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Halo 2 Master Chief latex mask not Nightmare armor Item number: 2280480209
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Starting bid: US $75.00
Ended: Oct-31-04 20:05:44 PST
Start time:Oct-26-04 21:05:44 PDT
History:0 bids
Buy It Now Price:US $125.00
Item location: Olrando, Fl
United States
Ships to:Worldwide
Shipping costs:US $12.00 - Standard Flat Rate Shipping Service (within United States)
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oliviscus ( 153Feedback score is 100 to 499)
Feedback Score: 153
Positive Feedback: 98.7%
Member since Mar-25-00 in United States
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Custom over the head latex mask of Halo 2 Master Chief! You wont find this anywhere else and it is available for a fraction of the ultra-expensive alternative. This mask is approximately 3 times thicker than a normal commercial latex mask and displays beautifully whether it is being worn or standing alone. Get this before the game comes out! There is still time to get this by Halloween. If you have any questions please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Overnight shipping available at winning bidder's expense. Standard shipping free with Buy it Now option. Good luck! 
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I accept checks, Money Orders and Paypal. MOs and Paypal ship immediately, checks have to clear. Overnight shipping possible, but entirely at winner's expense. International winners will need to have postage calculated after the auction.
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