in stealth, the brutes were sure to have seen the clumsy landing and would be on there way.

Zorona gave the signal for the squad to activate their active cammo and silently follow him off the ship before the dirty apes arrived. They filed off the ship and spread out Zorona brining up the rear. Zorona noticed a troop of approaching brutes he waved his hand in a circle pointed it at a pillar and made a motion of climbing and gestured for the hunters to hind behind a large pile of discarded fuel coils. The squad did as commanded and avoided confrontation for the moment.

After hours of ambling slowly through a labara than of corridors and passages where they reached the holding cells. Zorona pressed a button on his right arm and a small energy combat blade hissed to life out of the side of his gauntlet. He ran forward and slashed the blade across the door controls to the detention block and a high-pitched alarm blared. Zorona ran in slashed moor controls to let elites out and they mad there way back to the launch bay…

Aburma fought the controls for control of the ship, captain Rogan was thrown to the ground as the ship was hit by a comet and rolled to starboard. 'Baroot what the fuck is taking so long' rogan hissed. 'Nothing sir I'm just now getting engines back shields at 32% and rising fast' Aburma tapped the thrusters and straitened out there reentry burn.

The crew sighed with relief as the ship straightened out and gradually to slow, but then another sight caught their breaths in their throats they were staring at a 15-kilometer long human covenant hybrid destroyer. They relised frightfully that they weren't slowing down fast enough. 'Amburma over charge the reactor to 250%, dump all power to the shields and engines reverse thrust now make sure we go in belly down at an angle so we can absorb the shock'.

The crew sighed with relief Rogan seemed to know what he was doing. They all felt the sudden lurch as power was dumped to the shields and the thrusters kicked in full reverse pointed toward the land. There was a sudden screech as a wing and engine were torn from their mounts and the explosion put the long sward into a spin. The long sward struck the destroyer upside down the force of the thrusters magnified the collision, the long swards shields flared and died as the reactor over loaded and flood the cabin in static waves of emp. Rogans crash harness snapped and he fell on his head with a sickening thud. Rogan blacked out…

Captain Rogan awoke to Aburma standing above him lifting on to a stretcher. 'What happened Rogan croaked hoarsely', 'Sir Aburma growled 'we lost altitude very fast the emp from the blast took out our shields and thrusters we hit pretty hard lost to engines and a wing torn from there mounts.'

'Are there any survivors rogan asked weekly, 'yes Aburma nodded grimly no casualties but baroot was pretty damaged and is now off line for repairs.' 'Good now I need you to get me to a hospital station and bring me some portable stations sorry Aberma but this take off is to risky to give you the bridge.' 'Under stood sir this launch is of grave importance we need to get to the ring before the brutes.'

Rogan cringed from the pain as Aburma lifted a stretcher and loaded him on a near by pelican before boarding himself. The silence inside the pelican was absolute the glaring faces were grim. The pelican descended 50 feet and landed in a fighter bay. Wong activated his reentry thrusters and fired them in full reverse he sped toward the ship and decelerated. He wanted to land and find out what happened to the captain. Wong tapped the thrusters and sped along the surface of the 15 km long destroyer, He spotted the wreckage of the captain's fighter but it was empty. 'So Wong thought to himself the captain made it' his spirits brightened a little. A message appeared he opened the file and a nav mark pulsed blue on the screen and a message appeared on screen explaining to him that the captain was picked up and was safe in the ship. Sadie told Wong to dock in bay 13.

Wong put the fighter in a bank and docked in bay 13. As he lowered the boarding ramp and the marine's clambered out, A shrill screech filed the air as a seraph slammed into the deck. The marines leveled there modified MA5B assault rifles as a boarding ramp lowered and a combat blade hissed to life at gauntlet of a black clad elite…

Authors note pleas have patience because I will probably write these stories slowly because I put a lot of work an thought into them and have little time to write and im sorry about the low quality of the last story as I only had a half hour to write it.

The Titan Chronichles
Date: 22 May 2006, 12:51 am

Mission Clock, Wednesday, August 9th, 2595 0900 hours
On bored shuttle Peaceful Tranquility en. Route to, Trojan Class Destroyer
Pillar of Fury

The commander awoke with a start he'd been asleep for a very long time at least eight hours four hours to long for a titan his wounds had really taken a lot out of him. He donned his helmet, attached a side arm to its magnetic holster, and stepped out onto the bridge.

The shuttle and all the new military space going vessels had been redesigned like the old sea going vessels from the old world; with the officer's quarters built on or near the bridge in case some thing happened.

He strapped himself in to the command chair in case the gravity gave out again. "Sady bring up the tactical data relevant to Alpha Station. I want to know if there is any hope of infiltrating that installation with out tearing it to shreds with the projection beams."

"Aye sir I'm on it. According to my analysis and relevant data from the battle the threat of manual insertion is to dangerous even for a Titan. You will have to send in a special trained and further upgraded strike team of Titans, witch could take months, or your alternative is to use the projection beams to cut it apart reaching the package at the center."

"I like the projection beam idea when we reach the Fury I will dissect the station and retrieve our package." "So your taking the easy way out I always knew you were the lazy one." "Ahh very funny I recall your nuts for an A.I.?" "Uh huh touché you've got me pegged to the wall on that one I'm nuttier than squirrel shit!"

"Sir I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation but there's an S.O.S. call coming in from earth controlled space a Martian frigate is pinned down they are threatening to board." "Is it one of our's?" "Yes sir." "The Earth Government has gone to far this time tell the Titans to suit up were going in!"

"Aye sir but didn't the Naval Council Issue to avoid conflict at all costs our medaling could escalate the conflict to all out war!" "Thank you for your concern Jim but I am Equal rank to the whole Council I am the left branch of the government war is a risk I am willing to take if it gets our people out of there. Send a response to the frigate tell them were one our way. Tell the Titans that once we reach the Fury we will head for the stranded frigate so they need to get all the R&R that they can now." "Aye sir messages sent."
The shuttle docked in the expansive bay and 006 hopped on the lift and punched the holographic button for the bridge. 001 slipped in before the doors closed and pecked the commander on the cheek before they stepped off onto the bridge.

The crew strapped into their stations on the bridge, the reactor shake down sequence ended, and the deck vibrated as the massive vessel went under way. "I want engines at full power, power up the stealth generators I want the ship at fully cloaked when we arrive were going to use stealth to our advantage."

Fifty voices shouted, "Aye" in unison as they jumped to their tasks in the two hundred by on hundred fifty foot vault that served as the bridge. It took a massive crew to run a ship the size of the fury. She was fifteen Kilometers long four kilometers wide and easily another kilometer tall. Truly a remarkable feet of engineering she was the biggest vessel in her class and was built like a small city internally with parks, streams, hills, waterfalls, hiking paths, and even in some areas simulated weather where it could rain or snow.
She was the jewel of the Martian fleet and her crew was proud to show her off.

"Sir ETA to target ten minutes." "Thank you for the warning Jim charge shields and warm up the missile guidance system were not taking any chances." "With all do respect sir were not going to turn on anything more powerful we don't know what they're ships are armed with?"

"The commander turned to his weapons and communications ops officer and smiled, "I like the way you think go in silent but be ready to shoot big so we can cover our ass if things go wrong. Charge the broadside cannon batteries and the projection beams I don't think we'll need any thing more powerful; charge the Mega MAC Gun just incase."

The ops officer sent the commands to his area of the bridge via headset and checked to make sure the commands were done correctly on his monitor before reporting to the commander. "Sir weapons are hot and ready to fire I feel sorry for the poor bastards if they give us a reason to use theses weapons."

No one noticed the Falcon drop ship when it shot out of the launch bay at quarter the speed of light and headed for the earth destroyer that had the defenseless Martian frigate pinned down. "Alright Titans hard drop in five minutes from then on your on use any means necessary to neutralize that destroyer. Your goal is to kill as you crew as possible just cripple her engines and destroy the bridge and weapon systems. The UNSC will haul her to dry dock and we can escape with our frigate."

The drop ship slowed down to Mach ten the ramp lowered and fifteen Titans leaped from the screaming vessel, rolling for fifty meters before their magnetic boots and anti gravity thruster packs brought then to a stop. The drop ship accelerated to its tope speed of half the speed of light and disappeared in two seconds on its return trip to the Fury.

The Titans cut snuck on bored the Earth vessel via piggy backing on a pelican and made they're way to the center of the ship and the bridge. Captain Rogan's Heart beat sped up when the strange looking weapon materialized in his face followed by fourteen ,ore armored bodies all looking malevolent and dangerous more so than a Spartan. Rogan knew so because the Spartans and elites on his bridge crew froze and the grunts went hysterical.

An energy sword hissed to life 089 glanced over to the left it was a white clad elite typical elite bravado he thought always got to be the hero. Something was wrong the blade turned from a clear white to an acid green when it solidified.

The elite charged the blade struck 089 under the torso at and vertical angle his shield dropped to a quarter percent all the layers pf shielding almost gone. 089 lost his temper this was no typical elite and that was no typical energy sword he ignited his own dark matter combat blade it solidified and turned a smoky black the air around the blade crackled and burned. Leaving a trial of wispy black smoke traced the blades path through the air as it completed its arc and caught the elite's for arm.

Zorona writhed in agony as his shields failed and the blade cut into his arm. Thinking quickly Zorona flicked his sword to the left the blades connected the dark matter and free energy of Zorona's fusion blade combined and shorted out creating a catalystic explosion.

Both of the blades hilts exploded half the equipment on the bridge fried form the EMP bodies were thrown across the room the explosion was massive enough to blow out the 4/16 inch tritaniumplexi alloy view ports showing the corridors out side the bridge.

Every soldier stared in wonderment as the diagnostics flooded their HUD's, the Titan's armor being more sophisticated had more diagnostics on their screens and more electrical elements of their armor damaged. Zorona's and 089's armor was in terrible condition tattered and ruptured in areas energy shields down and reactor coolant dripping from their back packs onto the floor.

Rogan spoke up "What is the meaning of this another branch pf the military can't just bored another military ship with weapons and intent to cause harm. "We didn't come to cause harm we were sent to cripple your vessel so the Martian ship you've got pinned down can escape. Were tiered of the Earth branch of the Government causing trouble with the Martian branch just because you don't like us having equal power. If it keeps up it could lead to the Martian humans seceding from the planetary union and ultimately civil war."

Rogan raised his voice careful not to sound too angry failing miserably. "First off we are aware of the troubles of the UNSC expanding to Mars and teraforming it turning it into a plant habitable like earth but the members of the Earth branch causing trouble have been neutralized We do not want civil war The Right Branch needs to be more informed of the events. And secondly what in the bloody hell are you talking about that is not a Martian vessel any S.O.S. you got from that ship is a lie it is unidentified it is not an Earth vessel nor is it Martian or CovenantHuman cross over we don't know what it is.

A message blared over the bridge loud speakers in a raspy metallic voice "Your destruction is the will of the gods and we are their instruments!" Every on bored the ship froze. Zorona howled in rage "How dare they the war between covenant and humans was the Hierarchs mistake not ours, how dare some one bring that up and use that very line they will pay with blood.

Zorona flipped up a red cover and slammed his fist down on a button, several monitors and consoles on the bridge came to life warnings scrolled across the screens then mathematical symbols a message scrolled by followed by the voice of the A.I. "Target locked stand by to fire."

Rogan screamed at the top of his lungs, "Zorona you fool what have you done?" Zorona turned and curtly replied "When the Covenant first gave that message we fired on the humans shortly after. Those beings are waging a holy war using our same message so I simply fired first to tell them we shall show no mercy. They shall pay for messing with our glorious Union."

089 snorted with laughter "Typical elite bravado leave it to them to start a war" Zorona spun with anger and hit 0089 in the chest flinging him across the room and cracking the trtianium plating of his armor. 006 strode onto the bridge and stared fixedly at the downed titan then turned to Rogan and spoke, "I didn't know normal elites were capable of that.

"Ahh Commander nice to meat you again he is not normal meet the Spartan 3's the UNSC's answer to the UNMSC's Titan 1's as you can see they are the same strength and both can regenerate using nano technology."

The ships shook as it launched a smoky blue whit beam towards the strange vessel obliterating it completely but not before it returned fire launching a green beam back towards them. "And my good captain what was that?" "That was our answer to your Neutron cannon our fusion cannon."

"We just fired our neutron cannon it's going to connect with your fusion cannon and they returned fire." "Sir, shouted a young battle ops ensign, we have a collision warning there is some type of ionized beam of energy heading for us. The neutron and fusion beams combined with the ionized beam they shorted and a huge explosion ensued. Half of the UNSC destroyer was blown away the bridge turned red and the remaining peace of the ship fell through Earth's atmosphere. The UNSC Destroyer Alabama struck the Ocean at terminal velocity leaving a huge spray then disappeared under the waves, the crew blacked out. . .

089 awoke and struggled to his feet plopped into the command chair and refastened the crash harness. Ten minutes passed with accomplished rigorous hacking that rebooted the power to the bridge and brought up damage schematics. The ship's engines were mounted at the middle the blasted witch had destroyed a quarter of the aft sections of her port side.

The engines warmed with power now coming to them from the reactors also restarting several other systems on board, with the new found power special protocols restarted the hover plating on the Alabama's belly. If the Alabama hadn't entered partial slip space and fired her evasive thrusters several times in full reverse the part of the Atlantic Ocean shed touched down in would be a steaming crater.

089's fingers flew over the control consol shutting down the remaining shields and stealing power from every other unnecessary system. With twenty minutes until self-destruction, evasive chemical thrusters were fired along with hell fire missiles creating a rather nasty explosion that launched the Alabama above the gloomy depths of the Atlantic.

The hover plating was switched on automatically via emergency protocols, but only produced enough effect to slow down her descent back toward the murky and unforgiving waves. All the power was released from the reactors channeled towards the engines, the massive surged blew out magnetic coils, power conduits, as well as coolant piping, flooding the bridge with static and blowing 089 out of the command chair.

He sluggishly stood up and shut down the reactors at t minus two seconds until reactor overload. Fingers gracefully dancing across the key pad once more he pumped atmosphere into the ruptured chambers in the damaged area and brought the shields back online. As long as the shields held they would not be leaking any atmosphere.
The four kilometer long vessel ascended sluggishly through the atmosphere at Mach ten back towards the hellish sea of black emptiness from witch she had descended.

The crew shakily awoke forcing themselves groggily to stand up and almost feinted from shock realizing that the ship had held preserving their lives. 089 achieved the simple task of getting exterior visuals from the remaining forward cameras. The crew again almost feinted at the site of the inky blackness and stars on the mane screen.

006 turned to 89 and simply stated, "Explain!".
0089 hit the visual recall button and the video of his amazing feat played onscreen. "Sir we also have sever damages in some areas as fallows and minor in others, reactors 87% out put, life support 36%, shields 100%, engines 995%, all weapon systems 0% offline.

"We took that much damage!"
"Aye sir the Alabama is not in the best of shape."
"Get us back to the Fury those alien bastards have hell to pay. . ."

Jugernaut Squad Chapter 4: Dust and Echoes
Date: 27 April 2007, 4:46 am

Time Date Stamp: June 2nd,2595,0530-hours/Earth Bound Vector/Sol-System.

The Phantom shuddered, spinning to her starboard side from the impact of 2 SMAC (super mac gun) rounds, and three neutron beams. Any other ship in the UNSCDF fleet would have been devastated, not the Phantom; she righted herself and prepared to return fire.

"Status report!!", Jones screamed.

William Locksfeald a rather young and ratty looking ensign in charge of engineering , shook himself awake before nervously replying. "Sir Shields holding at 99.9 percent, no hull or structural damage occurred during the attack."

Warning sirens blared across the bridge; Captain Andrea Smith, Admiral Jones's boy hood friend, lover on and off over the years, and now his second in command; snapped off several orders, sending bridge offers scurrying about like lab rats.

"Evasive maneuvers, fire chemical thrusters on the port bow" she stopped to think a moment running advanced calculations through her brain, "Coarse correction 0023 by 0024 speed one half reverse on my mark. Bring us alongside those mac stations, charge starboard laser batteries, arm Shiva pods A1 sections a-b I want firing solutions for the three mac stations and their orbital generators; fire two seconds before their shields drop"


"Aye Aye Mam", several voices answered in unison, "Ordnance away."

The Phantom spun starboard on her axis, then grace-fully accelerated in reverse at four times the speed of light; positioning her starboard weaponry broad side of the MAC guns. Sixty miniature Shiva nukes (each one hundred times the strength of an archer missile) streaked toward their target followed by fifty laser projection beams. A brilliant flash blinded the view screens, followed by a massive sonic boom that shook the vessel. Suddenly The Phantom was there, and then simply gone leaving a 10,000 klom. path of Destruction in her wake.

He stared at her then mouth agape, the admiral surprised at how quick she had reacted, was effectively dumb struck unable to bring fourth words. Back at the academy Andréa had been… well rather slow, easy going, and fun loving your stereotypical blonde. He knew that later on she had become sharp enough to end up as his second in command; butt never this smart or quick. Her tactical reaction time was off the charts. She took out 3 SMAC stations in 12.35 seconds and incredible feet. It would have taken his smart AI 30 seconds to at least calculate the math in that maneuver. Andrea had finished giving orders in only ten seconds.

Andrea plopped on the command chair next to him her slender body easily filling up the small amount of space that was left. Looking at her one really couldn't tell that she was a Spartan, Easily the smallest of all Spartan-III's, she stood little over five foot seven, and unarmored weighed little over two hundred fifty pounds. With radiant blonde hair, soft tan skin, she really looked frail. That was the last mistake her enemies ever made before she delivered the final blow, underestimation.

She put her arm around Jones and playfully flipped her hair before speaking. "What's a matter Michal cat got your tongue?" she uttered softly inching ever closer to him in the cramped confines of the command chair.

He ran the sounds through his head, he hadn't here'd his real name, his civilian name used in years. It was always spartan711 or Sergeant Jones, or until recently "Admiral". His name had a comforting ring to it coming from her; Michal Jones he liked the sound of it.

Sady feeling Jones pleasure from Andréa's embrace and the obvious flirting in her attitude became rather jealous; causing her to "accidently" send an electric jolt into Andréa's body, from his battle armor while she ran routine diagnostics.

Before Andrea could respond L.T. Alconso bellowed at the admiral across the bridge, sending a vid feed to the main tactical display as he did so. "Sir we need to take evasive maneuvers now.. slip space jump recommended."

Jones stared at the screen with mild aggravation, as an entire enemy armada soundlessly slipped in from the ghostly realms of slip-space. "No time well have to take care of them our selves, give the rest of the UNSCDF fleet to slink off and hide. Sound the collision alarm, full power to weapons, and defense ops stations."

"Aye aye sir, Alconso loyally replied, but shouldn't we run with every one els…." Alconso was cut off before he could finish."Jones tone was menacing full of icy hatred. The bridge officers turned pail they knew all too well just had dangerous the admiral could be when this air of vileness surrounded him.

"Get off my bridge I will not tolerate cowardice, we are here to protect the last shreds of humanity. We will hold fast until victory is ensured or die trying." Alconso scrambled off of the bridge without another word licking his wounds and shambling away in shame.

Andrea pulled away from him in horror as his face slightly contorted, his eyes once again glowing a hellish crimson red. Last time she had gotten close he'd practically killed her. She returned to her ops. Station slightly hurt, watching him curiously with a glare of genuine concern.

The phantom came about, thousands of energy projection arrays warmed; countless armored plates slid aside revealing projectile weapons by the thousands. Jones communicated directly with the Phantoms CPU telepathically via an unknown ability. The now ghastly looking vessel fired one fourth of her on bored weapons, continuously.

After three minutes the forward tactical screen cleared, all 238 enemy vessels had been destroyed, what stood in their wake was an object, about a half kilometer long. The strange object detonated destroying every-thing in its death bearing radius. The TAC displays cleared for a second time.

"Status report, what in the fucking hell was that!?!?!, Jones bellowed obviously pissed.

Andrea was quick to answer, "It was a very powerful bomb… Earth, she stuttered the word tears choking her voice, is gone, so are all of the remaining colonies, the blast also wiped out the entire covenant. Humans, Brutes, Elites it doesn't matter, a great majority of this sectors population has been wiped out. Her eyes glowed a malicious red; her mind tapped into the Phantom's main CPU and shared control with the admiral. Andrea too seemed to have the gift.

The phantom accelerated at half the two hundred and ten times the speed of light, before entering a nearby slip space rift: left open by the now extinct alien armada. The ratty ensign worked up enough guile to speak, "Sir may I ask where we are going?"

Andrea cut Jones off and answered for him, "Were going on a Malevolent Tangent throughout the universe to commit an act of genocide against these heathens, After all, she stated sadly, all that is left of humanity amounts to dust and echoes…
