Weapon\Ammo\Items List

The following section is a quick reference list of all weapons, associated ammo, and items by game name and tag name\location.  

Single Weapons

The following are the list of available weapons for placement in multiplayer Halo PC levels. Halo weapons are placed as item_collections with an item collection being either a single weapon or a weapon group. 

The following list is for the placement of ONLY the specified weapon.

The following item collection tag references are the tag subdirectory under the Halo main directory (i.e. C:\Halo\tags\item collections\single weapons\assault rifle.item_collection).

Weapon Name Description Item Collection Tag
Human Weapons
MA5B Assault Rifle Assault Rifle item collections\single weapons\assault rifle.item_collection
M6D Assault Pistol Pistol item collections\single weapons\pistol.item_collection
M90 Shotgun Shotgun item collections\single weapons\shotgun.item_collection
S2 AM Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifle item collections\single weapons\sniper rifle.item_collection
M19 SSM Rocket Launcher Rocket Launcher item collections\single weapons\rocket launcher.item_collection
M7057 Defoliant Projector (Flamethrower) Flamethrower item collections\single weapons\flame thrower.item_collection
M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade Frag Grenade item collections\single weapons\frag grenades.item_collection
Covenant Weapons
Plasma Pistol Plasma Pistol item collections\single weapons\plasma pistol.item_collection
Plasma Rifle Plasma Rifle item collections\single weapons\plasma pistol.item_collection
Needler Needler item collections\single weapons\needler\needler.item_collection
Fuel Rod Gun Fuel Rod Gun item collections\single weapons\plasma_cannon.item_collection
Plasma Grenade Plasma Grenade item collections\single weapons\plasma grenades.item_collection

Single Weapons

The following are the list of available weapons for placement in multiplayer Halo PC levels. Halo weapons are placed as item_collections with an item collection being either a single weapon or a weapon group.

The following list is for the placement of weapon groups in which a list of weapons are specified and spawn or alternate their spawning in the game.

The following item collection tag references are the tag subdirectory under the Halo main directory (i.e. C:\Halo\tags\item collections\single weapons\assault rifle.item_collection).

Weapon Group Name Group Contains Item Collection Tag
Group All Weapons Assault Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher Flamethrower, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Needler, Plasma Cannon (Fuel Rod Gun) item collections\weapon groups\group all weapons.item_collection
Group Heavy Weapons Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Cannon (Fuel Rod Gun) item collections\weapon groups\group heavy weapons.item_collection
Group Pistols Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Needler item collections\weapon groups\group pistols.item_collection
Group Rifles Assault Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shotgun item collections\weapon groups\group rifles.item_collection
Group Special Weapons Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Plasma Cannon (Fuel Rod Gun) item collections\weapon groups\group special weapons.item_collection


The following are the list of available items for placement in multiplayer Halo PC levels. Halo items are placed as item_collections with an item collection being either a single item or a group of items.  Items refer to objects such as powerups.

The following list is for the placement of ONLY the specified item.

The following item collection tag references are the tag subdirectory under the Halo main directory (i.e. C:\Halo\tags\item collections\powerups\powerup health pack.item_collection).

Item Name Description Item Collection Tag
Powerup Health Pack Active Camouflage item collections\item collections\powerup invisibility.item_collection
Powerup Invisibility Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Cannon (Fuel Rod Gun) item collections\weapon groups\group heavy weapons.item_collection
Powerup Super Shield Overshield item collections\item collections\powerup super shield.item_collection

Item Groups

The following are the list of available items for placement in multiplayer Halo PC levels. Halo items are placed as item_collections with an item collection being either a single item or a group of items.  Items refer to objects such as powerups.

The following list is for the placement of item groups in which a list of items are specified and spawn or alternate their spawning in the game.

The following item collection tag references are the tag subdirectory under the Halo main directory (i.e. C:\Halo\tags\item collections\powerups\powerup health pack.item_collection).

Item Group Name Group Contains Item Collection Tag
Group All Powerups Active Camouflage, Overshield, Health Pack item collections\item collections\group all powerups.item_collection
Group Shield and Invisibility Active Camouflage, Overshield item collections\item collections\shield-invisibility.item_collection