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Fan Fiction

A Life on Sangheil by Erin Valtinson

A Life on Sangheil Chapter 1: A New Life
Date: 9 June 2006, 1:13 am

(I will put out the second chapter if you people out there like it. That means that over ten people need to tell me they like it!)

      Mika clicked her mandibles in annoyance. Her Mate, Half-Jaw, seemed to be perposely ignoring her.
      She walked up behind the chai he was sitting in and fliped his helmet down into his face.
      "Hey!" he growled.
      "You're not the only person in here, you know." Mika' hissed.
      Half-Jaw closed his book and turned to face Mika'.       She gasped. "I-I didn't know you got prothstetics," she murmured quietly.
      "It's okay, but the worst thing about getting jaw prothstetics is that they take forever to fit." he said reasuringly.
      "I guess I have to start calling you by your actual name, again." Mika' added as she sat down in a chair next to him.
      "Do you even remember it?" he inquired.
      "Xana' Prixamee. Amazing that I can remember that after three years."
      Xana' looked into Mika's deep blue eyes.
      Mika' blushed and looked away.
      "I missed you," he said suddenly.
Mika' looked back at him, suprized by his sudden use of emotion.
      "Hmmm? Oh! I missed you, too. Is it true the war is over?" she asked hopefully.
      Xana' sighed. "Yes, it is true. Now you and I are free to go back to Sangheil and raise a fammily like we had planed so long ago."
      "And what of High Charity and Truth?" questioned Mika'.
      "The Arbiter killed Truth and High Charity is nothing more than space dust." Xana' grined with glee.
      Mika' rested her head on Xana's armoured shoul-der. "Can we leave today?"
      "If you wish," he whispered.

Planet Sangheil
      "It's just as we left it," Mika' mused.
      "Yes, but soon the spare room will be occupied," added Xana'.
      Mika' giggled. "I'll have to set some time aside especially for that."
      Just as Xana' set down the crate he had been carrying down did the doors behind him slide open. "Shoa'?!" he gasped in disbeleife as he turned around.
      Shoa' Kalamee was still dressed in the Arbiter armour.
      "I thought you died when High Charity was destroyed!"
      Shoa' ripped off his helmet and tossde it to Xana'. "I guess I can't fulfill me duty as the Arbiter." chuckled Shoa'.
      "But-but how did you live?"
      "Between you and me I-Oh! And her, I found a Ranger suit."
       "Really?" inquired Mika'.
      "Of course not, I took one of the Phantoms that Tartarus left when he went to activate Halo." said Shoa'.
      "You didn't escape unscathed I see," pointed out Mika', noticing the large cut across Shoa's forehead.
      "Yeah, I won't be giving any greetinds for the next couple of days. Speaking of couples, is this your Mate, Xana'?" asked Shoa.
      "Yes," Xana' said pushing Mika' foreward.
      Shoa' bowed his head in respect. "Pleased meet your aquaintance, miss?"
      Mika' bowed her head in respect. "Reighn, as to you."
      "Well Xana' I think I'll leave you two to your-uh-'matters'"
      "What does he mean by'matters'" she ased as Shoa' left.
      "He's teasing." Xana' said as he sat down on large daybed intended for two.
      Mika' grabed a fruit and flopped down next to him.
      Xana' tried to grab the fruit from her.
      "If you want one go get one!" Mika' shoved the fruit between her mandibles as Xana' grabed her across the missection, disabling her arms.
      "Common Mika'," he urged, tiying to pry the fruit from her jaws.
      "No!" she laughed. Her eyes watered as Xana' tickled her stomach. "No don't! Stop!" she hollared. Mika' writhed in his arms and he laudged as the fruit fell to the floor and she sceamed and giggled.
      Mika' eventually rolled to the floor, her sides sore from laughing.
      Xana' scraped the fruit off the floor and began to peel off its fuzzy yellow skin.
      Mika hopped up onto his chest as he leaned back. "That wasn't cool,"
      "All is far in love and war," he cooly said.
      "Well that's not what I call a show of love,"
      "Oh well," he said flicking a tassal on her sleeve.
      Mika' grabed the fruit and hucked it out of the window, and lay down on Xana's chest.
      "I was planning on eating that,"
      "Yeah, I was before, but now all you ever think about is food, so I didn't get to eat it." Mika' said resting her 'chin' on her hands.
      "Which is what you should start thinking about more. My guess is you weigh less than half of what I do."
      "My guess is you weigh over 350 pounds, right?"
      "True, but unlike Shoa', I'm all muscle." boasted Xana'.
      'Uh-huh. Sure. Then what's this?" she mocked poking a soft spot on his stomach
      Xana' grabed her hand and bumped foreheads with her. "I love you,"

A Life on Sangheil Chapter 2: Wonderful News and Danger
Date: 13 June 2006, 7:20 pm

Note: Hi, I'm glad that some people posted nice things, so I'd like to thank you.

Prophet of Healing Medical Center
      Mika' figited as she awaited the results of her pregnancy test.
      Finally an Unggoy nurse came forward. "Good news Miss Reighn," she began, "Your pregnancy test is positive. Your Hatchling will arrive in about seven months." she finished, handing Mika' a holopad with the results and other information on it.
      Mika' bowed her head in respect."Thank you very much,"
      The Unggoy left and Mika' stood up and smiled
with joy.
Hangar Bay of the Silent Dreamer
      Xana' had been ship side for the past week and a half. He stared silently out the window of his private quarters. Suddenly the holoprojector in the corner began to beep franticly.He went over to it and pressed a button.
      He was suprized to see Mika's form when the hologram materialized in front of him.
      "Hello," she crooned.
      "H-hello, Mika'. What is it?"
      "Well do you want to know?" she teased.
      Xana' huffed "Yes, I'd like to know,"
      "Okay, Xana',I'm pregnent!"
      Xana's mouth flopped open.
      "Yep that's right! Well I've got to go. Love ya, see ya, bye!" she said quickly befor hanging up.
      Xana' stood there in a daze.
      "Special," came Shoa's voice.
      Xana' turned around to see him standing in the door-way. "How'd you get in here?!" he barked.
      "I have my ways. So yer a father now, touching." he mocked.
      "Oh, shut up, Shoa'." Xana' hissed.
      Shoa' chuckled.
Two days later
Mika's hearts raced when she saw Xana' running up the outside stairs to their home.
      The next thing she knew was that Xana' was embracing her tightly.
      "Oh, Love," he said. "Is it a boy of a girl?" he asked with an anticipating look in his green eyes.
      Xana' paused for a moment to think. "I'd prefer a daughter,"
      "Then you're a very lucky father," Mika' giggled.
      Xana' wanted to squeeze Mika' until she popped, but he dare not try with her in such fragile condition.
Three Months Later Practitioners Office
      "Mika' you're unusually large considering you're only three months pregnent." began the Practitioner.
      Mika' frowned.
      "If you want I can take an x-ray to see if every thing's alright." he suggested.
      Mika' looked to Xana' for an answer.
      He nodded.
      Mika' left with the Practitioner, leaving Xana' to wait.
      A few minutes later Mika' returned with a smile on her face.
      "Well?" Xana' inquired.
      "Wonderful news, I'm okay and we're having twins."
      Xana' practicly fainted when she said this. "Twins?!" he gasped.
      "Yes, Prixamee, twins. Both female. However, there are some things that I must caution you about." said the Practitioner.
      "Like what?" asked Mika'.
      "Oh stuff like birth defects, complications, premature arrivals, etc."
      Mika' and Xana' sat through an hour of the Practitioners lectures, warnings and other stuff like that.
      Finally they were allowed to leave.
      "That was sooooooo boring moaned Xana'.
      "Oh well. At least there are only four more months to go." said Mika'.
      "I'll be gone most of the time, you know." Xana' added.
      "Why are you always gone?" Mika' asked.
      "I have to help the fleet, or what's left of it, clean up the remains of High Charity." he grumbled.
      "Oh well, at least you will be able to see the twins occasionally." she sighed.
One Week Later
Xana had once again been shiped out on short notice and was floating somewhere in the middle of space on the Silent Dreamer. He sat in the common room playing a strategy game with Shoa'.
"This sucks," he moaned flicking one of his pieces off the borde.
      "Stop your complaining. There's nothing else to do when travling through slipspace." said Xana'
      They both jumped when they heard an alarm go off.
      "Attention all personel, we have an intruder on borde. Please report to the nearest equipping station for your instructions." came a voice over the intercom.
      "An intruder?" said Xana' in a confused tone.
      "Finally some action!" cheered Shoa'.
      As Shoa' and Xana' raced to the equippng station they stopped suddenly.
      Directly in front of them stood a whorde of Brutes and Jackals.
