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Fan Fiction

MC against the world! by Ronald Maszk

Masterchief at Lonely Trench.
Date: 19 June 2003, 11:18 PM

As the bloody Covenant Juggernaut closes in on Earth, there was still one more warrior ready to take the enemy head on. That hero is Masterchief. He is one of a kind. The lone warrior of an experiment. He is a Spartan II. He is Earth's only hope. He is the mesiyah. The angel, sent from God to, save the world. The fate of Earth rests in his hands, and his hands alone.
" I am sensing multiple targets up ahead, Chief," Cortana said." Okay, thanks Cortana. Which way should I go?" He came upon a fork in the path. He was on Subject: 04295, a.k.a Lonely Trench. He was there to infiltrate the enemy base, and get their latest plans. Thats why he had Cortana, to translate. " Cortana, which way?" " Right," Cortana answered. " Cortana, I see 2 pairs of Hunters. What should I do?" " Don't move, it's too dangerous. Hmmm......... I've got it. Do you see that rock about 12 meters to your south. Try and hide behind it." " Then?" " Just go step by step. Then run up that hill and 2X with your M6D." " Okay Cortana. Thanks." He made a sprint for the rock. He jumped behind it, and a plasma bullet shot past in the spot where he was moments ago. They had seen him. He had just lost the element of surprise, and stealth. He made a grab for the pistol, whipped it out, 2X'ed it, and aimed. He shot 4 bullets in rapid succession. 40 or 50 meters away, 4 bullets tore through a grunts chest, and killed him. He pulled out his MA5B AR and ran toward the group of Covenant. 1 pair of Hunters charged their Fuel Rod Guns, and fired. Masterchief dodged both of them. He pulled the trigger and discharged a full round at the Hunters. The bullets just pinged off their armor, and had no effect. He rolled under one of the Hunter's legs, pulled out the pistol, shoved it against the leathery orange skin, and fired. The Hunter made a cry of pain, and fell down to the ground dead. The other Hunter looked at him and charged his Fuel Rod Gun. He knew that from this range, he wouldn't be able to dodge it, so he turned, and ran.
He kept on running. " Cortana, that didn't go too well. What should we do know?"" Give me a minute. There is a shortcut into the base, I don't know why I didn't see it before. Just go through there and we will end up in the base. We won't get far, because I'm sure they sounded the alarms as soon as they saw you."" Well, we'll have to try." He ran down the path, and came to the end about 4 or 5 minutes later. When they got to the exit, they had to hide, because they saw Jackals guarding the doors. Masterchief would have to get invisible, and soon." Cortana, what do we do now? We got here, and now what?"" We are going to have kill the Jackals, and get in. But do it quietly." Masterchief slowly walked up to a better sniping position. He pulled out his M6D pistol and aimed. When the targeting system turned on, and the reticle appered over the first Jackals head, he practiced moving from the first to the second as fast as he could. When he thought it was fast enough, he put the silencing tool on the pistol, took aim over the first's head, and fired. He then quickly switched to the second's head and fired again.They both fell dead, and they did it silently.
He entered the base, and looked around for the control room." Cortana, I can't read the alien language. Tell me when I am facing the right room." He looked at every sign, until Cortana stopped him. He walked up to that room and opened the door. As soon as the door opened he saw 2 Commander Elites. He pulled out his AR, and fired a full round into the first Elite. He just flexed angrily, and charged him. The Elite turned his plasma sword on. A blue light with two sharp edges wisped out. Masterchief jumped behind a wall and reloaded. He jumped out and pumped another round into the same Elite. This time, he bent over. Masterchief grabbed the front of his AR and meleed the Elite in the back of the head. The Elite fell down dead. The other Elite just stood there in horror.Masterchief pulled out his M6D, jumped on the Elites back, and fired a full round into the Elites head. It fell down and choked as it drowned in it's own blood. He walked up to what, the 2 Elites were staring at. It was a file written in their alien language. " Grab that, we'll need it. I'll radio in that we need evac right n...." The door busted open and 3 more Elites charged in." Better hold up on that evac." Masterchief quickly grabbed the file, grabbed the table, and flipped it. He jumped behind it. No sooner did he that the table cracked and splintered under the pressure of the plasma fire. Masterchief speared one of the Elites and fired a bullet into his head. He ran out the door. There were only 2 Elites left. He turned around, and launched a two frags into the room. He closed the door, which blew up when the room did too. He heard the Elites cry out in pain. He smelt the smell of burning flesh." Okay Cortana, radio for evac now."" You got it Masterchief."
