
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Orbital Drop Shock Troopers by Churchill

Orbital Drop Shock Troopers:Chapter 1:The Begining
Date: 17 December 2005, 5:27 pm

Chapter I:The Begining

0600 Hours, September 24,2552
Zulu Solar System,Earth
Eastern Africa, New Mombasa

The sun rose over the blood spilled land and the ocean gleamed with it's reflection, the birds flew over the land then scattered to the sound of the blazing gun fire.

"Fire!" Ordered Staff Sergeant Jacob Churchill of the 105th ODST Division.

"Yes sir." responded his platoon.

Jacob shouldered his Battle Rifle and looked down the scope at the ugly beasts called the Covenant, he put his finger around the trigger and tightend his grip, he slammed the trigger and the bullets flew out of the barrel hitting the Elite infront of him. Jacob watched as the shields reflected most of the damage, he watched as the Elite ran fowards towards his position and he fired twice more taking out it's shields, Jacob grinned as he pulled the trigger one more time and the bullets came out of the barrel with an eerie sound as it shreaded through the Elites skull and splattered it's brains on the ground.

"Nice shot sir." Private Daniel Hill said as the Elite dropped to the ground and moaned.

"Another one bites the dust." Jacob said proudly as he watched the Elite finnaly die. Jacob turned to his right and looked at Hill. "Hill take out those snipers." he ordered as the private nodded. Jacob shouldered his rifle as he fired four more times shreading through four Grunts making them scream till they fell limp to the gravel.

Hill looked at the Jackal sniper killing his platoon. Hill tightend his grip on his S2-AM Sniper Rifle and then zoomed in and saw the Jackal looke at him. "Bye." Hill said as he fired once and the Armor Piercing bullet slammed into it's head. "Nice." Hill said as he grinned at the sight of the dead Jackal.

"Hill get over here." Jacob ordered at the private, Jacob doged a plasma grenade and then roled towards an Specail Operations Elite Leader. "So scum we meet again." Jacob said as he looked at the scar on the face of the Elite. "I gave that to an Elite on Reach." Jacob saida s he raised his Battle Rifle.

"ODST's get back to the Darkness ASAP." Fleet Admiral Harper said to them over the COM.

"Hold on sir."Jacob said as he smirked the bashed the ELite on it's head, he watched it fall abckwards and then he fired four times, the first three bullets taking out it's sheild then the last shot rammed into it's ehad and crushed it's skull. "ODST's fall back." Jacob ordered as he ran for the Pelicans.

"Go,go,go." Hill said as he jumped onto the Pelican and they took of into space.

"Okay ODST's once we get aboard the ship we will get new orders from the Admiral and then if we have to go to Earth how do we go in?" Jacob asked.

"Feet first!" the ODST's shouted with pride.

Jacob looked at the smouldered land. "They will pay." he said as he reloaded his rifle and sat down. Jacob remembered hsi older brothers, thye were in the same divison just differnt platoon.

"Look there he is." said Hill with amazement.

"SPARTAN-117." Jacob whispered as he watched the green armor relflect the sun light, he stood thier dazzeled at the SPARTAN. "Never mind that." he said as he shook his ehad and looked back at his men. "Those cyborg freaks are not humans." he said those word then he remembered how many times he had saved his life. Echo-543 flew into space and approached the Darkness.

"Get down!" ordred Captain Daniel Churchill of the 105th ODST Divison. Daniel gripped his S2-AM Sniper RIfle tighter as he fired twice killing two Elites with the AP bullets.

"Sir incoming Phantoms." said Jonathan Churchill.

"Okay bro." Dan said as he fired twice shreading two Elites apart then reloaded.

"Any UNSC forces in the area help us!" Dan yelled into his COM. Dan looked at his men, they were exsaushted from all the fighting and they ahd almost no ammo left from the battles they ahd been through. Dan wanted to know were his brother was to help him becasue he needed him now more then ever.

Jacob approached the bridge and saluted the Admiral, he returned with a crisp salute.

"Well Sergeant what do you have to report?" the Admiral asked.

"Well sir they have us outnumbered 10 to 1, also we have lost about 37 men and we have 41 left." Jacob said.

"Well I have a new mission for you." the Admiral said as Jacob looked up and smiled under his helmet.

"What is it?" he asked as he grinned.
