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Fan Fiction

Halo:Counter-Strike by CS-Jamie

Date: 16 December 2005, 7:48 am

Chapter 1>

After the defeat of Covenant in the Battle of Earth, they have retreated from the Solar System to as far as Harvest System, leaving only a small fleet on the Reach System to halt the pursuit of UNSC forces. The UNSC forces used this very moment to regroup their forces. Also, in favour of UNSC, other alien races under harassment of Covenant have joined their forces and launched surprising and devastating attacks on Covenant. The Covenant had no choices but to recall the forces from UNSC spaces to their home world.
United Nation Space Commend and their newly equipped, regrouped and fuelled by rage, the UNSC forces are looking for a revenge on Covenants. Now, it is the Covenants who are on the run......

(Kalimdoor System, near planet Kalimdoor VI. UNSC 31st Rapid Reaction Fleet. Aboard flagship Flaming Comet, Halcyon-class light cruiser.)

As the slip-space distorted the space and tore a hole in it, a blinding light appeared and then faded, leaving five UNSC space vessels in its place. One light cruiser, two destroyers and two frigates assembled into formation and headed towards the planet.

"Anything on scanners?"
"It's coming on-line admiral. Hmm… Scanner shows nothing sir, engaging long-range scanners.
"Lieutenant Sanyo, check the weapons systems and shield generator. Have the shield generator on stand-by mode."
"Aye sir."
"Sir! Long-range scanners show four Covenant destroyers in orbit of the planet. I think they don't know we are here."
"Well then, let's surprise them. Are they in weapon range yet?"
"No sir… Wait… Covenants are assembling into formation sir! They know we are here! Heading towards us at full speed!"
"Well, that was quick…… Open the fleet channel. This is Fleet Admiral Anderson. All ships get those MAC guns and shields charged and prepare for battle."
"Shields up! Generator at 85%!"
"MAC guns are charging 3% per second! Archer missiles ready to fire!"

Admiral Anderson looked to the ship's AI, Fettle's holographic projection. This AI with male persona was one of mass produced AI model, and it had little bit more glitches then 'normal' AI would have. But the addition of an AI significantly increased the effectiveness of the ship and the fleet since there were AI onboard every ships in the fleet.

"Admiral, I'm detecting highly concentrated energy level and increasing. Covenant's are charging their plasma." Fettle turned to Admiral Anderson and said.
"Our shields?"
"Up and running at 100%, it will hold for first salvo from Covenants."
"Open the fleet channel. This is Fleet Admiral Anderson; all ships hold your positions. Divert all engine power to MAC guns."
"Enemy energy level is increasing continuously! They are about to fire!"
"Prepare for impact! Get me firing solution to MAC guns and Archers! I want Archers hit on target three seconds after MAC guns hit on target!"
"Aye sir."

As soon as the UNSC fleet came to halt, Covenant fleet opened fire with their plasma torpedoes. A volley of plasma torpedoes made their way towards the UNSC fleet, some shots were clean misses, but most shots managed to hit their targets.
Admiral Anderson nearly fell by the shock from plasma torpedo impacting on his ship's shield.

"Fettle, damage report!"
"Shield at 45%, no hull breaches and no generator damage. No sign of decompressions nor internal fire and wounded or KIA crewmen."
"Sir! MAC guns are hot! Archers ready to fire!"
"Open the fleet channel. All ships, open fire and break formation! Take them out!"
"Firing MAC and Archers!"
"Diverting power to engines, engaging secondary generator and superchargers."

Total of eight MAC rounds and over six hundred missiles were hurled at surprised Covenant fleet as their torpedoes were stopped by the energy shields of the UNSC fleet. They tried to break formation and execute evasive manoeuvres, but MAC rounds impacted on their shield, destroyed it and Archers impacted on the hull.

"Sir!" The radar operator turned around, "scanners showing additional contacts! Enemy fighters and boarding crafts!"
"How many?"
"Scanners counted up to the total of 150 altogether!"
"Fettle, activate point defence systems. Order our Longsword squadrons to engage and intercept enemy fighters and boarding crafts."
"Incoming torpedoes from starboard side! Our shield is open sir!"
"Brace for impact!"

Two plasma torpedoes impacted on the Comet's hull, melting the side armour and sending molten debris everywhere.

"Damage report!" Anderson asked as he got up and regained his balance, "get me a firing solution on our MAC gun to target three."
"Decompression on the deck B through D, venting atmosphere. Internal fire detected throughout the ship. Reactors and generators undamaged. Archer pods B1 to B7 is not responding. MAC guns are undamaged sir." Fettle paused, "firing solution calculated. MAC guns charged at 95%."
"Fire the MAC guns when ready." He turned to radar operator, "what's the status of our fighters?"
"Engaging enemy fighters within our auto cannon maximum range sir."

Other ships launched their fighters against incoming Covenant fighters and boarding crafts. Longsword fighters took care of the fighters and auto cannons took care of boarding crafts. Only a handful of them survived the 50mm bullet-filled space and attached to the UNSC vessels, but there was too few in number to turn the tides of the battle.

"Sir," Fettle faced the Admiral, "Covenant forces are detected in deck A. Sensors detects about 20 in number, sir. Marines are engaging the enemies."
"Target Two, Four and Three destroyed! Target One is disabled sir!"
"All right, open the fleet channel," Anderson got close to the speaker, "all ships reassemble in formation. Full speed ahead to the planet. Ground forces, prepare to land."
"Covenant forces in the ship have been neutralized," Fettle paused, "We have ten KIA and five wounded. No further threats detected in the ship sir."
"Well then, let's take back what was ours." Anderson said as he gazed at Kalimdoor.
